How To Pour Concrete That Will NEVER Crack | THE HANDYMAN |

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I liked the concrete guy. Nothing more satisfying than to have random people admiring your work and getting more work out of it in the process.


The Gentleman who was working with concrete did an amazing job smoothing everything out.


Been pouring concrete for 50 years and I will guarantee that concrete will crack.


Your finish guy is awesome....I could tell right away by how he was finishing off the top and sides with his trowels. I live in the pacific northwest, and our pours always find a way to crack crack because of our rainfall which, hence, creates a lot of ground water that permeates a lot of pours. The better guys out here know how to do it right, but they are REALLY expensive. However, you guys don't have to worry about that....I like how you pay attention to the most minute details and really care about your work and your reputation with clients. It's nice to see someone that is not just in it for the money. More concrete work for you!!


As an ex concrete inspector, glad you talked about slump. You can have 7000 psi and tons of rebar, but if it is full of water, it doesn’t matter. If it’s soupy, it gonna crack. Good point about the slope too
My question is no expansion joint between sidewalk and foundation? Not generally a great idea because expansion joints are so cheap. It will crack there, and around an aluminum gutter, no joint?


As a 20+ year concrete guy, they did a nice job on the finish and control joints (other then I would have jointed the step down) I may have put a lateral rebar at the step also but it would be as you said, a little overkill. nice walkway and a good contractor.


Lol will never crack! That’s the best thing I’ve ever heard. 🤣 poured just about every thing you can, pads, side walks road panels, pre cast walls, foundations all of it. From IMI to kwik bond everything cracks just give it time and pressure.


To prevent cracking and increase strength keep a lawn sprinkler on during the hot times of the day. Me personally I left the water on for two days after it cured and turned them off at night it’s been 10 years and not a single crack on my patio in the backyard


As an engineer with over 30 years experience I will tell you the concrete will crack. Rebar actually doesn't take any load until the concrete cracks and is actually over kill in pours less than 8" in depth. Limit your slump to 4" maximum and do not pin your concrete to the foundation if you live in an area that experiences significant frost in the winter time. Pinning concrete to a foundation will actually cause cracking in areas that the ground freezes. Any contractor that tells you it will never crack, get it in writing along with a warranty.


I hand mixed (electric mixer) a 150' x 8' driveway 40 years ago and it has still not cracked, I put no steel reinforcing in it. Every driveway in every house I have lived in since has cracked, all have been reinforced with steel. An old guy told me my driveway did not need steel as it was on a solid base that would not move, he stated that it is the amount the concrete is worked and the way it is cured that decides whether it will crack or not. He was 100% correct, I have never had any concrete I have mixed myself crack or any concrete that I have had delivered crack because I have had control over how long it was in the truck for and also the curing.


A lot depends on where you live in the USA and the type of use the concrete will have depending if it's a sidewalk or driveway. In some parts of California the soil has a lot of clay were over time concrete will eventually crack (even with rebar and base) because of the clay your base has to be compacted and deep. As for always using rebar I've gone back and seen sidewalks I did 35 years ago with no rebar and they are still in great shape but then again that could be because of California's weather. One small trick we did was spray a light coating of diesel fuel on the concrete forms to make it easier to take them off and clean.


That was a satisfying video to watch. As someone who has lived in newer houses and mid century houses, it makes me happy to see someone fixing problems the right way in newer developments. Nothing is worse than a bandaid. Well war is. War is worse but that’s an extreme jump.


Your skills show! That's why neighbors ask you to fix their issues. My brother in law has far too many people on a waiting list after doing quality work for a neighbor. But that's an easy way to build a name for yourself if you're new!


"not going to crack" that's the funniest shit I've heard this week.


Maybe a more accurate title should be "How to Pour Concrete that will crack where you want it to crack". Good video and thanks for posting.


I believe you will have cracks in the pour everywhere you fastened to the foundation. The freeze of winter will lift the concrete but not the foundation because it is poured down to below frost line this will break up your concrete. Your video is an excellent example of a job that will need to be redone in the future. I worked on a concrete repair crew. We fixed and are kept in business by people not knowing what they are doing with concrete. A big thank you.


Some really nice concrete work💪🏼👍🏻. Liked that they curved the sidewalk, & bull nosed the edges....also liked how that guy took care in the job & really made it “pop” compared to what was there. Looks 200% better, now that it’s done. Also impressed he brushed the sides😊
My entire neighborhood had the sidewalks redone few months ago, & was done....just to get it done. No grading of any kind, or care at all. At least the sidewalks are fixed now, but when it rains....get pooling & ponds everywhere. Contemplating whether to repair the sidewalk next to driveway, as it fell, just like at this house. It’s down about 2-3 in; but so far, driveway is just fine.
Thanks for the vid, enjoyed watching this. Can be hard to find a good concrete guy/contractor at times; especially for small Looking forward to the next job in this house repair/remodel series.
Have a good one✌🏼


I've poured a lot of concrete and I've learned from my experience. 1-Do it right the first time. 2- The sub-grade, sub-base and base are as important as the slab. 3- Adding fiber is cheap and well worth the money 4 - Rebar is better than wire 5- More rebar is better. You are absolutely correct on 4000lb concrete and the correct slump. I've seen basements poured where the mix runs from one end of the form to the other. The wetter the weaker. Last, concrete takes approximately 28 days to cure. Keep it wet and keep off of it as long as possible.


Thumbs up for the concrete guy, he did a terrific job 👍

How do you handle the waste concrete in the states?
Here in Germany they put it on the ground and insert a hook, so that it can be removed by a digger.


One thing you can be sure of all concrete cracks, the reason for the score joints is to weaken the slab in that area so the crack will be in that weakened plane when it shrinks. 99% of the time it's the case but I've seen a crack form 2 inches away from the score joint it sucks but that's the nature of concrete.
