Why Hindus burns the dead bodies (cremation) by Dr Zakir Naik & Sadhguru

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Introduction of Scholars:
Zakir Abdul Karim Naik (born 18 October 1965) is an Indian Islamic televangelist and public orator who focuses on comparative religion. He is the founder and president of the Islamic Research Foundation (IRF) and the Peace TV Network. Naik has said that his goal is to "concentrate on the educated Muslim youth who have become apologetic about their own religion and have started to feel the religion is outdated". Naik delivers lectures promoting Islam (dawah), often with an associated question and answer session with the audience. He gives lectures in English and wears a suit and tie, which is uncommon among Islamic preachers. His lectures are recorded and broadcast on Peace TV.

Why Hindus burn the dead bodies?
Hindu murda kyun jalate hain?
Cremation vs Buried
Dr Zakir Naik & Sadhguru

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"In Islam once we bury in the land the same land can be used after a few years"
Reused for what??
I have not seen graveyards turning into croplands. And if it's used for other dead bodies, the entire point of fertile land becomes moot.


He only shared the pros of burial and cons of cremation so lets talk about cons of burial and pros of cremation with his exact described points and a few of mine as well.

1. When the body of a deceased ones is burned, yes there is infact pollution that releases carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide etc, But in burial the embalming fluids used to preserve the tissues also results in soil pollution, can also pollute the ground water and is not healthy for decomposers in soil.
2. Yes a lot of woods is used to perform cremation which affects agriculture but like burial but dont forget that cofins are also made of wood, muslims dont use wood in burial that is a good thing but the land only gets fertile, trees are never planted on it like have you ever seen a cemetery becoming a forest.
3. Antim sanskaar is a lengthy and costly process but burial is also not free the 15 sq ft peice pf land in muslim cemetary can cost around 15 k to 1 lakh depending on varoius factors, digging a grave 1000, price of wood 4000, bathing and dressing the body 3k-4k, scent, flowers rates of graveyards 5k and other expenses. It is not like you are just gonna dig a hole anywhere own you own for your lost one and gonna bury them and leave forever.
4. The peice of land where the deceased is buried can not be used for like 50-100 years as a human flesh takes 2-10 years to decompose and the bones of a human take even more time to decompose like it can take upto 100 years depending on various factors. And just tell me a thing have you ever seen a cemetary being used for any other purpose or have you ever seen a cemetary being turned into a park, no cause it a special place used for a sole and specific purpose that is burial.
Now lest discuss other pros of cremation
1. It is reletively cheaper to cremate a body than to burial. With all customs and rituals performed the average cost of hindu cremation is around 1-5 lakh depending on factors, whereas burial includes cost of cofin, cost of tomb stone, cost of land in cemetary and various other which are not cheap.
2. There is flexibilty in cremation, after the cremation of you loved ones you can bury the ashe, spread them in the desired field of the deceased one, keep the in an urn or like hindus can lay them in ganga.
3. A deceased who is embalmed using harsh chemicals can pollute soild and water sources.
4. Burial takes up scarce land, cremation does spreads pollution but new technology really starting to reduce the amount and impact.
5. Availability of land in cemetary is anothee issue. Cremation allows you to avoid the trouble of finding a plot.
6 . Many cases where a stray or wild animal can dig the deceased one and can feast on it.

There are pros and cons of everything in this world but by showing that the you side is pretty and other side is uglier and downgrading something for your own good is not what i will call noble.


A great man once said. We don’t burn you because we don’t want to waste wood.


Hair and fingernails may appear longer after death, but not because they are still growing. Instead, a persons fingernails and hair may appear longer because the skin around them has retracted, according to the Dermatology Clinic at UAMS.


Noone can beat Sadhguru through words in this era.


Burning means, the soul will get
new body except that burned.When you bury the body, the soul might get the same body.Please don't give explanation of pollution, woods, but its a ritual of hindu not being offencive.


This question should be asked to an anthropologist who will give a detailed answer.


When you see both of them, Sadhguru is just on a different cosmic scale.
Infact it is a insult to a person like Sadhguru to be compared with this conversion ki dukan.


No land will become fertile with human body


Give solid reason human is made of soil and will demoposed and will become soil, we muslim believe that the soul come out the body and body can feel pain so burning is not an oppsion


Lol when science goes with his religion he says scientific but when science say muhammad didn't split the moon they get angry 💀🤣.


I m exmuslim but Zakir naik is so correct here❤️


Mainly, it is the fear that what if Muslims were correct and they will be punished in grave, but Allah can create us from nothing.


This guru speech without proof.. only creed.


Which disposal system will control the deadly viruses, bacteria of covid, corona, cancer, aids etc.? The vultures die after consuming the bodies of Parsis, infected with aids, cancer etc ..


Pollution is a thing. Burning causes pollution simple as that


When you bury, land is wasted because no house canbe built there. If that person was carrying pathogens then it is bad for environment.


Have you ever seen him saying my religion is good and others are bad. He never takes any reference only says according to his knowledge and experience that he has got. If you go to his Ashram all religion symbols are engraved at wall. I respect only those who respect all religions so that we don't fight each other. If you follow him do the same I won't say don't do so. What can I get having abused your religion.


In islam the dead body posses more and more land after death thats why I luv my hinduism


Chhutye where you get the burial ground… it occupy the space.
