I Bought A $500 NES in 2020 - Analogue NT Mini Noir Review

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Analogue NT Mini Noir Review

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This thing took so long to arrive that when I ordered it my wife was 3 months pregnant and now, when it arrived yesterday, I have a five-and-a-half month old daughter.


That wiggle causes serious anxiety. I would rather blow on cartridges than see that. I am sure some badass is making a 3d printed insert as we speak.


I'm hoping they finally release a cheaper version of the nt at $200 later down the line.


Seriously good review. Camerawork was gorgeous, and the analogy to the Mercedes vs Honda makes complete sense to me as someone who doesn't know much about the device. And it didn't seem like it but you sounded like you were reading of a script. Your commentary was articulate and really well structured. Great review.


They made the cartridge slot loose on purpose. The old ones were loose aswell. They part they fixed was the part that scratched your carts which was fixed on the Noir. Not sure why you think the loose cartridge slot takes away from the experience. You put the cart in the slot and it plays the game? Why does it matter if it’s a little loose? A tighter cartridge slot can damage the pins in your system and cartridge. Unless you hit your cart while playing I don’t see an issue. Also, You have to power off your controller so the light on the receiver goes off. The reason it’s looking for the controller is Bc it’s powered on still. It doesn’t shut off when the system turns off. Also the controller is made by 8bitdo not Analogue.

The cartridge slot is great imo. It protects your game and system pins.


You know, I don't have many NES games on cartridge. In fact the only one I have on me is excitebike.

A part of me considered getting an NT mini, but frankly I just don't think it's worth the money at the price it's at. This review only solidifies why I felt this way about it and if Analogue does consider making another NES based console then they should probably go the same way they did with the Super NT and the Mega SG and focus on affordability and not so much the luxury.

And don't get me wrong, I actually own a Super NT and it has somewhat of a similar issue with the cartridges not being too snug. BUT at the very least I didn't have to shell out $500 for it. $200 sure but considering the other features that it has I somehow found myself being able to look past that for the price it was at, especially considering that I expect a couple of new jailbreak firmwares in the future that could put it on par with a SD2SNES cartridge.

With this I don't think I can do that as much considering it has a ton of other crap that I probably don't care about anyways, and if I did I'd much rather wait for a DAC unit.


You can actually hold the start button to turn off the controller and receiver.


Having power to the receiver with the console off is intentional and not an oversight in the console design. It may be a something 8Bitdo could fix with firmware. It is also possible Analogue could change this in a firmware update as a new setting. Power to the receiver means a blinking light. No power to the receiver means no ability to power it on by the controller.
If it is a real problem for you there are inline power switches available on Amazon for a few dollars. If you choose to use an inline switch, the power on with controller function will of course not work. If you want to retain the power on by controller function perhaps a piece of electrical tape is the best solution for now. I do understand the blinking light always on can be a bother.


Good review! I bought an AVS last year, and when this was announced I almost bout the for the features it has that the AVS does not, I decided the AVS was all I really needed. 720p doesn't bother me honestly. Just glad I can play all of my original carts on my current TV. The NT is sexy though, I will give it that!!!


The issue is not the cartridge slot itself, but rather the height of the unit. NES carts are tall, which creates leverage. Look at the top-loading NES, for example: it bubbles up to mitigate the height issue and minimize wobble. Someone will make a 3D-printed insert that does the same thing and eliminates the issue. The only thing Analogue could have done is to make a similar bubble-top for the cartridge slot or an insert.


This system is like 9.5/10 just because of the minor flaws; keep your system and resell it if the floppy cart slot is a big deal for you. I plan to use an sd card so not much of a deal for me and for retro collection purposes this system is a big deal... you can play this on a CRT!


Eh, I can deal with the loose cartridge... I got the Monoprice Audio/Video cables months ahead in anticipation for its arrival and hooked it up to my Sony WEGA KV-27FS120 TV via component, and it looks freaking GLORIOUS.


2:17 those old displays didn't have rectangular pixels. They didn't have pixels at all. Pixels were created by the election beam, and were not a property of the screen. The beam could hit the screen anywhere, and pixels could be as fat or skinny as the hardware drawing them wanted.


I still don't understand why Analogue isn't currently selling a "normal" Nt; these guys would be making $$ hand over fist... if they were in stock.


Haha! Great, honest review. Apparently the cartridge slots on the older models were not as good at making the connection. Mine definitely wobbles like that but so far no problems with the games connecting.


I saw they are going to release it again, I will pass on it now. Cool for some, but I'll stick with my N64 emulating NES. Hell, I landed on the Aircraft Carrier on Top Gun, first try in 30 years so it isn't that bad.


Your addiction is real lol! But amazing video!


Excellent review, you hit the nail on the head.


The Analogue NT Noir is AMAZING. Their best piece of hardware. Love it.


Just wondering, do you have a brother that lives in ct. you look so much like someone I know.
