The Big Bang Theory: The Most Shocking Moment of Every Season

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Many seasons, many memorable moments! For this list, we’ll be looking at the good, the bad and the bizarrely shocking moments from each of the “Big Bang’s” twelve awesome seasons. If you haven’t finished the show, there will be spoilers.Our countdown includes moments from episodes “The Excelsior Acquisition”, “The Good Guy Fluctuation”, “The Platonic Permutation” and more! Which of these shocking moments has stuck with you all these years later? Let us know in the comments.

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One thing I would add for a was when Howard found that letter from his dad, Sheldon read it, then everyone else made up their own version of it to tell him to do a Schrodinger's cat method for it. That just hit like a semi for season 6.


No matter what anyone says, I loved this show and I really do feel everyone grew and changed over the course of 12 years. They may not have been friends and it wasn’t friends, but watching this show for that long made them feel like friends.


Sheldon telling Amy he loved her for the first time and their first kiss should definitely be on this list!!


I’m a girl and used to work at a comic book store and dated engineers and physicists. When the Big Bang came on my mom would constantly tell me how silly she thought the show was and how could I watch it. I told her “but those are my people! One of them is the same guy that you wanted me to marry so badly!” I grew up with people like that and I loved the characters like I loved my own friends. This show will always have a special place in my heart.


Sheldon with a wedding ring was heart warming


I’m a girl and used to work at a comic book store and dated engineers and physicists. When the Big Bang came on my mom would constantly tell me how silly she thought the show was and how could I watch it. I told her “But those are my people! One of them is the same guy that you wanted me to marry so badly!” I grew up with people like that and I loved the characters like I loved my own friends. This show will always have a special place in my heart. Sheldon with a wedding ring was heartwarming I kind of wish I was there to say, "Someone should snap a picture, " when Sheldon hugged Penny on Christmas It can be shocking all around Season 12 should have been Leonard’s slap I love this show so much! I can't believe it has been 16 years since the FIRST episode aired! (September 24th, 2007). I miss them. I didn't find Howard's mom dying shocking at all. Mostly because the actress had passed so I figured they would write it into the show. The last speech was the perfect way to end this legendary series... I had tears in my eyes as I saw the series end.
Lol I have a Big Bang Theory collection of all seasons You left out the most shocking thing to ever happen in the series: Sheldon having coitus with Amy (season 9). By the way, a shocking fact is that Sheldon caught both his parents having relations with another person (his father as a child & his mother as an adult). Poor dude. One great moment was when Sheldon ruined Little House On The Prairie for Amy. I bet he will ruin The Good Doctor for everyone because of the main character and his hatred for it I miss this show so much I had a similar experience with my mom when I was seven. Now I never enter any room that’s not mine without knocking and saying “Can I come in”. To be honest there are many scenes in the show where I would not be friends with someone anymore and would throw them away out of life I miss the show so much ever since I learned a bit I've grown closer and closer to it but one of the amazing most loving parts that I love so much is where Sheldon kneels down and asks Amy to marry him and even the words that they exchanged to one another was one of the best moments and the best words that I've ever heard at a marriage I just wish someday I could get married to a guy that would do a surprising thing like this to me the big bang was the greatest show and have learned so much from them wish that it was still airing How is season 9 most shocking moment not Sheldon and Amy sleeping together??? Season 11's shocking moment shouldn't have been seeing Stuart in a flashback finding the Batman flash drive with the Bitcoin on it. It should have been that Howard managed to get Mark Hamill to officiate at Sheldon and Amy's wedding! The reason given for why Sheldon knocks 3 times does not make sense because he didn’t do it when the series started. 0:38 - SPOILER ALERT!!! Well done Miss Mojo. A+ on your spoiler warnings. The thing that I found strange about the Nobel Prize episode was that Sheldon was being himself, but for the first time in 12 years, his friends decided to not just accept it as they had always done before. why not include when Amy and Sheldon first meet What about Amy becoming beautiful, that was pretty big? Doesn’t anyone realize that Sheldon’s father didn’t actually cheat on his mother? As in Season 7 episode 5 of Young Sheldon, the ending shows Mary role-playing with George in their bedroom and she is wearing a wig. That’s when Sheldon bursts into the bedroom and mistakes his mother for someone else and assumes that his father is having an affair. Crazy how much the writers make sure of the tiny details So shocking in this show! George didn't cheat! I will never stop watching this, F.R.I.E.N.D.S, Golden Girls, Designing Women, WKRP in Cincinnati, Andy Griffith Show & M*A*S*H. All perfect shows, in my opinion. I'm TBBT was about being F•R•I•E•N•D•S. And F•R•I•E•N•D•S was about The Big Bang Theory The shocking moment of season 12 isn’t Penny getting pregnant? Sheldon giving his speech should’ve been the union it makes no sense. First First of all, you essentially already made this video: Top ten best moments from each season. Also you should really consider stop making videos about this show, because the last four season were an ABSOLUTE GARBAGE PILE. They ruined everything by focusing on Sheldon and Amy (the show would’ve been better without Amy) Second of all, for those of you who were disappointed by this series’s last four seasons, how Penny was never a well-developed character, and how it ended, let me recommend this: “What could have been”, by son-goku5. WAY BETTER than the actual show. It takes place THROUGHOUT the show but has real and better character development for Penny. It's like 95% from Penny's POV, and it also gives her more depth by showing/including her family from Nebraska as well as her family. It definitely made me feel better about how disappointing the last five seasons were. The show should have just ended with Leonard and Penny getting married. Also, this story puts Penny in moments where she wasn't. (Vegas and Camping Trip where the guys were Tripping while Camping; she gets high too). Also, there's a huge twist that makes the show honestly look dumb in romantic storytelling. There's also more Penny vs Sheldon in it, to the point that Sheldon messes with her job and she messes with his schedule. Penny also doesn't become unlikable in it and remains her "before she got married" self to the end. Her fate in this story is also a lot better. And Leonard's proposal is WAY better in it. They also show Leonard interacting with her family more often (they also show him asking for her parent's blessing, which is a very well-written moment) and he even tells Penny he's jealous of her for having nice parents. Leonard also gets REAL character development in this story. He grows up and acts less nerdy but still remains a nerd (for example he missed half a day of Comic Con to take care of Penny when she gets a headache. That's what I call maturity. And when Raj uses the whip sound, to make fun of him for taking care of her, Penny gets all mad for them making fun of Leonard and she even mentions his problem with Emily and the Iron Maiden. When all he's doing is something thoughtful). What's best about this story is that while they do act like their sitcom selves, Leonard and Penny develop more realistically like REAL PEOPLE. READ IT! Also, the author is German, and I think he's a physicist because he writes science dialogue that's offscreen. Penny also comes to hate Beverley a lot. She also stands up for him when someone flirts with her and denigrates him at the same time, because she knows he never was able to do it his whole life. It’s really beautiful. At one point she even calls him in her mind, her soulmate. Penny and Leonard plan a REAL wedding, and they exchange actual beautiful vows, and makes it clear she wants to have a genuinely happy life with him because he at one point in the story says that “life will go by and all that a person will have is a regret of not doing something”. Leonard is a little philosopher in this story. He even tells Penny he’s thinking about changing his name to “Leonardo”, cause it gets rid of the word “nerd” in his name, but ultimately doesn’t. Penny is actually really smart in seasons seven and eight; she comes up with a way to trick Sheldon into giving them the apartment. You see the author writes a reason why Penny is uncomfortable with Leonard moving in with her. It is because of her asshole ex who cheated on her before she met Leonard. Penny thinks that her and Leonard also being neighbors is “convenient and practical”. So when Sheldon gets hospitalized in season four for weeks, Leonard in a very “Chandler Bing fashion” asks Penny to move in (in this story they don’t break up like in season three, and their relationship starts off WAY differently) with him as a trial. He’s smart and tells Penny he knows the real reason. When they get engaged she tells Leonard they can’t live in her apartment, so it’s either A to trick Sheldon into moving out or B, to find a new place, and “make it our own”. Sheldon is more intolerable. When Leonard does move out, they basically show no real sympathy. Penny even tells Amy that it’s HER job to prepare Sheldon for when they get married since she’s his girlfriend “by will”. Excerpt: Amy waved it off and looked at her. "Are you determined to live with Leonard after you're married?" "Of course." Penny scrunched her face in confusion. "He'll be my husband, why would I not?" "Well, I heard the secret of a successful relationship is separate apartments." Amy hesitated, clearly uncomfortable." "Amy, did you tell Sheldon yet that he has to get used to the idea that he won't be living with Leonard anymore?" Penny asked her friend. "Well..." "Dammit, Amy!" Penny huffed. "I haven't gotten the chance yet to approach the subject." Amy justified her recalcitrance. "I'm afraid he'll run away again." "Amy, let me be clear." Penny said. "After Leonard and I are back from our honeymoon, we will live together. Whether it'll be here in this building or somewhere else, I don't know yet but Sheldon will not be living in the same apartment." "Fine." Amy huffed. "Go back a minute, clothing has an expiration date?" Bernadette interjected. "Yes, it's called fashion." Penny nodded as Amy picked up the red dress from the top of the keep pile Disagree with season 9, it should be when they slept together Fun Whilst It Lasted! Top 10 Amy Farrah Fowler Moments on The Big Bang Theory 7:18 Now playing Spider-Man 4 Reportedly a Multiverse Story & Films Next Year! Good or Bad News? Sean Chandler Talks About.


I kind of wish I was there to say, "Someone should snap a picture, " when Sheldon hugged Penny on Christmas


I love this show so much! I cant believe it has been 16 years since the FIRST episode aired! (September 24th, 2007). I miss them. 😢❤


Season 12 should have been Leonard’s slap


I didn't find Howard's mom dying shocking at all. Mostly because the actress had passed so I figured they would write it into the show.


One great moment was when Sheldon ruined Little House On The Prairie for Amy. I bet he will ruin The Good Doctor for everyone because of the main character and his hatred for it


The last speech was the perfect way to end this legendary series.... I had tears in my eyes as I saw the series end.


You left out the most shocking thing to ever happen in the series: *Sheldon having coitus with Amy* (season 9).

By the way, a shocking fact is that Sheldon caught both his parents having relations with another person (his father as a child & his mother as an adult). Poor dude.


Lol I have a big bang theory collection all seasons


I had a similar experience with my mom when I was seven. Now I never enter any room that’s not mine without knocking and saying “can I come in”.


What about Amy becoming beautiful, that was pretty big?


I loved, watched and own every episode of The Big Bang Theory. I think your picks nailed it, although I'm sure there are others from such a quality show.

I would add a bonus scene of the cast doing a surprise "flash mob" dance number after the series' final episode to the Backstreet Boys' hit "Larger Than Life."


The reason given for why Sheldon knocks 3 times does not make sense because he didn’t do it when the series started.


Sheldon may have been the greatest tv character ever developed over time. The way he changed throughout the show is really remarkable and the writers did a fantastic job


I miss the show so much ever since that I learned a bit I've grown more and more close to it but one of the amazing most loving parts that I love it so much is where Sheldon kneels down and asked Amy to marry him and even the words that they exchanged to one another was one of the best moments and the best words that I've ever heard at a marriage I just wish someday I could get married to a guy that would do a surprising thing like this to me the big bang was the greatest show and have learned so much from them wish that it was still airing
