This Is So Much Better Than A Jet

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Both turboprop and jet aircraft have their own advantages and are suited for different purposes. However, there are several reasons why a turboprop aircraft, such as the TBM series, may be considered advantageous over a jet aircraft in certain situations:

Fuel Efficiency: Turboprop engines are more fuel-efficient at lower altitudes and speeds. They are designed to operate efficiently in the slower flight regime, making them ideal for shorter distances and regional travel. Turboprops consume less fuel compared to jets, resulting in lower operating costs.

Operating Costs: Due to their fuel efficiency and simpler engine design, turboprop aircraft generally have lower operating costs than jets. They require less maintenance, have longer intervals between overhauls, and their engines tend to last longer.

Shorter Runway Requirements: Turboprops have the ability to take off and land on shorter runways compared to jets. This feature allows access to a wider range of airports, including those with limited infrastructure, which expands the number of available destinations.

Versatility: Turboprops excel in operations to and from remote locations, such as smaller airports, airfields, or unpaved runways. Their rugged construction, combined with the ability to operate in a variety of weather conditions, makes them well-suited for utility missions, including medical evacuation, cargo transport, and surveillance.

Comfort and Cabin Space: Turboprops generally offer more spacious cabins with larger windows and quieter interiors compared to smaller jets. This can provide a more comfortable and enjoyable flying experience for passengers, especially on shorter journeys.

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I agree, they are amazing birds. The insurance, maintenance and specifically engine rebuilds will shock you. They are far superior in many ways and demand the cash to support it.


Love the TBM but curious did you consider a Pilatus PC-12, seems like the perfect compromise of cabin comfort of a jet and single turboprop efficiency


This man is a wealth of knowledge. Gotta have him talk more often.


I love to fly this in MSFS. It's my go to, after flying a Bonanza for many hours irl, this is the next step.


Some misinformation on this. I'm sure that he has good intentions but he's off on several points. Firstly the cost of maintenance on the TBM are as much if not more some years than a Citation. Avex will provide you with projected numbers so give them a call. No doubt that fuel burn is over twice for a TP vs a VLJ however for that you get 2 engines instead of 1 and the added capability to go higher (41-43K) which does get you over weather and turbulence. I've never paid anywhere close to what he says the annual 61.58 is. My usual sim or even in plane training has never topped 10K. Without doubt the requirements to fly a jet are more rigorous than a TP and that may be a turnoff for many. You are expected to fly at pro pilot proficiency. Regarding HSI's or overhauls the numbers are not vague. For every engine including the TBM they are specified and thereby allow you to add that into your cost of ops. Short runways are one place that the TBM will win. Final line is the TBM is an awesome platform and the fact that it has continued to be a success story in sales attests to that fact. If you are honestly considering this or a VLJ like a Mustang your initial purchase price will likely be the same or frankly higher for an equivalent avionics equipped bird compared to a Citation with somewhere around 20% increase annually on cost of ops for the VLJ.


It'd be neat to hear his thoughts on comparing this to a meridian or jet prop conversion


Question. This man said that he got his initial training in a turbine aircraft. That's interesting! Can you do another interview with this man and have him discuss his flight training in more detail. I have about three friends who would be interested in this as well as knowing another person who might be interested in offering turboprop training. Would like to hear what he trained in and the costs as well as where he did his training. Thanks in advance!


I’m growing my current business with the goal of being able to start a charter business to afford a TBM. Right now I’m only at Beech Baron money. Got a bit to go yet.


I really love this plane! It's still though so far out of reach for a lot of people. But, that's the way it is with high end propellers. 🤷🏾‍♂️


When someone throws out a statement like this, I can’t sit back and be quiet. Not sure what jet you came from, but your numbers and philosophy are way off.

Recurrent training in a light jet may be around 8K, not 30K, and to go to school once a year is something you’d be expected to do in the TBM also, there is no money savings in training.

As a turbo prop, you are always flying in the mid twenty’s, right where the weather will be, with engine icing selected on, it really slows the climb, boots are not very efficient, especially considering TBM wants you to use the “auto” feature, with many thousands of hours in turboprops, I don’t believe in auto, a person needs to be a much better prepared to operate a TBM in all weather conditions. And then let’s talk about speed, you’ll see about 300 kts.

Compare all this to let’s say, a Citation M2, the M2 won’t overheat sitting in the warm up in Las Vegas in a hot day, like a TBM, the M2 and many other light jets actually have a cabin you can move around in, not the TBM, the jet will climb at a faster rate if climb to FL400 or 410, jet has a hot wing, the M2 has trailing link gear, impossible to make a bad landing.

Jet is much easier to manage than a TBM, turbo props are much more likely to be damaged by inexperienced pilots during a start. The clear winner for over all aspects is clearly a light jet. And don’t elude anyone, if you don’t go to school every year in the TBM, you won’t get insurance, period.


The TBM is an absolutely spectacular airplane. Better than many light jets and almost just as fast. Faster than some even.


I, for one, welcome your bold, proud move into straight out aircraft These things have long been one of my money-no-object dream planes.


I f**king love this guy! He convinced me, I NEED a turboprop!


Great video. What's the guys website? Didn't hear it mentioned in the video?


I do feel this video starts in the middle. Is it part two?


What is the rate of climb with one engine out?


Please can we get a link for Greg’s lodge in Alaska?


Can you provide contact info on this gentleman? I would like to reach out with questions about the TBM


I flew C-12s and C-23s in the Army. Beta is That's a beautiful airplane you have there.


Please cover more on the fly lodge/fly-in community he talked about in a different video.
