All Exotic Catalysts - How to Get Every Catalyst

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Exotic catalysts are the most important items in Destiny 2. Exotic catalysts can turn even the worst exotics into top tier options. In this video I go over what every exotic catalyst does and how to get all exotic catalysts. This is updated as of the Bungie 30th anniversary update in Season of the Lost. There is currently no way to get outbreak perfected catalyst, whisper of the worm catalyst, heir apparent catalyst, or eriana's vow catalyst. The most recent catalysts are the Gjallarhorn catalyst, Forerunner catalyst, and Arbalest catalyst. If you have any questions or know of any changes, feel free to leave a comment! #Marshix #Destiny2 #Solo

Eriana's vow comes from a gunsmith quest
Fourth Horseman is not available anymore

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0:00 Intro
0:23 How to Upgrade
3:02 Kinetic Weapons
7:13 Energy Weapons
11:24 Power Weapons


Sweet business 3:03
Vigilance wing 3:27
Rat king 3:40
Mida multi tool 3:56
Crimson 4:10
The jade rubbit 4:21
Huckleberry 4:28
Suros regime 4:39
Serberus 4:46
Ace of spades 4:59
Izanagi burden 5:07
Arbalest 5:16
Outbreak perfected 5:25
Bad juju 5:32
Lumina 5:40
Whiterhoard 5:54
Travelers chosen 6:00
No time to explain 6:08
Hawkmoon 6:18
Dead man tale 6:29
Cryosthesia 77k 6:40
Ager scepter 6:47
Forerunner 6:59
Coldheart 7:16
Fighting lion 7:23
Sunshot 7:41
Graviton lance 7:54
Skyburner oath 8:06
Riskrunner 8:12
Hard light 8:27
Merciless 8:35
Borealis 8:46
Prometheus lens 8:58
Telesto 9:07
Polaris lance 9:15
Trinity ghoul 9:29
Lord of wolves 9:39
Eriana vow 9:49
Symmetry 9:57
Tommy matchbook 10:05
The fourth horseman 10:16
Ruinous effigy 10:24
Duality 10:34
Ticuu divination 10:41
Vex mythoclast 10:54
Lorentz driver 11:14
Prospector 11:25
Tractor cannon 11:37
Legend of acrius 11:44
Darci 11:56
Wardcliff coil 12:03
Colony 12:10
Wordline 12:16
Sleeper simulant 12:26
Whisper 12:36
Black talon 12:45
Deathbringer 12:51
Leviathan breath 13:02
Heir apparent 13:17
Gjallarhon 13:27
You are welcome


With new Grasp of Avarice dungeon you can also farm opening encounter, since hive will spawn forever. BUT it has 1 major flaw - Burden Engrams explode and kill mobs, so if you dont pick them up, it will create a chain reaction between killing mobs-dropping engrams-death by engrams-repeat.

And you dont need to go all the way to the Thrall Encounter in Throne :)

Anyway, nice vid, thanks!


Are you sure about you not being able to get Erianas catalyst quest? I could pick it up from Banshee just fine after i bought the Vow.


Sweet Business: 3:03
*drops from playlist activities*
*reduces flinch when weapon is fully spun up*
*requires 250 multikills*

Sturm: 3:12
*random drop from killing enemies or from any activity on Nessus*
*increases Handling +40 and Range +18*
*requires 500 kills with Sturm and Drang (Sidearm)*

Vigilance Wing 3:27
*drops from wins in Crucible*
*grants full auto when holding down the trigger*
*requires 250 Guardian kills and 5 Blood-for-Blood Medals (kill an enemy shortly after they’ve killed an ally)*
Rat king 3:40
Mida multi tool 3:56
Crimson 4:10
The jade rubbit 4:21
Huckleberry 4:28
Suros regime 4:39
Serberus 4:46
Ace of spades 4:59
Izanagi burden 5:07
Arbalest 5:16
Outbreak perfected 5:25
Bad juju 5:32
Lumina 5:40
Whiterhoard 5:54
Travelers chosen 6:00
No time to explain 6:08
Hawkmoon 6:18
Dead man tale 6:29
Cryosthesia 77k 6:40
Ager scepter 6:47
Forerunner 6:59
Coldheart 7:16
Fighting lion 7:23
Sunshot 7:41
Graviton lance 7:54
Skyburner oath 8:06
Riskrunner 8:12
Hard light 8:27
Merciless 8:35
Borealis 8:46
Prometheus lens 8:58
Telesto 9:07
Polaris lance 9:15
Trinity ghoul 9:29
Lord of wolves 9:39
Eriana vow 9:49
Symmetry 9:57
Tommy matchbook 10:05
The fourth horseman 10:16

Ruinous effigy 10:24
Duality 10:34
Ticuu divination 10:41
Vex mythoclast 10:54
Lorentz driver 11:14
Prospector 11:25
Tractor cannon 11:37
Legend of acrius 11:44
Darci 11:56
Wardcliff coil 12:03
Colony 12:10
Wordline 12:16
Sleeper simulant 12:26
Whisper 12:36
Black talon 12:45
Deathbringer 12:51
Leviathan breath 13:02
Heir apparent 13:17
Gjallarhorn 13:27


The thing he doesn’t mention about witherhoard is the 400 kills are the quick bit you also need 100 guardian kills with grenade launchers and 300 luker (which you get very slowly, it’s 1 per strike etc)


Excellent Guide, however, there a few things that are either incorrect or need to be noted.
The Eriana's Vow Catalyst is currently available as a quest from Banshee-44 which requires 400 playlist wins to unlock, and 700 kills to complete. (yes, that is playlist WINS, meaning your team must win in gambit or crucible)
The catalyst for Polaris Lance is buggy, the Perfect Fifth kills will not register most of the time; based on my extensive testing it seems that one out of every ten or so kills will actually register as progress, effectively making it 500 kills and 500 perfect fifth kills.
As of the 30th Anniversary Update the catalyst for Leviathan's Breath also grants Archer's Tempo; it also maximizes the ammo reserves.
The catalyst for Dead Man's Tale can be completed by finding all of the log entries and opening their respective caches scattered throughout the Presage mission; you unlock the ability to open one cache per week that you have completed the mission.

I genuinely appreciate your hard work and dedication to the Destiny Community, keep up the good work fam <3


As someone that sucks at PVP, I absolutely hate how many catalysts are locked behind crucible wins.


Eriana's vow catalyst is given to you by banshee. There's only 3 catalysts that are unobtainable at the moment and those 3 are: the fourth horseman, outbreak perfected, and whisper of the worm.


Time stamps :)


3:03 Sweet Business

3:12 Sturm

3:27 Vigilance Wing

3:39 Rat King

3:54 Mida Multi Tool

4:10 Crimson

4:20 Jade Rabbit

4:28 Huckleberry

4:39 Suros Regime

4:47 Cerberus+1

4:59 Ace of Spades

5:07 Izanagi's Burden

5:16 Arbalest

5:26 Outbreak Perfected

5:31 Bad Juju

5:40 Lumina (what I'm going for hehe)

5:54 Witherhoard

6:01 Travelers Chosen

6:09 No Time To Explain

6:18 Hawkmoon

6:30 Dead Man's Tale

6:41 Cryosthesia 77K

6:47 Ager's Scepter

7:00 Forerunner


7:15 Coldheart

7:24 Fighting Lion

7:41 Sunshot

7:53 Graviton Lance

8:05 Skyburner's Oath

8:12 Riskrunner

8:27 Hard Light

8:35 Merciless

8:46 Borealis

8:58 Prometheus Lens

9:06 Telesto

9:15 Polaris Lance

9:29 Trinity Ghoul

9:40 Lord of Wolves

9:49 Eriana's Vow

9:56 Symmetry

10:05 Tommy's Matchbook

10:15 The Fourth Horseman

10:24 Ruinous Effigy

10:34 Duality

10:41 Ticuu's Divination

10:54 Vex Mythoclast

11:15 Lorentz Driver


11:26 Prospector

11:36 Tractor Cannon

11:44 Legend of Acrius

11:55 D.A.R.C.I

12:03 Wardcliff Coil

12:09 The Colony

12:16 Worldline Zero

12:26 Sleeper Stimulant

12:36 Whisper of the Worm

12:44 Black Talon

12:52 Deathbringer

13:01 Leviathan's Breath

13:16 Heir Apparent

13:27 Gjallarhorn

Hope this helped!!


For anyone wondering outbreak perfected can now be acquired from gambit, cruciable and strikes


If you want to lvl up heavy weapon catalysts and you dont want to spend raidbanners (on shuro chi for example) play dares of eternity because of the starshorse favors buff (it gives you infinite heavy ammo)


correction for whisper, the activation time for whispered breathing got reduced to 1.2 seconds
edit: leviathans breath also give is archer's tempo


Levithan’s Breath catalyst also adds Archer’s Tempo as of 30th Anniversary patch.


Outbreak catalyst doesn't just make your nanites do more damage. It also makes any enemy who had nanites on them spawn five nanites when they die.

Very useful for clearing lots of low tier enemies, you can get a single head shot on a thrall or dreg, let the nanite cloud kill one or two, who will then spawn more. The seekers will kill another one or two, and they'll continue to spread like that.


Been trying to get the sleeper catalyst but no luck yet :-(

[edit] I finally got it after countless nf's. I was so happy I finally got it, that I was screaming of joy. And my gf was like what's wrong!! Haha


I recently started a alternate account to do carries in non flawless pool and still be able to play normally on my main Friday to Sunday. I was very surprised at how often catalysts drop these days. Apart from nightfall strike catalysts they are very common.


The Polaris Lance catalyst is an absolute nightmare because the explosion doesn't count, it needs to be the burn damage that kills the enemy.
A really good spot I found is the beginning of prophecy as there's a decent amount of ads constantly spawning which are a tiny bit more resilient than the regular enemies you find in strikes, AoS, etc. which will allow them to resist the explosion more often if you shoot it at the floor and instead burn to death, there's also unlimited knights in the back which are easy to get your perfect fifth bullet as they don't move a lot and have a big crit spot.

*tldr:* go to the beginning of prophecy, get your explosive bullet with the knights on the back, shoot the floor where the ads are and let them burn to death, wait for everything to respawn and repeat.


A easy farm spot is harbors sorrow on moon with the wave events. Fast to get to and easy to get rapid kills if you focus on the little ones.


if anyone doesn't have forsaken (and hence can't enter the shattered throne) i would recommend the thralls in prophecy, for a fairly consistent enemy flow, OR kingship doc in the tangled shore, for more GROUPS of enemies.


Are you sure about the fourth horseman ? I’ve been farming both legend and master difficulty lost sectors and nothing so far!
