Tesla ... What On Earth Is Going On?!

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0:00 Intro
0:38 TSLA Stock Falls, Earnings, Deliveries & Economy
7:01 Price Target TSLA
7:46 Next Gen / Robotaxi
14:31 14a Proxy Statement & Elon Compensation Plan
20:35 10% Layoffs & "Balls To Wall"
26:40 FSD Price Reduction
28.40 Optimus

DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should NEVER be taken or misconstrued as financial advice. I am NOT a financial advisor. The views expressed are my personal opinions and are not intended to be a substitute for professional financial advice. Please do your own research or consult a professional advisor before making any investment decisions.

► Sharif TABBARA

#tesla #tsla
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i was expecting some tesla BS like on all those other channels but this is actually very good, sane content. thank you


To recommend buying Tesla stock right now is basically malpracrice. Earnings are going to be awful for the next year or two. To hang your shingles on robotaxi is foolish. They haven't even gotten the appropriate license yet. 8/8 will be all smokes and mirrors.


SInce everything said about Tesla revolves around cars(delivery numbers, reasons for missing them, etc) that makes Tesla a car company. As a car company, the shares have a lot more to fall. My two cents...


Whats going on is Elon has been saying for years that TSLA is way overvalued but no one takes it seriously...


I really went in to tesla after your videos.. bit worried now as I was in when it was 255.. lossing 110 per share is very painful at the moment.. lets hope it turns back


Hayley, you're an interesting person. It's quite a surprise to discover your channel and learn that you have a laser-focused, data-driven, clear-eyed, transparently-analyzed opinion and thesis. I greatly value this, and appreciate your efforts to bring it out publicly. I wish you great success growing and expanding your channel. I'll be watching: You've got another sub.


Everyone needs to realize they're not even close to full self-driving they can't even pass level 3. For full self-driving Your not going to be able to do this until at least level four or five. With that said, Mercedes has already been certified for level 3. Tesla's failed multiple times, he took out all the lidar this may be slowing this down The level 3 certification. Robitaxi is not even going to be close to generating cash for a couple of years at best. Even if he had full self-driving it'll probably take a year of testing just to allow it to be on the roads.
Note: He's been saying he has full self-driving every year since 2016, and then he turns around and tells us it's harder than he thought. Then the idea that he is going after the liberals, his customers. Republicans do not even want to buy an electric car. And if Donald Trump gets in office he said the first one he's going to do is to cut all electrical subsidies. He even wants to lower the miles per gallon on the ICE cars. This is going to be extremely bad for Tesla.
If he's not selling as many cars, since he's laying off assembly line workers you know this is the case. And he's not going to have full self-driving anytime soon. He needs to explain how he's going to increase revenue this year. I did sell my stock and I'm a bull on Tesla in the long run. However, he has to show how he's going to make money this year. When you go out to 3 years, many things can change. As an example the presidency, clearly the right wing is 100% against electric cars. This is not a good situation, and Trump says he's going to stop all electric pump spending. You have to wonder when a CEO, a tax is own customers and is trying to get a person elected that's going to take away incentives to buy an electric car. I could only scratch my head at this guy


A company that is sooo dependent on one person is very risky. If he gets sick or worse what happens?


Love your commentaries you explained yourself very well! ❤


Tesla stock has been vastly overrated for a decade+. This is simply the market acknowledging and adjusting to Tesla as a car company; not a tech company.


Ive said it before. Piling in on Tesla is just portfolio punting. It's a terrible long term investment.

They have an erratic outspoken owner who has been sued by his own shareholders for tanking the price. They do not pay a dividend. And over the next 10 years every model of car there is will have an electric equivalent, and as a consequence Tesla market domination will collapse.


Another pumperchannel🤣
Tesla produced 50K more cars than they sold. It's not a supply problem, it's a demand...
Stock to $80 this year and much lower next year. It will never bounce back, ever.


There's no Model 2 lol. You guys need to listen. Reuters was right. The "low cost vehicle" is the robotaxi.


I sold all mine at 195. I'm A fan of Elon, His Mission, and Tesla but I think he has an F you attitude to small investors as well. Two important exec's leaving just before earnings could have been managed better by Elon. All the cloak and daggers on X with Emoji or single word tweets posted in a juvenile fashion by Elon. It's left us thinking 25K model is now shelved. The payment package is in the air and speculation is there that Musk may walk or be pushed if Tesla performance slips or he doesn't get what he wants. The earnings calls are usually pretty poor and unless he's got a magic trick up his sleeve the share price will take a further beating. Hate not having Tesla share but I figure there is a good chance I can jump back in and scoop even more shares if/when it goes through s major dip. Good that Hayley is positive but we need to take a critical look at the company and our own cash.


Thanks for your video. Let's go Tesla ❤


*😮 3 Years ago price per share was higher, 🤔 the drop is inormas. Now they saying it may drop to $80 🥺 I hope Tesla will not drop lower than $140*


Interested in your thoughts on the growth strategy and opportunities for Tesla Energy. Optimus seems a few years away before it starts having an impact outside of Tesla, however, energy poised for significant change.


Excellent video Hayley! I am particularly curious about the projections for the “Model 2”. I am bullish on robo taxis and the Tesla Bot mid term and long term but if the plan is to scale back the low cost vehicle I have concerns. (I still picked up more shares this week)

The mission statement was to grow into 20 million cars annually AND continue down the FSD path. What you you think?


Have my whole life savings in Tesla. Not happy at all but I have faith….in Elon and in Tesla🙏🏻
