What is a Classic vs. Modern Classic

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A Classic by any other name would smell as sweet.... or would it?
What do you call a classic? Leave me a comment!

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I loved your discussion here and your descriptions. It felt like you were defining things that I had only every really thought about in concepts or feelings but never took the time to put into clear ideas and words. I found what you said reflected my own views in a clear way and may refer back to what you say here if ever I am trying to explain my own view on the topic.


Very nicely differntiated ....keep making more videos ...❤️ Love from Kashmir India...


Some early literature wasn't God-centred, sometimes not even gods-centred. Also modern literature tends to exclude the fantastic and supernatural more.


Great discussion! It already got me thinking more deeply about things I want to incorporate into my book


Weeeellll... That you for the different time periods for classical literature. But I'm trying to decide whether Don Quixote had a happy or hopeful ending. I will be on the lookout when I reread it next month.


Your way of expression is quite impressive but it will be more helpful to us, if you can provide link of some related stuff in your description 😊


so....would a novel like Pride and Prejudice be considered a classic? A modern classic? Or not even classic at all?


Great discussion! I'll have to give some thought as to what my cut-off for a modern classic is. I agree with a lot of your theme analysis, but practically I feel like I tend to consider modern classics to start much later, around the 1940's or 50's. Although that may be because I haven't read nearly as many modern classics as classics!


1700-1800 for Wordsworth, in part. As for Austen & Shelley, umm no. 1800s.

I feel that the modern era began in Spring 1914, though some would say 1920, kickstarted not by Joyce but by TS Eliot & Ezra Pound.
As a supplimental to what u said re 1910ff, it sounds as though what authors as Sayers, G. Greene, F. O'Connor, Tolkien, CS Lewis were very much writing vs the general trend. I don't read most general adult fic 1910-ish to the present, though some was proscribed. Very often it's classics, fantasy, or non-fic for me.
