Taking into account Organised Complexity could Initiate a New Era in Physics

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In an article entitled Law without Law, Wheeler hypothesised that the laws of nature, instead of being independent of time as normally assumed, come into existence through a process of ‘observer-participancy’ involving intelligent observers, but he did not give a clear account of how such intelligence would function. An account consistent with this proposal may be possible on the basis of parallels with biology, in particular with the functional units known as synergies, which Kelso suggests are 'the way Nature handles complexity'. This is supported by the fact that the complex phenomenon of language makes use of similar structures, while in addition in this picture, symmetries analogous to those found in fundamental physics can be seen to arise naturally in a way related to biological adaptability. Detailed investigation along these lines, in conjunction with computer modelling, may well initiate a new era in physics.

Collaborators: Mrittunjoy Guha Majumdar, Scott Kelso, and Ilexa Yardley.

© Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. The opinions expressed in this video do not necessarily reflect the views of the organisation. It may be shared or embedded provided this notice is retained. It may only be used in non-commercial contexts, and may not be edited or altered.

0:00 start
0:09 introduction
23:11 discussion
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Partly corrected captions are now available. Go to settings and select English for the subtitles, then click on captions icon to display them.
Update: I've realised that people may find the discussion with the moderator at the start, which was appropriate in the context, a bit boring (or a bit too long, anyway, some 4 minutes or so) and stop watching, so I've removed it. That will mess up the chapter timings so I need to work on that as well, but the subtitles seem to remain OK. The whole session will still be on the mediatheque site referred to in the introduction, if people really want to know what was said in the introduction!


Wow I was just emailing you and I checked your channel to make sure I was caught up. haha.


I just uploaded a vid on water in microtubules creating superradiance. I'm citing other people's research. I just sit in full lotus at the computer. But this ties into your mention of cymatics. thanks


Why does this sound like Assemble Theory put forth by Leroy Cronin in 2017
