She lost her baby and wants a divorce 😟 #manhwareccomendation #manhwaedit #webtoon #romance #drama

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Name : Betrayal of Dignity

Alternative Name : Phản bội nhân phẩm / Предательство достоинства / Verrat an der Würde /Tradimento della dignità /Trahison de la dignité / 背叛尊严 / 품격을 배반한다 / 尊厳の裏切り

Authors: Kimpa
Artists: Manta comics

Status : 46 Chapters (ongoing)

Would you sacrifice your honor to marry a Duke? In order to save her family from ruin, Chloe Verdier must find a groom for her sister, Alice. She soon runs into the handsome but arrogant Duke Tisse who makes a proposal that could save them. When Alice flees with a mysterious man, Chloe must seek out the Duke in the biggest gamble of her life.



His love is kinda poisonous and I think only her absence can make him reflect of his true feelings and analyze his actions towards her. Distance is what they need, seriously it's kinda toxic forcing themselves living together when things extremely messy and can't be fix by pretending they're alright

Thankfully our FL managed to flee looking forward for her self-healing and hoping she become grounded


Yes he save her life but their relationship was already sh*t from the very beginning. He's a red flag: a manipulator, never being honest with her, only doing what he wants without caring for her opinions (= s*x scenes are hot but without true consent I can't, forcing her to go to that hunt when she didn't want to). Author better give him some sufferings and teach him a lesson because all I see right now is a walking trash ML.


its literally clear he was dumb, to her the child was her hope he was selfish to not think of what she truly wanted and also he wasnt doing it for her he is doing it for himself he literally didnt think about what will happen to the child
Plus he was hiding stuff from her, i hate this kind of thinking if you truly want to protect somebody tell them something not hide everything thats bullshit he was a manipulator selfish asf, if you truly love someone think about what they want think about what they would do her hope was destroyed by him its not something to easily be forgive from, all is wrong.
Not gonna read this manhwa since it always ends up with ml being forgiven and they all live "happy".


If only she could run away and make the hero suffer even a little. I think she must become selfish in order to live with her child. I wish this classification was of this type. I really hate this. How can she live with him? He is so damn selfish.


Nombre: traición a la dignidad algo asi


Not reading the manga, but read a lot of comments here. It would never be a win situation. She wants the baby, even if she dies in the process. He prefers to not have a baby, but for her to live. Not sure how much the hero can be blamed. After all if she gave birth to the baby & dies, probably the hero wouldn't be a good father and the child would live a life without any love


Thanks for the heads up. Not gonna read this till the author finally learns how to make this ML character an actual fking human for once


Depois de tudo que ela sofreu, era natural que ela pedisse o divórcio.


One of my favourites. It's different from all the other mahnwa's


I'm not going to read this until the author write another ml


Excelente tema va acorde a esta escena 😥😭


Pobresita, aunque igual el bebé hubiese muerto por esa enfermedad que le dio a ella, las fiebres los hubiesen matado a los dos, supongo que ella no quiso entenderlo y es que eso debe ser muy díficil...


It's really sad that they lost their child 😢. But Ml is blamed for this. Any one from ml's perspective would have done as fl's gonna die if she gave birth.( though I might be remarked as inhuman)I've been reading this manga for long. At first the ml is really a trash. He only played with th fl and an obsession of making her his blinded him but when he truly realised what falling in love means he showed his true self to fl so that she can love him the way he is. As per the fl she is kind, intelligent and lovely but some readers ar telling her that she has no dignity as for them please read this title/ name properly and understand. There is nothing called dignity in true love.

This manga represents how two people from utterly different worlds fall in love accepting each others odds. It's another defination of love. ❤ I am leaving this comment so that readers can decide if they will read it or not but it will give totally different vibes it's your choice ♥️


I know- i know many of the people are aaying it his fault that the child died and yes it was but the female would have died- she would have hella died if she didnt take the medicine- i know she loved that child and i know ahe would have wanted her life to be taken but not her babies- but as we know a mother loves her babies more then anything but a husband loves his wife more then anything- i am not making up things but he is now suffering- as we can see that he is sleeping beside a dead body of a women- (spoiler for those who dont know) and i know there would be more to it- i am not the one who wiuld like that crusty lips fish but still he saved her life- and that is the most valuable thing we wanted even if the child would have been born, who would have known that if the disease also had some effects in the child-


Spoiler please and is he a red flag😅😅😅


Que pasa con esa bella dama ??? El duque tan frío. No la valora !!!! Y no la puedo seguir a esta novela la envías en español😢😢😢😢.no me hagas sufrir !!!


Can someone tell me why she lost her baby😢?


You pick almost all correct panel you culould just do a little clean up with deleting the text in the rest of the bubbles


That's so sad that they lost their precious unborn child but it's for her own benefits.

The Duke should give her a space to breath.
