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TRUTH BE TOLD is a new feature-length documentary film about growing up in the Jehovah's Witnesses religion. The title refers to the Jehovah's Witnesses’ perception that their beliefs are 'the truth'.

In this film, former Jehovah's Witnesses candidly discuss the spiritual, emotional and psychological harm inflicted by the religion. They reveal experiences including the effects of proselytizing door-to-door, shunning non-observant family and friends, suspension of critical thinking, suffering the discouragement of pursuing dreams like gaining a higher education, and missing other societal holidays and customs.

The abuses explored in TRUTH BE TOLD are part of a wider examination into the culture of undue influence within the Jehovah’s Witnesses religion that continues to violate the basic human rights of members and their families worldwide.

The documentary is the first feature-film directed by Gregorio Smith.

Produced by Mark Mahler and Gregorio Smith
Directed by Gregorio Smith
Music by George Ilijin

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As a former JW, I am happy to see people taking the time to try and show others what the JW organisation really is about. Thank you.


So true. I was born into a JW family and this video says it just as it is. I was never disfellowshipped, I left for all the reasons given and more. There is life after JW and its one where you can think and use your mind


Great informative video to all involved.... thank you.

The single most important part comes out as Religion is BUSINESS.


Born and raised in... I left the JW's for same reasons. Great to see this video has been created... and the truth shall set you FREE... 😉


Can anyone please share with me how to find or stream this documentary?


For 16 years I was a JW.  Bullied every step of the way.  Before God I swear, I would rather do life for murder I did not commit than do that again!  At least I would know my sentence, know I was innocent and know my release date!  I knew none of that, whilst suffering in that cult.  My health is very seriously damaged because of Watchtower elders bullying and slandering me BECAUSE I STOOD AGAINST BADNESS AND INFORMED THE POLICE OF SOMETHING I WITNESSED!


I am a 3rd generation apostate who has been trying to find the film to show my husband. is there a link I can go to?


"They speak so much about happiness, yet they take that away from you." She took the words from my mouth! Good work!! From one who was in there for 30 years.


Wow, seems like a pretty powerful documentary.  Good trailer!


Watching this trailer as a former JW, the beginning is a bit melodramatic. However, the trailer does point out some commonalities ex-Witnesses share. In this case, more information is a good thing. I now realize that I was one of the few that didn't seek out extra-Witness information while I was in.


I was raised not as a JW but a Christadelphian there are definite parallels with most of all the Christian churches I've known believing it's there way or the highway to eternal hell or death... It's an attitude of division and you can only be saved if you are willing to sacrifice your whole life.


i missed the premier. can i torrent this movie somewhere?


Instead of "preaching", you should instead ask yourself, What exactly am I preaching?? Is it really salvation through Christ? Or salvation through an Organization?? Think hard.


I find most religions flawed. I like people of different faiths such as Jewish, JW, Mormons, Amish, Quaker and more. Humans are imperfect, therefore their teachings will be as well. We must never stop to seek the truth. Upon on journey, our quest, we must learn tolerance as we interact with one another. Respect the fact that one is trying to do the right thing, if that's what in fact they are doing. Let them be.


It's funny, that was the same language I heard growing up in the Mormon church.  That I was raised in the "truth" and subsequently needed to feel extra blessed.  If the shunning that is portrayed here is accurate I will say it's not as deliberate in the LDS church, but there is an incredible amount of shame that the family experiences as a result and of course mistrust/sadness that occurs between you and your family.  
I'd also like to take this opportunity to apologize for projecting all of my own insecurities and embarrassment on JW's growing up.  I always made fun of you guys for erring on so many attempts to predict the end of the world, refusal of blood transfusions, changing the bible, etc.  I served a two year mission in El Salvador and hated the local mob of missionaries (JW congregations, who didn't teach but "studied" the bible) competing with me in towns for converts. Anyways, turns out the Mormon church has 5 times the skeletons in its closet and an even kookier doctrine to boot and a founder who was obsessed with magic, a money digger, a fraud/charlatan/huckster, womanizer and pedophile, and also a long line of outright racist womanizing prophets 100 years after.  Sorry JW's for judging you!


This documentary is amazing! I want to share it with everyone I know!  May I suggest you do the same!  

 I applaud this work and it's authenticity and the wonderful people who present it.  Though it is very professional quality, these are not actors.  They are real people!  Maybe people you actually know! Certainly people we can identify with!  Excellent work!  Essential viewing! 
 Pass it on! 


No one has all the answers. Jesus is the truth nobody else.


What's with the weird paralel-universe "Truth!" magazines? Legal issues with filming "Awake!" magazines? I get that, but it also obscures the fact that calling it "The Truth" is an internal, post-initiated thing... Like Xenu.


Sheldon, Christianity started in the East. It was spread through the middle east and Africa before it ever was in the Americas. You might want to read up on some world and religious history. Christianity did not come from some white protestant, he only distorted it and used it for his own will.


Exodus 21:20-21 states that if a slave owner beats his slave so hard that he dies the first day he will be punished, but if the owner beats him enough that he survives the first day and dies the second day from the beating, the owner of the slave is clear...Loving God, huh?
