How to Live a God-Oriented Life | How-to-Live Talk with Meditation

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Self-Realization Fellowship monk Brother Sattvananda shares Paramahansa Yogananda’s wisdom on how we can move past a simple belief about God to establish a personal relationship with the Divine as the guiding force in our lives.

Brother Sattvananda informs us that we can connect our lives with God by following the moral and ethical codes found in all religions, coupled with daily meditation. In this way we can heal ourselves of the false notion that we are limited human beings and realize ourselves as beings of light, reflections of God.

This talk was recorded at the SRF Encinitas Temple in Encinitas, California.



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Beautiful talk. Thank you Brother Sattvananda 🙏Jai Guru🙏


Brother Sattvananda, your explanation about the many facets of love and devotion is very useful to me. I noticed immediately the depth of devotion in your words and chanting, before you spoke about it. I now look forward to the external experience of love through flowers, uplifting music, the innocence of children and the internal experience of feeling that devotion. Thank you.


When you said, "It is God that takes the Guru's form to have a personal relationship with each disciple. Which is different. It's very personal. It's very individual. So, it's very, very beautiful." I broke down into joyous sobs. This touched my very depths. Thank you! Master loved me first. I told him when I first started on the spiritual path, "I don't know what love is. I don't know how to love God. How can I love God?" Then Guruji loved me first. From one of his photographs came the most exquisite joy and bliss. This I then knew was unconditional love.


Yes then we transcend the 40 days in the desert. Truly beautiful prayers to bring into presence all those whom are always within us all. Thank you god bless you all. Om peace amen


Thank you for the inspiration from your own experience and practice. This is an assurance that we all can improve.


Wonderful talk Brother 🙏
These talks add so much of joy and peace and completeness to our lives. Always waiting for these talks.
Thank you 😊


Grateful for this talk. There is so much peace emanating from you Brother, and innocence. E bello sapere che sei italiano.
Much love to you all, thank you for the guidance.
Jai Guru! ❤❤❤


Very uplifting. God is there in living organisms, non living things, atoms, quarks, strings, entanglement, galaxies, parallel universes.. everywhere!
He is the Supreme Intelligence 🙏


Grazie fratello Sattvananda: Beatitudine in tutto ciò che è buono, rendi pienamente onore al tuo nome monastico


Namaste Brother!
Beautiful message. Thank you!
Oṁ namo Bhagavate Vāsudevāya


Very important talk since few understand the relationship with God in the ultimate sense.


Treasure trove of Guruji’s wisdom from the SRF/YSS monastics ….always ….feel so blessed to be on this path . Thank you beloved Guruji . I love you 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🥰


Jai Guru...It was well delivered discourse by Swamiji with depth of own devotion, commitment and self life examples. Thank you so very much....Jai Guru, Sandeep🙂🙏🙂


Deeply grateful for this inspiring and very important talk. Thank you, Brother Sattvananda, for sharing how you came to the path, and the ways you've kept the purity and wisdom of the teachings alive. Resonate so much with your ways of knowing God personally, and feel such wonder at the timing of this blessing. And thank God for the feeling of wonder!


Brother thankyou for describing the urgency of breaking free of our delusions and then explaining the Niyamas.Devotion and learning to practice the presence, secretly and creatively .The real life stories were so effective.So many gems packed in this talk.🙏, grateful for Masters blessings that flow through this talk.


Thank you This explanation looking at the rose & how to find God within & without has struck a cord with me - the answer I have been searching for.


Brother Sattvananda , your talk about how to live God oriented life has been superb.It has cleared a lot of doubts in my mind.Thank you


When the light starts, everybody goes with it and feel the pleasure blessings! Thank you


Ciao!! That's so good to see you brother! thank you for your work


Thanks Bro! JG! May all beings be happy & free. :)
