Taking a Break…

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Taking a break.. What do y’all think?

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#troutfishing #brooktrout #catchandcook
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I get that you want to go back to your roots and have some nostalgia and I support you but you are one of the reasons why I started fly fishing. I will still watch your videos because you are an amazing creator


You can't make everyone happy. No matter what you say or do there will be tons of people knocking you for fishing this way or that way. I like the mixed content of fly and spin fishing and I rarely fly fish but I still enjoy it all. I think the biggest attractor to your channel is the catch, clean and cooks and it's also nice to see you getting into other species.


As a fly fisherman and also a spin fisherman I totally understand taking a break from the fly and going back to the “roots” of a spinning rod. I love fly fishing but I do find myself still picking up a spinning rod every once in a while!


Do what you want to do, it's life, man. Take a brake if you need to. I will be here waiting for when you decide to come back. Love your shows. Have fun in the meantime. Enjoy yourself ❤


As someone who mainly fly fishes. Ive watched your videos for a few years watching you mainly spin fish. And I truly enjoy your content. Catching fish, exploring new waters, and cooking up good meals has always been inspiring. Love to see you fly fishing but you have good content regardless. Keep doing you man. You have a good following of people who enjoy your videos. Trout is delicious :)


Love the stream fishing. One of the best videos ever.


Good on ya man. I spin fish and have gotten the hard sell on the bank from the fly guys more times than I can count. I love throwing rooster tails and twitching jigs here on the Columbia and don’t understand why it’s such a sin to them for me to be out enjoying my river . Even the fellas floating marshmallows off the bottom deserve to be into the fish as much as the guy in full Simms with a 2000$ set up. Fishing is for everyone, at every level, to enjoy as they see fit. Keep ‘em coming dude, you’re my fav YouTuber and you pump out amazing content.


Love that you fish like you like to fish and don’t let others influence who you are! Enjoy every cast and every moment you are able to fish!! Time goes by way too fast to not enjoy it!! Such awesome country you live in!!!


This was such a relaxing and exciting video brother! I’m really digging the “semi change” in content. I couldn’t believe how well you did with such simple lures and simple technique! 👏🏼 🙌🏼 🤙🏼

I learned a lot from this video. I can’t wait to learn, and see some more content like this!

Tight lines,
~ Manny ~ 👊🏼


always just happy to see your vids bro, any type of fishin you do is awesome! love the vids and always look forward to the next!


Hey man, just have fun and enjoy the outdoors. Fly fishing or using a spinning rod. Stream videos are my personal favorite but enjoy watching all the content. Here for the long run man 💪


Wow. I know you won’t know me or anything but you know my brother I remember watching his videos and seeing you on them you guys would fish a lot together in high school and I love to see that you are still making videos. Keep up the work!


YES LETS GO MORE SPIN FISHING 🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥 (i love your channel bro)


I can relate bro. I LOVE fly fishing, and try to focus content on it occasionally, but spin fishing with lures is what got me into fishing. Do what you want; your content will still be 🔥


Do what you want with your channel. Whatever makes you happy is the most important thing. Regardless of what that is, I wish you the best.

I've been fishing all my life with a spincast, and I love it. Since 2021, I've gotten into fly fishing. And since that's new, that's what my focus has been on. So far, my videos have only been about fly fishing & tying, but I plan to discuss & show spincast as well. I love them both, and luckily, I haven't encountered people complaining about styles of fishing or ethics. Both in my personal life or the internet.

I hope things get better for you and that everything becomes more fun & enjoyable.


Excellent video and I really enjoy your content! I like all fishing types you do but have to say my favorite is stream/river fishing using spinning equipment. Tight lines!


I like mixed content too. Various technics, the ones of your choice is just fine. In the end, you go fish at nice areas, you always catch nice fishes and your videos are cool. That's all what matters to me.


I personally enjoy the spinfishing videos more Only because I am a Spinfishman its always good to go back to Where it all started once in a While. Thanks for another great Video


Dude! Fish however you want to. Loved the videos for a long time, you play a big role in why I got back into campouts this summer along the river. Trout on the fly or spinner, I always look forward to sitting down to a classic B&T vid. At the end of the day, we'll all be here. Cheers


I use both spinning outfits and fly fishing outfits to trout fish, however I am excited that you are going back to your original style of fishing videos. I enjoy them a lot more. Thanks and keep up the good work
