Building a Secure Web Application: Role-Based Authentication with User Registration and Login

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Hello everyone , hope you all are doing great . So , in this video we will learn to implement Role Based Authentication With User Registration and Login .

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🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

00:00 🚀 *Overview of the Video and Query Request*
- Request for query suggestions and support.
- Introduction to the topic of role-based authentication in a Spring Boot application.
- Encouragement for viewers to like, comment, share, and subscribe.
01:09 📦 *Project Structure and Dependencies*
- Overview of project structure and main class in a Spring Boot application.
- Explanation of dependencies in the pom.xml file, including JPA, Spring Security, Thymeleaf, and MySQL Connector.
- Introduction to the user entity structure and its relationship with roles.
02:42 🗺️ *User-Role Many-to-Many Mapping*
- Explanation of the many-to-many mapping between the user and role entities.
- Discussion on the role table and its types (e.g., user, admin).
- Detailed explanation of the @JoinTable, @JoinColumn, and @InverseJoinColumn annotations.
06:10 📁 *Data Transfer Object (DTO) in Spring Boot*
- Definition and purpose of Data Transfer Objects (DTOs).
- Importance of using DTOs for data transfer between UI and database.
- Brief overview of the registration and login DTOs used in the application.
07:31 🎮 *Registration Controller and User Registration Flow*
- Explanation of the Registration Controller's mapping and usage of @GetMapping and @PostMapping.
- Overview of the user registration flow, from displaying the registration form to saving user details.
10:36 🔐 *Login Controller and User Login Flow*
- Introduction to the Login Controller and its @GetMapping and @PostMapping mappings.
- Explanation of the user login flow, including the use of UserLoginDetail and authentication logic.
- Usage of UserDetailsService to load user details and validate credentials.
13:50 📊 *Dashboard and Admin Controllers*
- Overview of the Dashboard and Admin Controllers with simple @GetMapping mappings.
- Brief explanation of roles determining which screen (dashboard or admin) is displayed to the user.
15:12 🔒 *Spring Security Configuration*
- Explanation of Spring Security configuration using BCrypt password encoder.
- Introduction to DaoAuthenticationProvider, authentication success handler, and role-based redirection.
- Overview of the security configurations for registration, login, and logout.
18:41 🔄 *Custom Authentication Success Handler*
- Explanation of the custom Authentication Success Handler and its role in redirecting users based on their roles.
- Implementation of logic to determine redirect URLs for users with different roles.
- Handling cases where the user has no assigned role.
20:30 🖥️ *HTML Form for User Registration*
- Mention of the registration.html containing a simple form for user registration.
- Discussion on the form elements, including name, email, password, and role input fields.
20:43 📝 *Overview of Registration and Login HTML:*
- The presenter introduces the registration and login HTML pages.
- Registration HTML includes fields for name, email, password, and user role selection.
- Login HTML includes fields for email and password.
21:24 🚧 *Database Schema Configuration:*
- The presenter explains the MySQL database configuration properties in the file.
- The schema name is set to "role based authentication."
22:21 🗄️ *Database Table Creation:*
- The presenter starts the application, showing the creation of tables in the database.
- Discusses the tables, including the user, role, and the common user_role mapping table.
23:43 📥 *User Registration Flow:*
- Explains the registration flow when a user submits the registration form.
- Details the logic in the registration controller, user service, and the saving process to the repository.
24:54 🔄 *User Login Flow:*
- Details the login flow, explaining the post mapping call in the login controller.
- Walks through the load user by username method in the default user service implementation.
25:21 🎯 *Custom Success Handler Logic:*
- Describes the logic in the custom success handler based on user roles.
- Redirects users to the appropriate dashboard (admin or user) after a successful login.
26:15 🚪 *Logout Process:*
- Shows the logout process and how the application logs out the user.
26:30 🔄 *User Registration with Role "User":*
- Demonstrates the registration process with the role set to "user."
- Checks the database entries for user and role tables.
27:22 🔄 *User Login as "User":*
- Shows the login process for a user with the role "user."
- Explains how the custom success handler redirects to the user dashboard.
28:18 🌐 *Closing Remarks:*
- The presenter concludes the explanation, summarizing the coverage of role-based authentication and many-to-many relationships.
- Encourages viewers to like, share, comment, and subscribe to the channel if new, expressing hope that the concepts were well understood.

Made with HARPA AI


Bro, Thank you for the video, it is helping many programmers.

If possible, can you make it with latest spring boot version along with simple react application integration ?


i have clone your github. i run the application but it does not work properly. please help me


roles are not saving in DB. Can you please help?


Thanks bro 👍
Next video add this application+ ouath2 security please


what if we just add another field in user table as role.


"But you people are not supporting my videos" i sensed frastration there😂😂


How can I implement Spring Security configs without WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter


vaiya make a project with jew+ mapping, + role base authentication
