A Tour of the Modern Java Platform • James Ward & Ryan Knight • GOTO 2022
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This presentation was recorded at GOTO Amsterdam 2022. #GOTOcon #GOTOams
James Ward - Developer Advocate at Google
Ryan Knight - CEO at Grand Cloud
The Java Platform has seen a tremendous amount of evolution and improvements over the past 5 years in many different areas including: language features in Java, Kotlin, and Scala, Functional Programming, dev environments, test workflows, Reactive, Stream processing, distributed data, containerization, Serverless, and AoT compilation.
The talk will cover some of the most important changes and an end-to-end live code example using Kotlin, Spring Boot, Kotlin, R2DBC, Testcontainers, GraalVM Native Image, Buildpacks, and Gradle. [...]
00:00 Intro
02:24 Java 11+ features
03:38 Demo
17:29 Spring Boot with Kotlin
18:20 Demo
39:55 Outro
Read the full abstract here:
#Java #JavaProgramming #CloudNative #Programming #JamesWard #RyanKnight #ModernizingEnterpriseJava #Coding #Kotlin #SpringBoot #R2DBC #Testcontainers #GraalVM #NativeImage #Buildpacks #Gradle #Postgres #PostgresQL
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James Ward - Developer Advocate at Google
Ryan Knight - CEO at Grand Cloud
The Java Platform has seen a tremendous amount of evolution and improvements over the past 5 years in many different areas including: language features in Java, Kotlin, and Scala, Functional Programming, dev environments, test workflows, Reactive, Stream processing, distributed data, containerization, Serverless, and AoT compilation.
The talk will cover some of the most important changes and an end-to-end live code example using Kotlin, Spring Boot, Kotlin, R2DBC, Testcontainers, GraalVM Native Image, Buildpacks, and Gradle. [...]
00:00 Intro
02:24 Java 11+ features
03:38 Demo
17:29 Spring Boot with Kotlin
18:20 Demo
39:55 Outro
Read the full abstract here:
#Java #JavaProgramming #CloudNative #Programming #JamesWard #RyanKnight #ModernizingEnterpriseJava #Coding #Kotlin #SpringBoot #R2DBC #Testcontainers #GraalVM #NativeImage #Buildpacks #Gradle #Postgres #PostgresQL
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