Task 3 - Writing the pseudocode for a solution for the Employee Set project

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00:00:00 - Intro to task 3 task - for selecting the passenger routes and the dates to get total passengers
00:03:14 Write solution in pseudocode in word
00:04:00 Write out the steps in bullet point English to understand the problem
00:16:00 Writing the pseudocode, declaring variables and the Dataframe function
00:20:26 Writing the pseudocode function to Get_departure_airport
00:24:55 Writing the pseudocode function to Get_destination_airport
00:27:37 Writing the pseudocode function to Get_start_date
00:30:36 Writing the pseudocode function to VALID_DATE
00:32:53 Writing the pseudocode function to Get_end_date
00:34:32 Writing the pseudocode function to Filter_route
00:41:15 Writing the pseudocode function to Filter_date_and_sum_passengers
00:43:15 Writing the code live to show what the dataframes look like (you don't need to write the code just pseudocode but it can help you find the solution)
00:53:42 Outputting the data by printing and drawing a barchart
00:55:20 Writing the pseudocode function to Draw_Bar_Chart
00:59:23 Summary of the task
01:02:00 Doing other past papers, quick explanation
01:02:47 Summer 2024 data and task explanation of groupby the Days column for sales of shop item
01:04:53 Summer 2023 data and task explanation of grouping the getting the sales for an item (Nachos, Soup etc) over a range of dates, use sum(axis=1) to sum a row