iOS 18 - How To Turn Game Mode ON / OFF On iPad

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In this video, we will show you how to turn game mode on or off on your iPad's iOS 18. Enable and disable Game Mode on your iPad running iOS 18.

Whether you're a casual gamer or a hardcore enthusiast, Game Mode can significantly enhance your gaming experience by optimizing performance and minimizing distractions.

How To Turn Game Mode ON In iOS 18 For iPad:
How To Enable Game Mode In iOS 18 For iPad:
How To Activate Game Mode In iOS 18 For iPad:
How To Turn Game Mode ON In iOS 18 For iPad Pro:
How To Enable Game Mode In iOS 18 For iPad Pro:
How To Activate Game Mode In iOS 18 For iPad Pro:
How To Turn Game Mode ON In iOS 18 For M4 iPad Pro:
How To Enable Game Mode In iOS 18 For M4 iPad Pro:
How To Activate Game Mode In iOS 18 For M4 iPad Pro:

Step 1: To activate game mode, simply launch any game.

Step 2: Swipe down from the top-right corner to access the control center. Here, select the "Focus" option. You will receive a couple of options to choose from.

Step 3: Select the "Gaming" option to enable the Game Mode. If the option is not available, then you will need to add it.

Step 4: To add the Gaming focus mode, tap on the "New Focus" option.

Step 5: From the resulting menu, select "Gaming", which should be added to the Focus list. Now, you can tap on Gaming to turn on game mode. It should turn blue.

How To Turn Game Mode OFF In iOS 18 For iPad:
How To Disable Game Mode In iOS 18 For iPad:
How To Deactivate Game Mode In iOS 18 For iPad:
How To Turn Game Mode OFF In iOS 18 For iPad Pro:
How To Disable Game Mode In iOS 18 For iPad Pro:
How To Deactivate Game Mode In iOS 18 For iPad Pro:
How To Turn Game Mode OFF In iOS 18 For M4 iPad Pro:
How To Disable Game Mode In iOS 18 For M4 iPad Pro:
How To Deactivate Game Mode In iOS 18 For M4 iPad Pro:

If you need to disable Game Mode, perhaps to return your device to its normal operation or to conserve battery life, tap on the "Gaming" option once again to turn off Game Mode.

You can also tap on the three dots next to the Gaming option and select one of three options to disable Game Mode. Choose "For 1 Hour", "Until this Evening" or "Until I Leave this Location".

This will revert your device to its standard settings, resuming all background activities and notifications as usual.

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This is incorrect, game mode on iPad is technically a focus mode, but not one it can control. It is only able to be turned on by opening a game that apple has recognized as one that needs high performance from your chip to run smoothly. It will enable automatically when opening those games, and disable when you close them. The “Gaming” focus is something that has existed since focus modes were added to iOS, it is not a new feature in iOS 18, and it functions just like any other focus mode would, silencing notifications for while your playing games, the only thing that’s at all different about it is that by default it turns on whenever you connect a bluetooth game controller.


This option isn't available on iOS 18 for iPhone.


Well for me I have an iPad and a realm phone realm did it better😢
