GTC 2013: NVIDIA's GPU Roadmap (5 of 11)

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NVIDIA Co-founder and CEO Jen-Hsun Huang lays out the company's GPU roadmap in this fifth segment of the opening day keynote at GTC 2013. After 2012's rollout of the Kepler architecture, the next two are Maxwell, with unified virtual memory for easier programming, and Volta, with stacked DRAM for a giant leap forward in memory bandwidth.
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The second paragraph was a support for the first paragraph and is valid. Explained many times by Nvidia to be the limiting factor in GPUs and explains why they get lower fps then they should be getting. This is why they are going with Unified Memory to begin with.

In neither of the paragraphs did I refer to this video. You said the console would be at low settings. I said not really. The 690 gets 50 on ultra with AA on. The PS4 gets around that on high no AA. Probably hovers around 40s.


I've read it on the internet. They said ps4 can output a bit higher GFLOPs than current high end. So it translates into similar performance. Also read another article of how a team played Killzone on PS4 and had to buy a $3k PC to equal its performance. If you look at killzone when he's flying around, you look at how detailed the city is, you realize that that couldn't go smoothly without sli current gen cards or a 690.


3:25 Maxwell is not directly above 2014, it's a bit to the left, which seems to indicate a late 2013 release.


For the sake of comparison, what's the bandwidth of let's say a 690?


The DRAM on the Volta is stacked on each other. Won't it have bigger overheat?
I wonder how heat will be handled...


It has AA off and it's probably at High settings not Ultra. You gotta keep in mind that the console only runs games, so it isn't competing for resources like a pc is when playng games.

The limits of GPUs is the memory bandwidth and how they compete for Lanes on a mobo. This is what I've heard from the 2013 GTC Nvidia talk. Maxwell will have Unified Memory which is why I'm waiting for that and keeping my 480. UM will solve this wait time to 60%. This is why the PS4 can get pretty close.


With 8 GB dedi graphs and 1TB/s bandwidth

How does this work?

Is it like this...

The GPU processes 100GB+ of information a second, the memory stores 8GB a second, and the lane can push through 1TB/s?

So that means the lane is going to continuously pump that information at lightning speed and so the 8GB won't be overfilled?


Does he mean the DRAM will be on the same die, or on the substrate just to reduce the distance?


Someone agrees with my opinion on the internet. That's rare :D Thanks man.


Does this stackable RAM mean finally we can combine the VRAM in SLI? If so that would be amazing to buy 2 x GTX 960's (which will probably have 4GB of GDDR6 VRAM) to equate to a total of 8GB. If this is true, I may gimp on the PC I am going to build in a couple of months, I am going with SLI 760's but I might just get one and get a better rig in 2 years. Someon tell me if the VRAM combines.


So is there a chance of a 700 series to be release I don't here anything on them


i dont know how you could know that, if you go to, and that look at there first announcement of being at pax east, im like the only guy wwho commented on the post, and i asked if there was any word or news on the 700 series, and the administrator of geforce commented back, "you'll know when we know". this was less then a week ago. where'd you hear itl be in june? cuz that'd be great news for me.


I never mentioned anything about internet bandwidth, I was relaying back the same terms the person before me was using to make PC sound far more superier than it actually is.


""Growth isn't just in the U.S., " he told PCWorld. "It's Brazil, Russia, India, China, Turkey, Germany—across the board internationally, you're seeing massive growth in PC gaming. It's experiencing a renaissance that we haven't seen in many decades." – via PCWorld March 2013

People don't understand how big our communities are getting.


Well it's a gaming operating system based on linux. It'll be launched in 2014. With that OS Valve plans to take over the living room competing with the PS4 and Xbox One. There will be Steam Boxes (Connsoles) that can be upgraded the same way you upgrade your PC. You can build your custom Steam Box console, but you can also buy pre-build consoles. I think it'll have a much bigger share of the market, compared to Sony and MS. You'll see people moving from PS and XB to SteamBoxes. It's awesome!


5:15 anyone see the blinking light on right of the graphics card?


In other words, make the console more useful than just a gaming device. Add internet phone calls paid for by some method other than cell phone company. This can allow them to make calls or send a message to another person's PS4 for a meet up irl or a pending PS4 co-op, challenge or general multi-play.

Social networking games like one that i just thought up. A camera chat where you can see the other player and a board between the screen and him/her. It can be air hockey or something else.


2014 : GTX 800 series (new "Maxwell" architecture): Unified memory, 2015: GTX 900 series (Maxwell refresh), 2016: GTX 1000 series (new "Volta" architecture): Stacked memory.


It's sad that most programs won't be able to utilize more than 4.29GB due to being coded in 32-bit. D: Hopefully we'll start to see more applications coded in 64-bit.


To confirm my work here, google "gtx 690 crysis 3 benchmark high settings" and picked the one by GURU3d Crysis 3 VGA...

Look at the bottom screen and you will find a drop down menu where you can pick High performance benchmarks.

The 690 gets 81 fps at 1200P. Which is higher than 1080P. Thus the PS4 would get 40 - 50 fps like i calculated, on high.
