Q&A 59: Questions for a Gun Shop Owner w/ Kurt Stancl

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Today we have a bunch of questions about gun shops, and I am joined by Kurt Stancl, of Bear Arms in Scottsdale AZ. You can find him at:

0:00:00 - Introduction
0:02:02 - How have online sales impacted the business?
0:03:55 - Profit margins on guns vs accessories
0:05:08 - How do you choose what brands and models to stock?
0:07:36 - And brands you don't stock because of poor quality?
0:10:17 - Most popular rifle, pistol and shotgun in the middle price range?
0:12:38 - One thing you wish customers would stop doing in the store?
0:15:16 - Considerations for someone considering opening a gun store?
0:18:45 - Advice for someone getting a CCW / first gun?
0:22:59 - Trends in demand based on social media, video games, or current events?
0:26:57 - Most rare or obscure things to walk through the door?
0:29:34 - Does ATF behavior change or time, especially between different administrations?
0:32:13 - And really outrageous special orders?
0:34:03 - Do you cross-post inventory to GunBroker?
0:35:51 - Is the ban on Russian ammo impacting supply?
0:37:16 - Why do some shops charge so much for transfers?
0:40:06 - Biggest positive and negative changes in the business since you started?
0:43:10 - Most returned gun?
0:44:58 - What are some under appreciated brands?
0:46:36 - Are some distributors better than others to work with?
0:48:36 - Some shops are going out of business because of supply chain issues - is this a problem for you?
0:51:33 - Shops accepting (or not) C&R licenses
0:54:44 - Red flags for a customer in a new gun shop?
0:57:00 - Why do shops talk down to female customers?
1:01:20 - What do you enjoy selling the most?
1:02:32 - Qualifications you look for in new employees?

Forgotten Weapons
6281 N. Oracle 36270
Tucson, AZ 85740
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Ran into Ian when I went into Bear Arms the day he filmed this! He was super nice, I'm excited to hear what they talk about in this.


We definitely need a video on Kurt’s ”cool, flexing collection” now!


This was a REALLY interesting Q&A. I appreciate the diversity. Kurt was really interesting to see the perspective. Thanks Ian!


If Kurt is willing, it would be great to see a video tour of his store.


There's a saying in the world of fishing: If you never want to go fishing again, open a tackle store.


"Showrooming" Where I used to live in CA we had 2 gun shops both had 2 different transfer charge rates; If it was a firearm that the shop had or could order in- the Transfer fee was 150.00 if it wasn't, -used/ private party sale etc.- then it was 35.00; worked well for them


Been doing business with Bear Arms since 1995.

Started with my Father and continues with me. It has been interesting to see the evolution over the years.

I am glad they are still going strong.

Stay classy my friends.


Never thought an interview with a gun store owner is what I needed


Accessories are sold in store because 1. people come in just for accessories, 2. customers buying a gun will see accessories & convince themselves to buy some, 3. on sale accessories draw in customers and 4. the salesmen can suggest an accessory or include one in the deal to convince a customer to make a purchase.
The average customers is very open & susceptible to suggestion if you're polite and helpful.


I really love to hear Kurt signaling out Walther and CZ as underappreciated gun manufacturers. I have been an advocate of Walther products since the P99 came out. Walther makes fantastic products and they really do a good job offering firearms that are left handed friendly. As a south paw, I really appreciate these firearms for their ergonomics, accuracy, and quality. I hope Ian can visit Walther one day like he has with HK.


I like the fact they're sitting in front of Ian's latest ammo purchase :)


Can't wait to see the "Kurt flexing his cool stuff" video, the tool room Woodsman was really cool.


Excellent Q&A. I’m a former employee of another gunshop in AZ and still answer questions from my friends.

Bear Arms is one of my favorite shops also.


I used to work in camera shops. It sounds like there's a lot that's similar in terms of how the business works, and how customers handle the goods. Cameras have an advantage in terms of getting dropped, though: you can get the customer to put the strap round their neck.


I tend to find a store I like and always go there, even if it's not the best price. I like the people there and would rather support the business over saving a few bucks, community has more value than paper


Agree on the CZ’s being overlooked. I let a friend of mine shoot my 75 Compact carry gun, and he came off of wanting a Glock or S&W so fast it made your head spin. Been carrying one for years, and training regularly, and it always shines.


Love the insight on how Walther and CZ don't get enough love. As someone outside of the US it's interesting what is and isn't popular - would never expect brands like that to be less popular!


We need a video of Kurt's interesting collection!!


One of the things I appreciate most about Ian, and the people he works with, is his attitude towards women. He is so respectful and inclusive, which are two things that the gun community historically hasn't been. Tactical grandmas are badasses, and it's so cool to see them, and people like them, celebrated.


Love this dude, seems so genuine and fun to hang out with
24:35 Made my day
