Hands-on With Cursive: Google's New App for Handwritten Notes

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Cursive – a new PWA from Google for Chromebooks - has launched with the new HP Chromebook x2 11. As a new service from Google for Chromebook users, we thought it was time we tried the new app on a range of devices - affordable, high-powerd, and everything in between - to sort out how well this web-based handwriting app would perform across the wider Chromebook ecosystem. Let’s just say the results were varied.


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This is what I respect about this channel, Robby isn't afraid to say yep Apple does it much better. Yeah we come here because we are ChromeOs enthusiasts and it would be very easy to pander to us, but he didn't pull any punches. Totally gives Chrome Unboxed that much more credibility.


My question is: Why were these new features added to a new app instead of expanding Google Keep?


I just bought a Remarkable 2 a month ago and it is already unthinkable switching to a regular tablet for notetaking. It's one of the best things that I purchased this year. I'm glad Google is getting into the game though.


This video is spot on. I tried cursive and it was unusable. I will continue to use my iPad for handwritten notes because the experience is just miles ahead. Even on the lowest end ipad.


Lack of integration with Google Keep and no Android app are huge downfalls to me. I remember in college I would often take notes in OneNote on my Surface Pro and then review notes on my way to class on my phone before a test or something. Need something similar for Android, and its crazy to me that this is only for Chromebooks.


Cursive works really well on my Pixelbook with the Pixelbook pen


Try Samsung flagship tablets like the S7 or S7 plus and use Samsung Notes, Amazing notes taking experience on Android.
The S7 FE & S6 lite are also S pen supported.
Basically the functionality of the note series in Tablet mode.
The Fold 3 also stands up with these features in stylus usage.


Tried it myself on the Duet, and yes, had the same experience when it comes to latency / accuracy. Both are pretty bad compared to Squid. However, I prefer the UI and the gestures on Cursive! If you could combine the advantages of both, you'd end up with an excellent app for note taking / annotating.

I hope that it being a web app isn't an inherent limitation. Possibly it's a combination of lack of CPU power and JS overhead, but also maybe Chrome doesn't have access to the same APIs for low-latency pen input like an Android app like Squid does.


Onenote has better palm rejection when used with an active stylus.


when you say "your handwriting is bad", that's an understatement, my friend :)


I tried it at Samsung Chromebooks with S-Pen, it works perfectly


The iPad pro with the 2nd gen pencil is even better. By far the best experience I've had taking notes on a tablet.


Tried this on my Lenovo Duo and it works great. Rendering was just milliseconds behind the pen tip


I just tried taking a very long note in the Lenovo duet and by the end of it it's start lagging like crazy, apart from that yes input lag is visible and palm rejection isn't great. I hope Google fix this things because I really like how the apps looks and his simplicity.


Works great on Galaxy Chromebook with its pen. Don't have much use for the app, so my expectations are low, but I like it!


I have always been mesmerized by this, but some people hold their writing instruments SO close to the tip. The pen is an extension of your thoughts, and wrist, so you don't need to guide the tip with your fingernail.

I would argue that if you give up on the tip a bit, you would naturally hit tip first then palm when writing or scribbling.


Merci de cette démonstration. Ce qui manque le plus, c’est le scroll, le fait de pouvoir mouvoir la page verticalement, car alors on peut écrire au même endroit de la fenêtre sans être obligé d’être en haut ou en bas. C’est le gros avantage de “Samsung Notes” notamment sur Galaxy Tab S7+. Aucune des applications de prises de notes n’a pensé au défilement vertical : ni Squid, ni Noteshelf, ni Flexcil, ni reMarkable 2. C’est quand même incroyable que personne n’y ait pensé. Même si c’est un carnet par pages, il est important de pouvoir chevaucher deux pages par le scroll de manière à choisir l’endroit où l’on écrit sur la fenêtre. En revanche, l’insertion d’un espace vide au milieu de la page, que vous avez montrée, est une excellente nouveauté. Il faudrait aussi pouvoir modifier toute forme encerclée dans une seule direction, et non sur les deux à la fois, comme le propose PowerPoint et Squid. Bien à vous


Out of curiosity, I checked it out on a Note 8 Android phone. It pops up an error and asks to reload the site. It's not quite there, but I really like the PWA direction where the notes can eventually be accessible on my phone, desktop, and any other device that has Chrome. Even if read-only.


It works perfectly on my pixel book. Palm rejections works just as expected.


I always look for the color calibration chart in the background of Chrome Unboxed’s videos. And for the first time in a year, it’s not in this one.
