Comic Shop Talk So you want to open a comic shop Episode 1 1080p

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how to turn your hobby into a livelihood
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I am 57, and once upon a time I thought running a comic shop would be fun. But after getting to know some LCS owners and after working part-time in a shop myself for several months, I realize that it is like any other business: HARD WORK. Sure, there are fun moments and activities, but when you're responsible for figuring out how to turn a profit and keep the lights on, you realize just how much goes into running such a business and how crucial every decision you make can be. I live in Chgo, and I can count the number of LCS that have managed to stay open steadily for 10-20yrs on one hand. I respect these gentlemen a lot for navigating what can be a very unsteady industry to their advantage. Definitely looking forward to this video series.


This will be an awesomely informative and educational series, and I can't wait to see more! I so appreciate the time and effort you have put into this endeavor, and I wish you lots of views and helpful and insightful comments!


Very excited to see this series. I have dreamed of opening a comic shop for years but always had cold feet due to the unknown. Hopefully this will shed some light on those unknowns. Looking forward to it!


Thank you for these videos 🙏 . What an awesome thing to share with anyone who dreams of opening a shop.


Great idea for a video series. I'd love to know the start up costs, rent cost, etc.


Looks like a nice little shop you got there!


Would love to see you have a chat with Chuck Rozansky. Grew up in his shops, here in Denver (and now his massive consolidated mecca), and he's a hell of a character. I realize he's always been controversial but there's no doubt that he has a perspective on the industry from every side, an opinion worth hearing :) Also, he's really into his community, like you, and he cares a lot. Also like you. We are lucky to have cats like you taking care of us.


I am very much looking forward to this series. If comic buyers and collectors understand the effort in retailing books, it would make them more informed and reasonable collectors.


Really looking forward to this! Always had it a bit of a dream to open a collectibles shop one day so definitely tuning in to every episode. Would love to know about the numbers/data/stats of the biz including margins... What are your "bread and butter" items that sell consistently to keep the business afloat (like the subscriptions you mentioned in this episode)?.. what do you pay for with so much competition and everyone knowing eBay prices?.. how long did it take you to go from store inception to when you actually were able to open the doors for the first time? Did you build up a big collection of items first before ever selling anything?...


Hey. Just discovered your channel after seeing you on the Beyond Wednesdays industry show. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your videos and would love to hear about what creators can do to move their books off their shelves once they are in your store and mitigate the risk of taking a chance on a new, unproven creator and/or title. Thanks!


This is going to be an awesome series !


Nice idea on the content. I really dig this


I have been looking for something like this for a long time. i dipped my foot in this business a few years before covid but sadly had to shut it down. I've been looking for more information on everything so I am looking forward to this series. Hopefully I will be able to reopen again and be successful my next go round.


Hello. This sounds great. I have been waiting to find something like this. I will be looking forward to the show each week. Thank you for doing this. Randy B.


Good evening, have you or anyone you know who owns a shop ever think of adding flea markets as a way to purge sitting stock of independent and slightly damaged comics for steep discounts. We all know those independents and old stock take up much needed space over the years even the $1.00 bins there are hard titles to move. I been doing well in that area just want your thoughts.


Really looking forward to this series of behind the scenes of a comic shop


I am excited for this series! And thank you for not hating too much on us "dirty flippers" lol.. I can barely call myself that even but many dealers certainly have labeled me as such (and often after only about 1 second of meeting me), but I am always quick to respond, "takes one to know one" which is 100% accurate albeit a bit childish.. I'm 90% collector (for personal enjoyment, not financial gain), and 10% "seller" but that is usually only if I upgrade a book and have a duplicate or dollar bin stuff that I can have some fun making a couple dollars (not even enough to support my PC buying tho lol).. What confounds the dealers and leads them to their inaccurate judgement of me is that I don't really "read" comics (they are picture-books so nobody actually "reads" them), I appreciate them for the art, specifically cover art. (yes, GGA). Sad truth is that without "flippers" or "Spec-ers" there would literally be no significant value in comics at all, especially anything after 1960 or so (aside from about a handful of unobtainable grails).. anyway, can you talk about Whatnot (if you know anything about it), I am still a bit confused on how to sell (or even buy) on that platform


I didn't even know this was going to be a series. i'm already loving it! subscribed


Great show and really enjoyed you and Denise on Bryan’s channel on Tuesday


Very cool video and idea! hyped to see the next one. Subscribed!