bark: How to pronounce bark in english (correct!).Start with B. Learn from me.

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Follow me!Learn from me how to pronounce the word bark in english.This video shows you how to pronounce the word bark in english. SUBSCRIBE my channel for how to pronounce more words.


n. 树皮;深青棕色;毛皮;皮肤;狗叫vt. 狗叫;尖叫;剥皮n. (Bark)人名;(英、西、德、捷、法、芬、瑞典)巴克;(阿拉伯、俄)巴尔克



1.  V-I 不及物动词

When a dog barks, it makes a short, loud noise, once or several times. (狗) 吠

例: Don't let the dogs bark. 别让狗叫。

2.  N-COUNT 可数名词

Bark is also a noun. 吠声

例: The Doberman let out a string of roaring barks. 那条杜宾犬发出一连串的吼叫声。

3.  V-I 不及物动词

If you bark at someone, you shout at them aggressively in a loud, rough voice. 咆哮

例: I didn't mean to bark at you. 我不是有意吼你。

4.  N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词

Bark is the tough material that covers the outside of a tree. 树皮

5.  V 动词

to scrape or rub off skin, as in an injury 擦伤; 刮伤
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