The Problem With Metal Sonic...

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Recently with all the Sonic media I've been consuming I've noticed that the writing for Metal Sonic has been a bit off. Today I thought I'd share my thoughts on the current depiction of Metal Sonic.
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To be honest, i think that metal sonic in the comics has a lot more personality then some realise. After the metal virus arc, he has a bit of an epiphany. When he dips his hand into a barrel of the virus, he doesnt get turned, because he isnt organic. He isnt like sonic. So i imagine, that in the egg city arc, when he rushes in to fight them all by himself, (or whenever he fights more then one person by himself for that matter), its out of anger. A personal vendetta. Keep in mind, metal has been losing to sonic for AGES by this point. Given that the comics take place after forces. So it makes sense that hes starting to break out of his programming a bit, but only to try and prove that hes better then sonic. Heck, in the metal virus arc again, sonic is running on the treadmill thing, and he talks to metal for a bit. Sonic realizes that metal doesnt have to serve eggman, but he does it anyway. He just doesnt understand why. This concludes my metal sonic ted talk.


I can't really agree with Metal Sonic being mishandled in the later portions of the comics due to Metal Sonic easily beating up Surge which led the to her to team up with Kit and strategies to immobilize him with extreme difficulty and we see Metal Sonic was the main reason why Sonic had his friends had a tough time escaping from the city while only being delayed or held back momentarily which showed how dangerous he is and later on we see that everyone needed to work to get to knock him out momentarily which shows his durability.
Sonic was also struggling against Surge with the dynamo cage and almost killed him and the main reason she beat him was strategy and absorbing energy which shows Metal Sonic being a consistent threat that requires strategy or hax to defeat.


Metal's so complex for someone who never speaks.


metal sonics biggest weekness... NOT GETTING THE FAITH OF A ONE ON ONE


Man, I've been reading Sonic comics from the beggining recently, and it's hard not to love Metal.

The problem is, from a conceptual standpoint, Metal is a sort of ever-evolving threat. This can be seen in the fight against Sonic & Knuckles in Sonic the Comic, which was only won because of Fleetway, and it led to the Brotherhood of Metallix arc which was awesome.

I haven't read the entire comic yet, but I can immediately see that he's much more than a simple villain. It's not something that can be dealt with in an arc, and then treated like garbage afterwards, it's one of the most essential recurring threats, working like a ticking time-bomb whose consequences could lead to a dead-end scenario (y'know, when people where actually at risk of dying).

Metal Sonic is built to overcome the whole Eggman schtick and become one of the biggest menaces in the franchise, he shouldn't be thrown in scenes with no plan nor purpose.

It sucks because he's easily one of the characters with the most potential; alas, the entity known as Sonic Maurice Hedgehog can't be surpassed nor overcomed (despite some of his best moments being at his lowest, when he shows lack of confidence, fear, and worry. A bit of which Frontiers has started to explore after a long while).


Yo I’m so excited for sonic 3 I’m so obsessed with sonic now idkw so I’m watching all of your vids have a nice day


I think what would help metal sonic is a side kick. It would refresh the character a bit and finally have a little genius of his own, like tails is to sonic.


hope he has a major role in the third sonic movie


And his theme is absolutely badass. Also, you know, he's a great character


I didn't think too much of Metal Sonic before, but after thinking about it for a bit (as well as hearing an AI made theme song for him, random I know), I really want to see him at least being teased at the end of Sonic 3.


Here's my opinion.
Metal isn't a run of the mill badnik, he's used to indicate that either Eggman sees what the character he's fighting as a genuine threat to his plans, used to stall the heros, or used as a killing blow. His biggest weakness is that he, as a replica of sonic, still has his own pride. That has him make stupid decisions sometimes. Whenever he's stopped, it's often because of his pride, or because he gets tunnelvision for one fighter, and while he's going for the kill he gets sucker punched. In the comics, he was only ever outright overpowered once (by Surge, who's powers are a hard counter to robots in general). And, the most important thing is his tenacity. That robot takes after Sonic in that way, he retreats because of tactical or strategic reasons, but only ever gets outright stopped a handful of times.

He's one of those villans who, if you don't see the body, he'll be back later in the story when it's least convenient for the heros.

That's my two cents.


My favorite metal sonic stories are the ones where he goes his own way or acts independently of Eggman. Sonic heroes, the sonic OVA, and Shard from the Archie comics spring to mind. I even like Chaos sonic from Prime because his ego and desire to “rebrand” shows a level of desire and personality outside of just following the chaos council’s orders.

Aside from the above instances, I’ve usually found metal sonic to be a bit overrated.


Yeah, Sonic Team and SEGA really didn't know what to do with Metal Sonic after Sonic Heroes except shove him into any new spin-off game.
But I feel like the fatigue started at the same point as Green Hill zone's, they just kept appearing for no reason over and over again after Sonic Generations

Seeing as Sonic Team are finally dropping Green Hill for Sonic Superstars, I'm also hoping that Metal Sonic DOES NOT appear. Other robots need the spotlight for a change; such as Mecha Sonic (Mk1 or Mk2), Metal Knuckles, and Tails Doll. But seeing as Nack is back and Trip is being introduced, I doubt any of those will make it in, but I'm just gonna hope.


I liked Metal best in Sonic Heroes when he was above Eggman in command


As cliche as the body-swap plot is, I think it’d be pretty awesome to see with Sonic and Metal as the recipients.


I just want Mecha Sonic MKI and MKII to have a chance to shine again. I feel there is more that can be done with them instead of just reusing Metal Sonic over and over again.


In sonic forces Infinite had Metal's usual role of the dangerous right hand of the main villain
What's even worse in forces is how they did chaos.
They showed Chaos in the opening scene and mention him a few times, but did nothing else with him, there isn't even a boss fight. Considering Chaos is an ancient diety who can destroy entire nations, and alot of knuckles' lore comes from Chaos. They really can't just make him a lesser side character


He went from a menacing opponent, to just a normal badnik.


Aside from CD, Heroes, the Super Neo Metal arc and the Metal Virus saga Metal Sonic has just been lame, those 4 time are the only ones in the canon where he was compelling and worked well. He's been used in so many spin-offs and short stories/comics in which he was pathetic and nothing more than a minor inconvenience. Every time he appears for no reason and just loses to Sonic and the gang it just diminishes his impact as a villain, Metal has no screen presence now, when he shows up I just sigh, crack my knuckles and think "OK, let's get this over with loser". I bet most people don't even know he's canonically part of Sonic Colors and that you beat him 6 times in a race in that game, plus he gets clapped on the Rise of the Wisps short film.

TL:DR: For me Metal became lame due to meaningless overexposure. It doesn't help either that he's being treated as a joke a lot of the time, like in the IDW Classic special and Mania Adventures' Holiday episode.


You forgot to cover the comic reflection from sonic IDW
