Free Real Swing Golf Instruction Clinic in Palm Beach Florida!!!

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You will learn why the three premises of modern golf instruction: 1) trying to model your swing after an allegedly "bio-mechancially sound swing like Tiger or Adam Scott, 2) blaming your bad shots on mechanical swing flaws or mistakes -- "Dang! Lifted my head again!" -- and 3) trying to develop the "muscle memory" of a technically perfect swing are not only NOT the solution to your ball striking problems: They are the problem!
Why is this the case?
Let’s look at the the current paradigm in comparison to the paradigm of Real Swing Golf…
“All the significant break throughs were break-withs old ways of thinking.”
– Thomas Kuhn
The Old Paradigm…
In other hand-eye coordination ball and stick/racquet sports, the object to be struck — be it the puck, the baseball, the tennis or racquet ball, the ping pong ball, the badminton shuttlecock — is in motion. In golf, the ball sits stationary, waiting to be struck. Because of this fact, a particular and pervasive paradigm about how to strike a golf ball has evolved that can be summarized as follows:
“The body moves the club and ‘correct’ body movements and positions will create ‘good’ shots and ‘incorrect’ body movements and positions will cause ‘bad’ shots.” This mentality is the underlying rationale when golfers blame their bad shots on things like, “I lifted my head,” or “I bent my left arm,” or “I didn't shift my weight.”
It is the view of myself — Ron Sisson, Professional Golf Coach, President of Real Swing Golf, and creator of the Real Swing Golf Method® of golf swing instruction — that this paradigm has been incorrect from the very first golf swing ever taken until today. When one looks into our current scientific understanding of how human beings learn and develop the myriad of motor movement skills we learn and use in our everyday lives — basic motor locomotion like walking and running, grasping objects, operating machines and computers at work, playing musical instruments, dance, athletic and sport movement skills, etc., — the body-focused paradigm expressed in the previous paragraph begins to make very little sense.
In the current old paradigm, the theory of what’s happening when a human being strikes a golf ball with a full swing motion is as follows: “It appears that highly skilled golfers are moving their bodies through a series of complex movements and positions that they have burned into ‘muscle memory’ through countless hours of practice. They then execute these movements on the golf course by way of consciously directed, bio-mechanical ‘swing thoughts’ focused on body position and movement. If they are done in a ‘bio-mechanically correct’ fashion, these movements and positions create the proper movements of the clubhead, thereby producing powerfully struck and directionally accurate shots.” In short, “The bio-mechanical movements of the body create the swinging of the club.”
The New Paradigm…
“Highly skilled golfers focus their minds and intentions on the shot shape they desire to get the ball to their intended target. They then execute two critical skills related to the skillful use of the clubhead — the Critical Clubhead Skills, which are the heart of the Real Swing Golf Method® — that they learned instinctively, usually at a very young age. The body's physical movements are a reaction to the mind’s intention to swing the club, strike the ball, and send it accurately towards a specific target. In short, “The bio-mechanics do not create the swinging of the club; the swinging of the club creates the bio-mechanics.”
Said another way, golfers who have fully developed their Critical Clubhead Skills do not hit the ball well because they figured out what to do with their bodies, which in turn caused the clubhead to move correctly. They hit the ball well because they figured out what to do with the clubhead and how to swing it efficiently, using it as a tool to accomplish their objectives with the ball, and their bodies simply did whatever was necessary toward that end.
The Real Swing Golf approach has golfers focus their conscious attention on what is scientifically called an external focus, i.e., on the specifics of how to swing the club, strike the ball, and send the ball towards an intended target. They learn to trust that their implicit motor skill learning ability — an innate, subconscious motor movement learning ability that all human beings use to learn all of their motor movement tasks — will instinctively work out the details of whatever physical movements are necessary to perform the task, in this case striking a golf ball.
Want to learn more? Come to the clinic this Saturday, February 19th, 2022 at 2 pm.
See you there!