LESSON 8 SABBATH SCHOOL 3RD 2024 | Teaching Disciples: Part 2

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This week’s study focuses on Mark 10, where Jesus concludes His teachings about His impending death on the cross. The chapter is split between Jesus’ interactions with His followers and key lessons for them. He engages with various people: the Pharisees challenge Him on divorce, parents bring their children for His blessing, a rich man inquiries about eternal life, and a blind man asks for healing. Mark 10 highlights the practical aspects of following Jesus, covering topics like marriage, children, wealth, and the costs and rewards of discipleship. The chapter's teachings are timeless, meant for both the followers of Jesus 2,000 years ago and for us today.
Sunday lesson: God’s plan for marriage.
The Pharisees approached Jesus with a question about the legality of divorce, hoping to trap Him into giving an answer that could either alienate Him from the people or put Him at odds with the ruling authorities. They referenced the law of Moses, which allowed for divorce under certain conditions, and likely expected Jesus to take a side in the ongoing debate between the more lenient School of Hillel and the stricter School of Shammai.
Instead of getting caught in their trap, Jesus pointed them back to the creation story in Genesis, highlighting God’s original design for marriage. He explained that from the beginning, God created male and female to be united as one, and that this union was not meant to be broken. By doing this, Jesus shifted the conversation from what was permissible under the law to what was intended by God’s design.
Monday lesson. Jesus and children.
When parents brought their children to Jesus in Mark 10 verse 13 to 16, His disciples initially rebuked them, thinking that Jesus was too important or too busy for such a small matter. However, Jesus was upset with His disciples' attitude and strongly corrected them. He welcomed the children, embraced them, and blessed them, demonstrating that children are precious in God’s eyes.
Jesus taught that the kingdom of God belongs to those who receive it like a child—with simple trust, humility, and faith. By welcoming the children, Jesus highlighted their importance and showed that the qualities of a child’s heart are essential for entering God’s kingdom. Jesus actions revealed His deep love and care for all, regardless of age, and His desire for everyone to approach God with the pure, trusting faith of a child.
This challenges us to embody the qualities of humility and trust in our own relationship with God, and to be living examples of Jesus' love and joy to the younger generation.
Tuesday lesson: What I must do to be saved.
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