Extreme Constructions: Singapore's Field of Dreams | Free Documentary

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Singapore's Field of Dreams | Construction Documentary

Globally Singapore is revered for its business acumen and might, but in sporting terms, it is seen as a minnow.

Now a bold project aims to change the nation’s sporting culture forever. The grand vision is to build the world’s ultimate multi-function sports complex, which will become a magnet for the community and cement Singapore as a premier international sporting destination.

We follow over three years the team building the Singapore Sports Hub. Costing more than a billion US dollars, the ambitious project includes an ingenious indoor aquatics centre that can hold up 6,000 people, a multi-purpose arena, water sports centre, and many more retail and lifestyle facilities. The jewel-in-the-crown will be a cutting edge 55,000-seat national stadium with a unique, opening domed roof.

But before Singaporeans can enjoy all these facilities and bask in international glory, we say goodbye to the much-loved old National Stadium, which must be demolished to make way for the new facilities. Only then can the designers, engineers, and a massive international workforce begin tackling the project’s enormous challenges.

The multi-purpose facilities have to be squeezed into a compact site in densely developed Singapore, while spectators need to be kept comfortable regardless of baking tropical heat, high humidity, or torrential storms. What’s more, they must make the world’s largest programmable LED projection screen, and build the largest free-spanning dome roof ever seen.

The construction team will experience all the pressure of an elite sporting event as they face the tightest of deadlines, unexpected obstacles, and high-risk construction procedures. It’s all in the story of Singapore’s Field of Dreams
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Рекомендации по теме

1. We’re in Singapore 🇸🇬 and taking you on the grand tour and evolution of their pride and joy: the Singapore National Stadium. It’s a multifunctional sports-hub and can adapt to more than 30 types of sports

2. It was completed in late 2013 and officially opened on 30 June 2014, on the site of the former National Stadium, which was closed in 2007 and demolished in 2010.

3. Construction of the new stadium took 6 years.

4. The stadium features the world's largest retractable domed roof and the configurable seating on the lowest spectator tier to make it the only stadium in the world that is custom-designed to host different sporting events at any given time.

5. Depending on its configurations, the stadium has a maximum seating capacity of 55, 000 for football and rugby, 52, 000 for cricket and 50, 000 for athletics events/concerts and is the largest stadium in the country in terms of seating capacity.

6. The roof is made out of insulated metal to reflect sunlight.

7. It takes approximately 48 hours to reconfigure seating arrangements to suit an upcoming event

8. An energy-efficient cooling system is also designed to deliver cooled air to every seat in the stadium while using less than 15 percent of energy as compared to a conventional air-conditioned stadium, providing every spectator a cool and comfortable time to enjoy an event. (I hope Qatar is using this method for their stadiums for the 2022 World Cup Soccer ⚽️)

9. The National Stadium currently holds the record of the largest dome structure in the world. The retractable roof itself takes approximately 25 minutes to open or close.

10. The wood from the old stadium - the old benches - were reused, restyled by local artists and architects and placed around the city. I love it when old things are repurposed, reused. Watch out for those public benches when you visit or if you live in Singapore.


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This is an uplifting story. I especially enjoyed the idea that benches are placed all over town made of recycled materials from the old sports center. And a proud father whose son created great sound. God bless you all.


My most memorable moment in this National Stadium was when it was being constructed. I was hauling joint compound and sacks of cement in my 1.5 ton truck, to the deep end of the work site. The access road was just a mud track that all vehicles and heavy equipment used. It had stopped raining a couple of hours earlier and I was driving behind a huge tracked excavator, which was creating massive muddy ruts on the side of its left track (the right track was driving on the rocks, the access road was narrow). The truck got stuck in one of these ruts and the wheels just sunk.

They couldn't tow me out cos my load was causing my truck's fuel tank (which was mounted on the right side along the chassis rail) to dig in even further. In the end they had to call on one of the tower cranes to lift the truck out. It was a heck of a day, I was covered in mud and it took almost 3 hours to wash off all the mud from under the chassis of my truck.


As some one living there there're a few additional interesting facts about the stadium:
1. It's one of the 1st to be built under a public-private partnership (PPP) in Singapore, & the old Nat'l Stadium was closed in 2007 as it was originally planned to commence rebuilding then & complete it in 2010. However the global financial crisis soon afterwards prevented the private contractor from being able to borrow money for the construction, delaying the comstruction commencement until 2010. For this reason Singapore also postponed it's hosting of the South East Asian (SEA) Games from 2013 to 2015.
2. It was planned for the stadium to host the annual National Day Parade (marking the country's anniversary), except every 5 years when it's traditionally hosted at the _Padang_ open field. However since the stadium's opening in 2014 it has hosted the parade only once (2016) as numerous limitations were found in it's design. The pitch wasn't strong enough to have the vehicle display segment of the parade (of military tanks, with the Leopard 2SG tanks topping at around 60t each), while the stadium's roof blocked spectator's view of the parade-ending fireworks & the aerial flypast segment, while also making it too difficult for army parachuters to land safely on the pitch (forcing this parade-opening performance, where the parachuters jump out of helicopters, to be cancelled)


This is an engineering marvel. Looking forward to this stadium being the venue of the future Olympic Games, hosted by Singapore!


I miss Singapore. Lived here for 2 months in 2019


Went to Singapore once. Beautiful city.


i am from Qatar and proud to say Qatar has more than 7 stadiums full of very modern techniques.. i think everyone noticed that during world cup 2022


Yes and Must also showcase another Singapore Famous Changi International Airport Latest Attraction, The Jewel Building.


Oh yah my mum was one of the many architects who worked alongside to design it


In my fictional world, Malaysia surpasses Singapore in every area


Another great documentary reporting the efforts put in place to establish a sporting and recreational venue for thousands in a very buss city. Every one involved achieved a marvelous result. Sad to see the old tower going, it would have been a good Idea to left it intact as a memorabilia or historical record.


I spent much of 1984 in Singapore, in the middle of Lee Kwan Yew's Utopian makeover of the island. Initially I was suspicious of the goal of a benevolent dictatorship which worked for the people but, for the most part, he seems to have succeeded. His insistence on English as the first language has really paid off, as is obvious listening to these folks talk. In 1984, it was said that the national bird of Singapore was the crane, because the skyline was dotted with them. Construction labor was provided almost exclusively by Singapore's Malay citizens, who were, and are still at the lower end of the socioeconomic spectrum. But that bottom is now a comfortable perch. In 1984 I remember armies of barefoot laborers clambering over the steel skeletons of high rises, with no safety equipment. Now, if what I see here is representative of the national standard, they have adopted a western level of concern for worker safety. Singapore isn't perfect, but they have proven that, as long as everyone has a decent level of security and prosperity, a benevolent(-ish) dictatorship, with a carefully monitored and regulated Capitalist economy can foster a Utopian-ish quasi-social quasi-democracy. It might be a prototype for 21st Century deteriorating democracies dying from an excess of Libertarianism, tottering on the precipice of Fascism. America, I'm lookin' at you.


How i wish my government, kenya, could emulate this. And remember, in 1963, kenya as a country was far ahead of singapore in terms of infrastructure. Unfortunately, due to corruption and personal interest, we laging behind to singapore. Kenya is just a mess, I dont know who will save us.


Hope the national football team can keep up with the extreme


Seems like once they finish one big building project, they start a new one. What’s next?!?!


Whats the cost of building a stadium like this ??


No matter how good the new stadium is, it will never replace the old stadium, especially when NDP is held.


Next Jakarta International Stadium is bigger than this stadium with the roof opening and closing too.


My company Dspl construction 🏗️ this project 👍👍👍
