Are all the lights extremely bright all of a sudden for anyone else???
When when we beat the bots the scariest thought popped into my head "tutorial completed"
Like how this video came out 3 hours ago and is already outdating information with the fact that the automatons have taken cyberstand
I’m level 40 and hopped into a level 7 mission with a couple of guys who were level 17, expecting to have to carry, but they were absolutely cracked. They tore through that mission with an unstoppable efficiency I’ve never seen before or after from any diver at any level - I could barely even keep up. So yeah, I never really did judge a player by their level, but especially not after that.
4:05 This post reminded me of an incident. I joined a guy. He was doing a quest on difficulty 15 by himself (in HD1 12 was the maximum, then they added 3 more). It was cyborgs and a snow covered planet. At that time I had already played a lot of HD1 and even did the 12th difficulty missions by myself. But I couldn't keep up with him and to be honest I was in his way. After we did all the missions we could and failed the rest we went back to the ship. Where I apologized for getting in his way. To which he literally said, "It's okay, it was fun."
I took a Level 9 into his first ever mission above difficulty 4 yesterday, straight into a difficulty 7.
And he absolutely held his own, used EATs like a champ, greatly contributed to the team with good placements of his 2 sentry turrets and we 100% cleared the map with 11 minutes to spare after the missile launch.
Assuming incompetence is undemocratic indeed.
1 months in, and I’m still not able to play with friends due to cross play bug. How insane!!!
I can say a portion of the kicked “low levels” could be bec of discord lobbies and the auto join feature. For a while you couldn’t join lobbies if it wasn’t public so people would join up (low level or not) and would get kicked immediately. We usually didn’t have time to explain the situation either as it is usually a quick process and we are not in game chat to talk it out.
The catalogue expansion wasnt just steering with hellpod. Due to its unfinished nature it was just displaying the info of whatever module you were looking at prior to clicking it. Ofcourse on console it can only be scrolled to so it would show power steering.
I have personally observed blue illuminate lasers shooting bile titans, so they can’t be too friendly with the bugs at least. Haven’t seen signs of them on Automaton planets yet but I’m sure others have.
@cloudplays The leaked ship upgrade has a sentence at the top that stated “ unlocks stratagems in the command barge”
I dont like it that people get kicked for being low level. I joined a game yesterday with all 50+ and they all got shredded. Level means nothing 💜
Automatons are back!! And my medals are missing from last 2 major orders!! 💜 💜💜💜💜
Theres a kick glitch where it just says you’re getting kicked but you’re not. It’s the illuminate
I and 2 other players carried a level 1 last night through Helldive difficulty. He was level 7 by the time we finished the missions. He thanked us for his first playthrough experience of the game and had a blast. im glad no one kicked him.
Notice that around 7:15 the bottom scroller of the news mentions a newly identified solar system with three viable planets for colonization. Possible new content in the future.
I’m fine with the automatons coming back as long as we get city levels
When I clicked on it last night, it actually showed me what it really was. It was for a cool down on the resupply and something else, but I can’t remember off the top of my head.
The ship module that you can’t buy said it was a stratigen catalog to buy more stratigens
I bet the bots we’ve been fighting were the scouting party