Does Time-Restricted Eating Hurt or Help Gains? | Educational Video | Biolayne

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What I really like about Lane is the truth. He doesn't take a stance and stick to it he goes where the data goes Love that.


The biggest advantage to me when it comes to TRE/IF is that it's A LOT easier to stick to.
It keeps the mind free of stress from calorie counting throughout the day and has clear limitations (which are good for mental health).


I've been fasting since 2016, my body composition has changed dramatically. Not sure if it's the best, but it's so much easier living this way. Not having to think about breakfast or lunch is liberating.


Me whos alternates OMAD with IF, goes to gym but doesnt care about the gains. Im 41 yrs old, my priority are endurance, strong muscle heart and injuries free! Good vid as always!


Anecdote here. Having breakfast between 12-2pm, getting 1 g/lb protein but not much more than that or I get sluggish, and I'm hitting PRs every single day. While on a cut. I train fasted, walk 5-7 miles a day. Never felt stronger, not gonna stop.


TRF. A way to describe how humans ate for 300, 000 years.

Normal. Eating three meals a day, plus snacks, plus dessert, and sweetened beverages in between.

We got it backwards.

We should call our modern dietary patterns CCF (chronic continuous feeding) and TRF as traditional or normal.


I really don't understand why that study was referenced when it was so short, they weren't eating that much protein, nor were they doing any resistance training for a significant period of time. Would really like to see you come back with a study on that or create a new one yourself!


You are my Guru when we talk about nutrition and sport. Thank you for your advices!


Commenting for the algorithm! LOVE all your videos Layne!


Algorithm Comment - Thanks for your great work, Dr. Norton!


Well I just gotta say I've been doing 18:6 2MAD for just over a year now. I lost 45 lbs and have gained muscle mass....there's no question about it. I do running, walking and resistance training. I am most def. getting enough high quality protein on a daily basis (which is why I do Atkins and NOT keto). I eat very clean although I do splurge on sweets here and there. What he fails to mention here about TRF is that this allowed insulin levels to fall which in turn allows your body to use fat as its primary fuel source instead of glucose. That said, the other argument could be that once you reverse your insulin resistance (which has been the case for me), reintroducing breakfast, at least once in a while (which I also do on occasion), MAY aid in adding additional lean muscle mass.


The advantage of TRE is not physiological, it is behavior support and cultural defence vs peer preassure calories intake. I can control my calories, macros, and micros, when I am not getting nudged continually towards crap food.


For someone who followed IF for a couple of years, it was helpful in calorie restriction and fat loss but yes, it didn't help with body recomp. Thanks for the update!


Great review! I appreciate your perspective.

From the studies I've heard of, TRF is beaten by periodic extended fasting because a small amount of lean mass is lost in the TRF period, and it is preserved toward the end of that, then potentially re-gained, if proper feeding occurs. This means that the most preservative fasting period would likely be between 24 hours and five days. Of course, you won't do several days chronically, but you will obtain the benefits if you do that occasionally (like every couple months or quarterly.)

Aside from that, I try to get my meals in over an 8--to-10 hour period. I'm having a bit of trouble considering a ten-hour window to be TRE, especially if it's compared to a strategy that starts at 8AM and finishes (presumably the start of the last meal) at 8PM, making the eating period over half one's life for the control. As you, I'm concerned about protein in a short feeding window such as OMAD or 20/4. I'm a fan of Gabrielle Lyon and her mentor Don Layman so I consider five hours between meals (aka protein boluses) to be the gold standard, but I cheat it more toward four hours to benefit from the greater insulin reduction at night with an earlier fasting period. This means my first meal is before noon and my last meal is in the late afternoon or early evening.

So the "TRE" listed is closer to what I do, but I also like to fast a day or two on weekends because I have a history of diabetes and degenerative disc disease and my aim is also to control inflammation. I hope I'm "doing it right." One thing I may be doing differently than the subjects is my first meal after the fast is basically lean protein (read: very low fat), in an attempt to shuttle that protein as directly as possible into my muscles when I'm most insulin sensitive. This would occur, of course, after a workout, to maximize insulin sensitivity. I start work early and take long lunches. After that, I'm "ketovore" (diabetic history again), and I always attempt to get no less than 30g of animal protein in any meal. I haven't done this long enough to gauge the result.

*_BTW, enjoyed meeting you at Low Carb Denver! I was "that guy" who followed you toward your workout to chat after your presentation._*


Yayyy!!! I was doing 16/8 IF & my 🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️was suffering.. I’m back to fuelling before my lifts & 💥 🦾🦾


The best thing about training for 22 years is I literally can open a Layne video and know the answer before watching. I am someone who splits the year up into focuses: Boxing, Running, Yoga, Powerbuilding. Over the years I naturally have found that I prefer TRF during my cardio periods but I MUST get a 6 meal split during Powerbuilding if I am to see positive gains.


Another awesome video! Thanks for the brewkdown. I’m looking forward to seeing what findings come out of Dr. Andy Galpin’s Intermittent Fasting and Human Performance lab.


Excellent study. Thank you for sharing Layne.


No idea if it hurts my gains but eating one huge dinner and an evening shake keeps me in a good calorie range. I have a large filling dinner, and the banana, blueberry, Greek yogurt, protein, and collegen shake satiates my sweet tooth and keeps me good for the night.


I've cut for bodybuilding shows and I've done both TRE and regular just calorie counting throughout the day. Even though my macros were the same for both I definitely lost more muscle doing TRE however I found it so much easier to stick to and mentally better for me. So it's a toss up, be bigger but feel worse, be smaller feel better
