Learn How To Cartwheel

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This week I learn how to cartwheel. I've always thought they looked really cool and wanted to learn how to cartwheel so I decided I would finally learn. It was much easier than I expected thanks to the practice from learning how to do a handstand. I started by doing a basic two handed cartwheel and since that was easy for me, I tried to learn how to do a one handed cartwheel. I believe anyone can learn how to cartwheel, it just takes a bit of practice!

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Dis guy just fulfilled the childhood dreams of viewers

Hats off!!
to u man


Wow that's great your cartwheel is amazing 😊 in one hand 😎


Awesome vid, you picked it up so fast


Bro you are growing your YouTube channel so quick I need Help I also learn New SKILLS Every Week such as my New video Learning the KIP Up


Superb 🔥
BTW I also make videos like you 😁


Nice bro. Love it❤️❤️. Bro, can you please do a favour for me? Can you please make a video on fitness, exercises and etc... Thanx


Will you go to Heaven when you die ? Have you ever Lied, stolen, used Gods name in vain (such as OMG), Had sex outside of Marriage ? Truth is...We have all sinned and broke Gods laws. And sin is what sends us to Hell. But even though we broke Gods laws, God being rich in mercy sent his son Jesus born of a virgin. He lived a sinless perfect life something we could not do. He willingly went to the cross and took the punishment we deserve by dying on the cross for our sins. Then 3 days later rose from the dead and was seen by hundreds of eye witnesses and then ascended into Heaven where he sits at the right hand of God. So please today put your Faith and trust in Jesus before its too late.
