Club Face Rotation in the Golf Swing

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The stuff you hear on tv will often do more harm than good! Just because someone was once a great golfer doesn't mean they have a clue as to what they actually did in their golf swings!

Even Ben Hogan did something completely different than what he wrote about in his book.

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This was the video I’ve been looking for. Been hitting a big push slice with most clubs and I’ve always focused on keeping my club face square. Time to relax the arms and hands a little and let that club face rotate!


Very informational video, I’ve always kept my club face square which leads to a stiffer more upright backswing. Thanks for the tip


Gr8 video...very understandable...thanks got to focus on free-wheeling the clubface


This is the only way I can hit the ball solidly. I rotate the clubface to start my swing! Thanks, Chuck!


But with all that rotation of the face, wouldn't squaring the face at impact become difficult to time correctly in every shot?


Thank you for the video. I have always been taught to keep the forearm rotation to a minimum to decrease the timing. Is that not true? Why do players like Hogan and Lee Trevino look like they have less rotation then players like Jason Day or Rory?


One more look at Moe Norman's swing, very little face rotation.


Couldn't disagree more, you want to minimize face rotation, check the golf swings of Dustin Johnson and Jordan Spieth. DJ doesn't actually have a shut face, he has a square face . Just watch Michael Breed's video on minimizing face rotation and me and my golf most important part of the golf swing.


Well, you shouldn't review this classified top secret of world long hitter Mike Austin golf swing .
Too many suckers believe distance comes from high end brand.


Hi Chuck, I believe you could be helpful. The day before, I practice d with my 7 and 8 iron from the grass. (On the matt most balls go very nice). On the grass many balls did not go up into the air, traveled let say 50 to 80 yards but very very little trajectory (not sure what it is topping or thinning ?)..Not sure why this happened. .(also on the golf course) .Now, i think whenever during backswing I rotated my left arm gradually (the clubface rotated in backswing clockwise, in a sense the toe of the clubhead turned to the right) the balls started going very nice up to the air....So maybe rotation of the clubface helped...Could this be the reason that it helped? Thank you
