THE BEST 360Hz+ Monitor - Acer Nitro/Aopen 390Hz

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PC hardware/peripheral setup:

00:00 - Intro
02:13 - Pixel Response Times
04:20 - Gaming Performance/Experience
06:14 - Black Equalizer
07:23 - Media Consumption
07:53 - Color Performance
09:49 - OSD (On Screen Display)
11:18 - Design
12:29 - Conclusion
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ATTENTION: This is the Acer Aopen 25XV2Q. There's also the Acer Nitro XV252Q for $500 ($50 more, but more widely available) but I'm pretty sure it's the same monitor. I'm not entirely sure, nor did I realize it was already released since I was so bored of 360Hz monitors. I just happen to walk into microcenter and see 390Hz in front of my face for $400 and I'm like "WHAT? AIGHT. Gatta try it out." so yeah. Pretty sure the Aopen and Nitro are the same, but again not 100% sure. Either way, the nitro is available on Amazon and you can return it (if your country allows it) if it’s not the same or if you’re not happy with it.

EDIT: One of the viewers has the Nitro model and says that he didn’t notice any difference at all other than the name of the monitor.
EDIT 2: This monitor does not have ELMB SYNC. You can either turn on Free-Sync, or BFI but not both at the same time. You're still able to adjust your overdrive levels whichever one you choose though.


The best thing about this is Acer has put Zowie on their toes. They say they are working on 360hz but I feel like they are just complacent cause there hasn’t been any competitor to 240hz


gonna wait for 420Hz

smoke mid everydayyy


They were also one of the first to have a 144hz 4K monitor for 700$.
I bought it 1.5 years ago when all alternatives cost at least double.
This one seems like a great upgrade from my XL2540! Thanks for the review!


Snoop Dogg should colab on a 420hz display


The only reviewer who addresses effectiveness of black EQ and saturation settings on monitors, as well as goes through the OSD.
Big thumbs up for that, they are really important for FPS tryhards for me.

However, there's still room to improve:
You could've mentioned how many steps there are for each... on Zowie monitors, it's 20 for both settings, which is awesome!
It grants you granual control... on something like an ASUS, you only have 3 black EQ settings, and they are less effective at keeping non-shadowy parts of the image intact. (in other words, ASUS' black EQ sucks vs Zowie's)

Another feature I really like about my Zowie monitor are the presets.
You can switch between them very conveniently with the s-switch, but I don't mind having to do it with a joystick or a shortcut if the monitor in question is significantly better.
However, what does really annoy me, is when monitors do not save centain settings to display modes (profiles) ...for example saturation or black EQ stays the same, even if you switch profiles, which makes profile switching next to useless for me, as those are some of the settings which would separate my gaming preset vs my desktop/internet one.
You could test this as well.

Display scaling.
This used to be Zowie's strong suit on the older lineup. (2540//2546)
However, with the newer K models, every custom resolution is scaled from 1280x1024... which makes them look blurry AF. Even GPU scaling looks better.
This is what made me return my XL2546K after purchase, and stay with my XL2540.
Huge dealbreaker for someone like me, who uses stretched resolutions ingame.
Surprisingly, the 280hz ASUS vg279q I've tried has cristal clear display scaling.

You could just make a simple test on every FPS gaming monitor you try:
Lauch CS:GO at 1280x960 with display scaling correctly set up, check the monitor's OSD to see whether it actually receives the 1280x960 signal from the GPU, open the console and look at text clarity... you'll easily be able to identify whether it has good scaling or not.

Thanks for the review!


This is like how they had a 250 dollar 240hz monitor with a random ass name for years now


Whoa I just picked this monitor up a week ago on Amazon. I was surprised how much better ghosting was compared to my AW2521H and XL2546K with VBR on. Def the best FPS competitive monitor I have tried and there’s like no coverage of it. Thanks for letting people know about this one Bijan!


really hope you become a fulltime tech youtuber. your production value since like 7k subs and being a single person producing those video's that are on par with big tech youtubers should be recognized. you also review many product's competetive gamers are keeping eyes out for and you dont fear calling out big brands for mistakes which has gottem more important than ever. only thing i think of that could be holding you back is people not remembering how to spell your name when looking you up again 😁


I am a very extensive monitor researcher myself and after thoroughly testing ASUS 360hz, BenQ XL2546K, and the Acer AOPEN 390hz, as well as some other honorable mentions like the ASUS TUF 280hz 1080p Monitors, the Acer 390hz is definitely the best. The other 360hz monitors and the BenQ with DyAc+ are also right there with 390hz for sure but the BFI on the 390hz is amazing on Normal mode making the backlight even slightly brighter than normal and its 390hz which make it so smooth. Also after playing on 360hz panels for awhile now, going back to 240hz is actually really noticeable using the BenQ with DyAc+. Although I still have TN Panel monitors having much better black equalizer options over IPS panels IMO. I know most people Ive talked to say they can see enemies better on IPS but for me its easier with TN panels for whatever reason, even after calibrating the colors and contrast and everything else. Now we must wait and see what 480hz will be like lol. Just give us 1000hz+ already!!


how does this guy not have more subs?? hands down best monitor reviewer on yt


can't wait for what benq is putting out next, if it's anything like this with dyac i'm in


This is what the consumer wanted all this time. Thanks for bringing this up, Bijan!


I am following u since ur video about aoc c24g1. U had around 10~12k subscribers that time. Its really nice how u have grown since then. U still react to all comments even now. Dont change urself when u become the bigshot bro. Best of luck and keep up the good work.


EVERY monitor manufacturer's marketing department needs to watch the first 10 seconds of this video!!!!


Meanwhile I just got a 144hz monitor yesterday after 11 years on the same 60hz TN monitor haha


9:40 was sick :D after watching this video probably gonna get this monitor :D solid work!


Wait a second, we have a guy reviewing monitors who's actually good at games!?!? Sub.


Return of the king! Was waiting for your upload


Bro I cannot wait for your channel to blow up, and for you to get an Nvidia LDAT or some other response time/input lag analyzer

Your reviews are legit the best 🙌🏻
