Why The Myers Briggs Test Is Bullshit

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Introverted does not mean social anxiety. The world rewards confidence, not extroversion.


Something I really like that my dad told me is the Myers Briggs test isnt used to excuse bad behaviour but to improve your weak spots. If you an 'intj' focus on being empathetic etc. Too many people just use it as an excuse.


I tested as an INFJ, and I knew it was bs.


I once didn't get a job because of this test. Then succeeded with similar job at another company. So it's 100% true.


An interesting take on the MBTI types! Thanks for sharing to inspire my MBTI channel. Randomly discovered your channel through the YouTube algorithm! 🤟🤟🤟


Extroversion has little to do with how good you are at talking to people around you. I love meeting new people, and im definitely not shy, but I do prefer one on one conversations over group conversations, and I have no troubles being alone. Being introverted doesn't mean you are shy, but many shy people believe they are introverts


Do you know that Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Warren Buffett, Sergey Brin, Mark Zuckerberg are Introverted?


The concept of 'State' was a big turning point in my personal development. I am mindful of it where ever I go and it's made my life better and improved my relationships.

I take hot, followed by ice cold showers every morning to set my baseline. I listen to upbeat music while getting ready. I exercise, and when I feel excitement, or spikes of energy, I don't hide it; I talk to others and make them smile to pass that state on.

Some days are harder than others though. I'm not sure if this was covered already in one of your fighting depression vids, but could you make the ultimate guide to boosting state with the exercises you mentioned?


I agree...totally crap. Why label yourself. Thank you!


I think extroversion vs introversion is how you get the energy. You can have social anxiety in all cases


Exactly. It's payoff. That is why in sales it's not that hard being more extroverted as there's an inevitable payoff. Talking to most people there isn't, unless they are family or potential family.


Interesting how people who appear to probably have not done much in life are self declared experts on life.


Hey Will, your face is looking leaner and your skin is looking clearer. Anything new on the diet or skincare regimen?


Even the cognitive functions that this mbti test is based on is just a theory, which means they are an Idea. Not even a theory actually because Carl Jung never actually proposed the cognitive functions as something credible. He just proposed it as something that went through his mind and something that he noticed in society. I also love how you shattered the idea of introvert vs extrovert. I was an extremely shy kid up until my teenage years. The reason is because I got heavily bullied in the 1st grade and it subconsciously effected me without even realizing it. By the time I hit the 7th grade I got sick and tired of being quiet my whole life, my body couldn’t take it anymore. I just started cracking jokes just for the attention and soon I became the class clown. This continued up until the end of the 8th grade and I ended up befriending the whole school. By the time high school hit I was much less socially awkward and did not even need to be mr.funny guy anymore because I was more confident and had more social experience. I feel like a lot of these psychology studies do much more harm then good. Psychology is a new field and in my opinion, it has advanced very little since it’s a birth.


I’m an introvert, and even I can see it’s crap. You cannot classify personalities, because each of us has elements of a personality that we have suppressed, or haven’t used through lack of opportunities.


Hey i'm an Introvert and I totally agree with you. I get a different personality type everytime and it's total bullshit. The people defending this shitheap have to be the saddest, most pathetic people in existence that don't even know themselves. Allowing someonne else to define who you are is just WEAK!


Will.. Are you going to make a video on Spirituality/Christ Conscious soon?

I've noticed you mentioned the holy spirit in the video.


This is really intense. I hope that you're truly happy with all that mental strategizing. Life: Chill, enjoy and smile.


Ya that’s why you have to go off the cognitive functions.


Statically, if you do your homework. The world rewards INTJ bigtime! Well, at least with power and wealth and intelligence. But I still think I get the gest of where you are coming from, people want so bad to belong to something. What is BS in my operon is there is a HUGE difference for example in someone who tests 51/51/51/51 INTJ and 95/99/90/93 INTJ or whatever personality. What is also BS for example is INTJ's are not going to think like you, it's not a club but they want it to be so bad!
