Stock Market CRASH of 2008 REPEAT? (SP500, SPY, QQQ)

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Bear Market repeating for the stock market? SP500, SPY Stock, QQQ Stock, Apple Stock, Tesla Stock, Amazon Stock and Bitcoin are in focus today.

#StockMarket #SP500 #Bitcoin #QQQ #TSLA #AAPL #AMZN
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got one more small bounce up before drop


Next week is hella bullish. Load up on UPRO calls.


THANKS for the detailed commentary of current technical anaylisis. I use a 39WMA to judge the market, and we are in big trouble!. I got out friday. the math shows why you should never "buy and hold". if we have a 10% crash it only takes a 11.1% gain to get you back to break even. no big deal, HOWEVER a 20% crash requires a 25% gain, a 25% crash requires a 33% gain to break even, very bad!, a 33% crash requires a 50% gain and a 50% crash requires a 100% gain to break even!, this is catastrophic!. get out whenever price goes below the 200DMA, 39-40 week MA or the 9-10 month MA.. you can get back in when price gets above these MA's and stay above. NEVER EVER EVER add to losing trades.


Justin, this was a big league, big time video. Showed many sides, historical data, multiple indexes and equities, and also both cases. I'm usually very very bullish. But there were divergence signals coming from the bond markets that indicated a recession with heavily inverted yields as well as the dollar at 20 year highs, inflation still at 8.5% yoy, and Bitcoin wasn't following the market. Literally nothing went in line with the market. Apple went to 175, only 7 off all time The market wasn't ready for this yet. The economy wasn't and isn't ready. The moment JPow mentioned pain and Paul Volker, the market was destined to fall in line with what the other indicators were signaling. A big down turn. I hope I'm wrong for those who aren't aware of how to prepare for a long, extended bear market. But I'm afraid that's what is ahead. I'm not sure it'll be a 2008 50% retracement, but I don't think 368 will be the low for 2022-23. I'm piled up in Tesla, Apple, Microsoft and Google puts with expirations on December 16 with all of the strikes at 10% below where they were Wednesday morning when I bought them. I also bought UVXY $9 call options for September 16th when UVXY was at $9.04. I don't want to be a grizzly.... But that's how I'm seeing it. At least until January 1 or so when the forward thinking market might be willing to bet on easing. Again, great video, and be well Justin.


It’s not 2008. That was financial crisis


Thanks for all you do, wish I'd saw this information before yesterday's big loss but I understand it's a marathon, I can lose battles but still win the war.


Keep it up, I watch them completely through every week


Do you think we will retrace a little bit to 12800 on the nasdaq and then come crashing down? Or we just come down directly??


So thorough, thank you for your hard work.


Ty Justin, have a great weekend everyone!!


its pretty obvious that there is no bullrun breakout, the state of the econmy is getting worse lmao


Excellent analysis. The true soft landing they are talking about is actually 2001. It will not be a violent sell off like 2008 or 2020. We will gradually scale down like 2001-2003. Lots of wide ranges and it will be in a downtrend until 2024.


when i was an inexperienced trader, i used to hate when people said 'it might do this or this', i wanted a definite answer. Of course the more experienced you get you realized that you could get a perfect setup and the trade can still go against you. I learned after nearly a decade of trading that 'being right' is probably the least important part of being successful as a trader, it's risk management. Of course not many want to hear that because making money over time isn't sexy. Though without risk management, you can win 100 trades in a row, but it'll only take one loss to send you to the poor house.


Thanks Justin Appreciate all your work


Im here at the mark droppin a comment cause i love your analysis. No bias all point covered. Thanks man!


Have some optimism..We go to 3900 bottom next week. Then it rebounds to 410 tops then reversal to 3700 area. All by Mid October.


Great video as always…watched the whole thing.


Great video, packed with really useful information. Great presentation of both bull and bear case, fundamentals and technicals. Kudos!


I think your thesis about dropping the 50ma it’s the most likely.


I was hooked all the way thru. Wished they taught me this at high school, lol.
