Due to intense industrialization around the Nile, I cannot imagine it is a healthy river. cheekloins
Due to intense industrialization around the Nile, I cannot imagine it is a healthy river.
Wow i can't imagine why people would chose to build next to a fresh water source where everyone lives instead of a scortching unnihabited desert. crispyandspicy
Wow i can't imagine why people would chose to build next to a fresh water source where everyone lives instead of a scortching unnihabited desert.
Would love one about future colonization of other planets... In-Gall_Tegidda_n_Tesemt
Would love one about future colonization of other planets...
Should of shown the lakes on the country wide map jeffbybee
Should of shown the lakes on the country wide map
How about family education so they stop multiplying? B-klvj
How about family education so they stop multiplying?