Operation Sea lion, every 5 days (German invasion of Britain)

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Operation Sea Lion was almost impossible, which Hitler admitted himself. Germany would have to gain Air superiority and preferably Naval Superiority, which Germany lacks.

Prelude and Action by Kevin MacLeod
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This is actually fairly realistic since the Germans didn’t have the naval capability to sustain their supply lines for long


This is the best case scenario possible for the Germans. They didn't have the navy to invade


To be honest, Mosley would probably not collaborate with the Germans. He was fairly anti German in most of his campaigns although he was also anti war. When we speak of British fascism and Mosley’s government, we’re talking about a highly imperialist government which was very anti German and against the Axis as a whole. Thus, I believe Mosley would not collaborate with the Germans


Love that scapa flow is somehow captures in the first few days of the war 🥴


The Germans wouldn’t even have made it that far. Their initial landing would’ve been a slaughter, the Royal Navy would’ve smoked their asses before most troops even made it ashore.


This would be impossible but what if Germany *magically* completed it’s plan Z naval armament program before the war, would they had successfully invade and conquer Britain?


For something this good mapped you only have 47 subs u deserve more than 47 subs btw


I think if sealion happen, then barbarossa would be postponed, and if the Soviet want to attack germany, some sources says that Soviet would be ready atleast in 1944, and considering 1941-1942 is germany finest/peak year and the morale was high, they would not got beaten that easily

I mean comeon, germany are not that stupid or weak smh


No offense but this is pretty ridiculous, at no point during the war did the Germans have even a remote chance of invading the UK. They never achieved air supremacy over the UK (Hitler himself said invasion was completely impossible without that, and this is the guy who thought a land invasion of Russia was a good idea) and even if they had achieved it then they were still up against the most powerful navy on the planet, they simply did not have anywhere near enough ships, they would have needed to stuff their troops in canal boats and tow them over with tugboats. Even then the Royal navy would have won the day purely on superior numbers just like at Jutland in WW1. The final nail in the coffin is the fact that while we were on the "good" side in WW2 we were still an evil empire in our own right, all the best landing points were protected by mobile chemical weapons units and any troops that actually made it ashore would have been practically melted where they stood. There was never any chance it could be pulled off.


Lessons learned: More surface ships needed.


Would be interesting to see play out but with most wargames they simulated on this they found it to be a hugely failed invasion plan. Germany would get as far as the outskirts of London and would have been pushed out solely by British troops alone.

The railways, air force and mechanised logistics lines would have put that many men down south, German troops had a real risk of being overrun.


A would have liked a mention about Edward the VIII maybe becoming king as he had a agreement with hittler


More worse maybe, cause When German invade france, at the Dunkirk it's almost 400K infantry units dude, so it's impossible to invade UK


For sealion to succeed axis have to agree to let ussr in axis if entire German pours in then they can win


It’s realistic that the Germans lost but it’s completely realistic they got as far as they did, the Royal Navy would have been able to almost instantly cut off the German troops once they landed meaning they would have no supplies to get them to London let alone past it. Also how on earth in Germany with their tiny navy going to capture the home base of the largest navy on the planet? Stating that American troops are the reason for victory is also completely unrealistic and disrespectful since it would be the Royal Navy that would be doing most of the work and the German troops without supplies would be fairly easily beaten by the British army and the home guard.

Overall poorly researched and unrealistic video


if anyone wants to actually read up on how useless germany was

had to pull out dnd moderators (umpires aren’t typically used in wargames) so the germans stood a chance
