Gospel of John Bible Study Chapter 6 // teachable tuesday with Beth Davis

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How has the Eucharist changed YOUR life? It will. It's real.

Grab your Bible, read chapter 6 of the Gospel of John, and let's share one takeaway! Scripture is for YOU, dear friend. Let's read it together.

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John 6:27 “Do not work for food that perishes, but for that which endures to eternal life…”
This really laid into my heart ..as I’m a mom of 3, going back to school in the fall, and ready to serve God through a career as well!


I love how your heart is on fire 🔥 for God !!!


My TA is verse 15...Jesus withdrew again to the hills by himself. I found this so beautifully peaceful and calming and wrote in my Bible "there is peace in solitude." An unspeakable, calming, unexplainable, tranquil peace. Thank you Jesus.


I’m late to the party but my TA is verse 35/48/51 where Jesus reminds us ‘I am the bread of life’. I was one of those who drifted from the Church and towards self help. It was actually God tuning into me during that time to remind me that He is The One who helps me - all I needed to do was ask. And I did. I’m so glad I did!


I am enjoying this method of praying so much! I look forward to reading every day! Thank you Beth🙏


Thank you so much for sharing such a tender piece of your heart with us today, Beth! I have similar feelings as you described about the Eucharist when it comes to meeting the Lord in prayer.

Prayer was actually what drew me back to Him after decades of wandering lost and listless down some of those other unfulfilling paths you mentioned in today's video, and it has absolutely saved my life.

As is true for many, it's not my earthly experience to have a father who is interested in spending time with me, longing to hear what I have to say and imparting loving wisdom to me in response, so finding exactly that when I meet our Father in prayer has healed my heart in ways I never thought possible. (And it's been less than 9 months, so I know He's just getting started. 😉)

I think that's why my takeaway from this past week has been Jesus' quote from verse 12 "Gather up the leftover fragments, that nothing may be lost." I particularly resonated with the CSB translation which reads "so that nothing is wasted."

I've had many a conversation in prayer, asking the Lord why he would gift me to a man who was such a shadow of the Father He has been to me, and He keeps assuring me that not only did He want more for me (and my earthly father), but also that nothing will be wasted. He can, and will, see that all of it is put to good use. 💛


Thank you Beth for sharing with us your warm love for our Eucharistic Lord Jesus Christ.
Only by Abba Father's infinite love & divine mercy for me, I am growing in my relationship with His loving Son Jesus. Our Eucharistic Lord Jesus Christ is blessing me with His infinite love & divine mercy daily.God bless you all.

Chapter 6:
"Jesus took the bread, gave thanks to God, & distributed it to the people who were sitting there"
"understood my miracles"
"Work for food that lasts for eternal life."
"God the Father, has put his mark of approval on him."

😇Jesus thank you for working mighty miracles daily in my life.Please open my eyes of Faith to see & fill my heart with thanksgiving to accept your miracles.

My crucified Saviour Jesus Christ, Please grant me your disposition to offer myself & everything Almighty God has blessed me with to Our Father in Heaven. Abba Father please bless this offering marked with The Precious Blood of your dearly beloved Son my Lord Jesus Christ so that Jesus leads me & everything to my true eternal home in heaven.

"For what my Father wants is that all who see the Son & believe in him should have eternal life.And I will raise them to life on the last day."

😇Jesus please raise my Spirit daily to be in your presence to clearly see your Will leading me in the events of my day.Jesus help me to truly believe I am redeemed in your Precious Blood & raised to the infinite dignity of being your loving Father's daughter.

Praise you Jesus.
Thank you Jesus.
Love you Jesus.


Hi Beth!! Playing catch up over here. My verse is Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. Yes Beth, I am a new creation in Christ: everything old has passed away; see, everything is new!❤️❤️


So verse 55 is your TA, Beth? Did I miss it?
