TMJ Pain Thoughts Inside Greg’s Head During Shockwave Therapy Treatment #tmj
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Those HEADACHES and that TINNITUS may be ADHESION in the JAW!
Do you get a whooshing noise in your ear? I do. 🦻I also get an accompanying headache.
I’m Greg, the social media guy at Barefoot. About a year or so ago I started getting a really bizarre tingle in my left ear, and kind of a low wind noise when it would tingle.🌬
I went to my GP because I thought it was an ear infection, but nope, ears were clean. Eventually, the tingle started to feel like a bug was trying to crawl out of my ears. Gnarly, right?🪲
I was talking to Handsome Dr. Joe about this and he thought maybe it was a jaw issue. He’d been studying techniques from removing adhesion from the jaw to help people suffering from TMJ Pain.
This involved jamming a finger👆 in my mouth against the gum where the joint is that connects your jaw to your skull and pulling down the mandible. This would shred the adhesion in the masseter muscles (these enable the jaw to move) and get the jaw to have its full range of motion and relieve the pain symptoms.
So every few weeks, Joe would jam his finger in my mouth and torture me for about 7 minutes with multiple treatment passes. It sucked, was stupid painful, but my jaw felt a lot better for weeks after.
But now we have the ACOUSTIC WAVE machine that blasts out the adhesion and is FAR more comfortable, there are even spots it hits that feel AMAZING and I can literally feel my jaw dropping open. Much better than the finger jamming bit.💡
Now my pain is decreased, especially if I get treated regularly, the weird bug crawling feeling is gone, and the whooshing in my ears in barely there, if at all.
If you’ve been dealing with
❌️Jaw Pain
❌Tension Headaches
✅️For more than 6 months
✅️And seen 3-5 other doctors
➡️The let us know in the comments below or DM us with “Jaw”!
#tmj #tmjpain #jawpain
Do you get a whooshing noise in your ear? I do. 🦻I also get an accompanying headache.
I’m Greg, the social media guy at Barefoot. About a year or so ago I started getting a really bizarre tingle in my left ear, and kind of a low wind noise when it would tingle.🌬
I went to my GP because I thought it was an ear infection, but nope, ears were clean. Eventually, the tingle started to feel like a bug was trying to crawl out of my ears. Gnarly, right?🪲
I was talking to Handsome Dr. Joe about this and he thought maybe it was a jaw issue. He’d been studying techniques from removing adhesion from the jaw to help people suffering from TMJ Pain.
This involved jamming a finger👆 in my mouth against the gum where the joint is that connects your jaw to your skull and pulling down the mandible. This would shred the adhesion in the masseter muscles (these enable the jaw to move) and get the jaw to have its full range of motion and relieve the pain symptoms.
So every few weeks, Joe would jam his finger in my mouth and torture me for about 7 minutes with multiple treatment passes. It sucked, was stupid painful, but my jaw felt a lot better for weeks after.
But now we have the ACOUSTIC WAVE machine that blasts out the adhesion and is FAR more comfortable, there are even spots it hits that feel AMAZING and I can literally feel my jaw dropping open. Much better than the finger jamming bit.💡
Now my pain is decreased, especially if I get treated regularly, the weird bug crawling feeling is gone, and the whooshing in my ears in barely there, if at all.
If you’ve been dealing with
❌️Jaw Pain
❌Tension Headaches
✅️For more than 6 months
✅️And seen 3-5 other doctors
➡️The let us know in the comments below or DM us with “Jaw”!
#tmj #tmjpain #jawpain