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There are worrying parallels between Trump's America and the Third Reich.


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To a new German-from an American: Thank you Mr. Bosman for this video. Very well said indeed.


Trotz Allem, herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Staatszugehörigkeit!


As a German (congratulations for the citizenship!) and a Jew, I 100% agree with your statement about German society. Couldn't have said it better.


Congratulations on your citizenship. A thought-provoking video that makes a lot of sense. Well done!


Gut gesprochen!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Staatsbürgerschaft :)


Einer von uns! Einer von uns! Einer von uns!...


Unfortunately, asking Americans to be aware of other countries is asking for a lot. Congratulations on obtaining German citizenship! :)


Thank you, Andrew. I'm not from the US, but i live in Mexico, which is painfully close...
Congratulations on your new citizenship.


Willkommen, Andrew, zur deutschen Staatsbürgerschaft. Aber du hast immerhin schon 27 Jahre erfolgreich dazu beigetragen, das wir uns alle ständig verbessern. Lange hast du uns erfolgreich einen Spiegel vorgehalten, und uns sowohl schöne als auch unschöne Dinge gezeigt. Jetzt bist du offiziel ein Teil davon, aber das ändert nichts daran: bitte bleibe weiter so offen, und so intelligent wie du die letzten 27 Jahre warst. Danke.


Eine wichtige Botschaft, doch wie fast immer steht auch hier zu befürchten, dass sie nicht diejenigen erreichen wird, für welche sie gedacht ist.


Sehr sorgfältig gewählte Worte, und wahrlich die richtigen.


As an American, seeing the text (Nie wieder) at the end was chilling.


Eye-opening, respectful and eloquently delivered, as expected from you. I'll be sharing your message.
p.s: congratulations on your newly acquired citizenship!


Thank You - you are speaking from the bottom of my heart.


Hey Rewboss, American here. Thanks for making this video and making the comparison. A lot of us here are aware of what this country is getting into and slowly becoming. Of course, similar social oppression for minorities in the United States has been going on for long before the Nazis came to power. Although I've been trying to do my part to support the movement (donating, raising awareness, etc), it genuinely makes me feel happy inside to see such resistance come out from the crack and show solidarity. I never thought we were capable of this, but I'm happy to see the impact that this has had on other peoples, societies, backgrounds, countries, etc. I hope we don't truly follow down the path of a police state and that of the Nazis, but rather, like Germany, actually make a very reputable effort to acknowledge the sins of our country's past and present.


That Colbert joke reminded me of the awful bit in Family Guy where their German tour guide tries to pretend nothing happened in Germany between 1933 and 1945. "Satire" means exaggerating _things people actually do_ to show why they're foolish. You need to be familiar with the thing you're satirizing.

Like, that's the _opposite_ of how German public remembrance culture works. If you wanted to criticize it, it would be for paying constant lip-service to remembering the Nazi disaster while failing to actually learn from it, our conservatives buddying up with proto-fascists in the EU parliament, the police and secret service ignoring or downplaying right-wing political violence, and so on.
The joke was clearly written by someone who knows absolutely nothing about modern Germany, but just _assumed_ that the Nazi period is swept under the rug here because that's how the US deals with its own historical atrocities.

Colbert's "even the Germans can tell we're being racist authoritarians" joke shows the same kind of ignorance. He could easily have gone with "the Germans say we're being racist authoritarians, and they've got a lot of experience with that sort of thing", which would have gotten the same message across regarding the situation in the US, and included the same "clever" Nazi reference, _without_ baselessly insulting all Germans.


THANK you!!! I thought that joke fell flat, when I heard it. You expressed my trouble with that very well.


Vielen Dank! Ich schaue die late show wirklich gerne, aber der "Witz" den du da gezeigt hast ist mir auch gehörig gegen den strich gegangen. Und du hast ziemlich gut formuliert warum.


Maybe you should do more videos you're not quite comfortable with. This is the best video you've made! And one of the best I've seen on the broader issue of the Trump presidency so far. Thx.


First off congratulations on obtaining German citizenship. A wise decision.
I had the opportunity 25 years ago and I'm now very sorry that I didn't do it.
Your comments on America were very much to the point. the divides of the country are much worse than you could ever imagine. And we now have a president who seeks to exploit those
