Special Operators in C | C Special Operators - C Programming Tutorial 32

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Notes for You:: Special Operators in C.
- C provides set of special operators; which are used in special cases.
sizeof operator:
- is used to get size of a given operand in bytes.
Comma operator (,):
- is used to group related expressions together.
Address of (or Referencing) operator (&):
- is used to get address (or reference) of a variable, a constant or some memory location.
Dereferencing (or Pointer) operator (*):
- is used to create a variable; which holds the address of another memory location (i.e. a pointer)
- is used to create a pointer to a variable, a constant or some memory location .
Double Dereferencing (or Double pointer) operator (**):
- is used to create a pointer; which holds the address of another pointer variable.
- is used to create a pointer to a pointer variable .
Dot operator (.):
- is used to access members of a structure or an union directly.
Arrow operator (->):
- is used to access members of a structure or an union through a pointer variable.
Type casting operator (data_type):
- is used to convert one type of data value to another type.
- replace > with greater-than symbol.
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C Programming Tutorial 33 - sizeof Operator in C Programming Language
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C Programming Tutorial 31 - Bitwise Operators in C Programming Language
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- C provides set of special operators; which are used in special cases.
sizeof operator:
- is used to get size of a given operand in bytes.
Comma operator (,):
- is used to group related expressions together.
Address of (or Referencing) operator (&):
- is used to get address (or reference) of a variable, a constant or some memory location.
Dereferencing (or Pointer) operator (*):
- is used to create a variable; which holds the address of another memory location (i.e. a pointer)
- is used to create a pointer to a variable, a constant or some memory location .
Double Dereferencing (or Double pointer) operator (**):
- is used to create a pointer; which holds the address of another pointer variable.
- is used to create a pointer to a pointer variable .
Dot operator (.):
- is used to access members of a structure or an union directly.
Arrow operator (->):
- is used to access members of a structure or an union through a pointer variable.
Type casting operator (data_type):
- is used to convert one type of data value to another type.
- replace > with greater-than symbol.
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C Programming Tutorial 33 - sizeof Operator in C Programming Language
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C Programming Tutorial 31 - Bitwise Operators in C Programming Language
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