Nikita Mikhalkov's Three T Studio/Russia 1/Central Partnership/KIT Studio

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Okay, so it's only an animated twink. And short. And doesn't even include all the logos (there's a Cinema Fund one after a few text credits). But the twink is nice, alluding to Soviet public information posters, and most imporantly, gives explanation to what the three "T"'s and KIT actually mean. It does have a place here. And is a nice takeaway from an otherwise lackluster chess movie. English subtitles (worded as close to the original as possible, at the cost of cohesion) are added.

Taken from Chempion Mira (The Champion of the World, 2022)

I do not own any copyright to this video. This video is made available for educational purposes only.
Рекомендации по теме

В 2025 году сотрудничеству кинокомпаний ЦПШ и ТриТэ исполнится 18 лет!
В 2007 году вышел первый совместный проект обоих студий "1612: Хроники Смутного Времени", и вот, 1 января 2025 выйдет фильм "Волшебник Изумрудного Города" тоже от обоих студий


Телеканал: Россия-1
Инфопартнер: АвтоРадио
Прокат: Централ Партнершип
