The pentacorn has the same energy "I cast Centaur-Taur"
The pentacorn will be a massive hit for kids at build-a-bear
Okay but no joke, that mini is *gorgeous* . Props to the people who make it because good LORD
The spiked mohawk of horns really does complete the whole “insane hell-spawn” vibe this has got going for it
The manic energy behind "AND TWENTY LEGS!!" kills me!
When the idea of pentacorn was presented in Sophomore Year, I thought it would be the very nightmarish creature. But when it was came in The Last Stand, it is still horrifying but there is also a beauty to it like biblically accurate angel.
Odins been real quiet sense this dropped
This looks like some crazy bastard saw Slepnir and thought “how can I top that?” then proceeded to wrangle five unicorns in a Shin Megami Tensei fusion experiment gone wrong and just made this.
Still looks badass but I don’t know where it ends
Quoting a very old quote from the illustrous Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III:
*"But how does he walk?!"*
*"With confidence and pride."*
For reference: look for "Grog's Portrait".
I love Pentacorn! And I'm surprised how much sense his figurine makes? It looks fucking _gorgeous!_
That thing is an abomination and I love it
That's genuinely such an insanely cool design
Whoever makes their custom minis did a great job with the pentacorn.
This is big hordes of unicorns that are the size of elephants and are thousands of years old vibes
The rainbow of horns and bright pink hoof-polish is what really makes this abomination stand out against all the other beautiful creatures of the world. Also the 20 legs I guess but mainly as a way to have more pink hooves
That girl from LARP camp must be losing her goddamn MIND
Not to be confused the one-eyed, two horned Bicorniclops.
And in the end, it was held together with the magical version of duct tape, as soon as it was defeated, it seperated back into 5 unicorns.
I believe I have my new inner animal representation. I always knew it would be something mythical.
They split it up, before it could corcoon itself & emerge as a beautiful buttercorn! 🥺