Why I Hate Modern Art

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This is a crappy video essay for my art history class.


📃Works Cited:

Wikipedia contributors. "Conspicuous consumption." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 26 Nov. 2020. Web. 10 Dec. 2020.

My school notes

🎶Music Used:

Bleeping Demo by Kevin MacLeod

Voxel Revolution by Kevin MacLeod

Sonatina in C Minor by Kevin MacLeod

Serene by Kevin MacLeod

Sheep May Safely Graze - BWV 208 by Kevin MacLeod
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I don't know or when how this video suddenly blew up, but first, I'd like to thank everyone for your constructive comments! You've all raised some really important points that I failed to consider or address in my video--Especially about many major inaccuracies on historical details--which, well, was pretty hastily put-together for a class I had to pass. Either way, thanks for taking the time to check out the video and for leaving your comments!


I do feel like nowadays, artists speak much more for their paintings and not the other way around anymore.


I lost faith in modern art when i went to an art museum and the "sculptures" were a pile of bricks, a stick, a boat, a coat and literally a box full of bull crap


I've always hated modern art because of how it's viewed as superior to portraits or nature's landscape painting. I'm a first year art student and one of my first paintings for my portfolio was 3 large hibiscus flowers and as I showed it to the lecturers I was told it wasn't chaotic enough so when I went home I splashed diluted paint all over the painting that took me a few minutes and a bit of anger from being dismissed, the next time the lecturer saw the painting he said it looked better which troubled me a lot. Because of that I have made it a point in my artworks to not splash paint on any of my canvas' even if it's abstract in a way.


i think it looks interesting mostly because that pattern (if you can call it that) will never happen exactly again. not saying it’s worth millions to me. but it is pretty sometimes. but ALSO rich people buy art to save on taxes and park their money.


i don't think this is a problem within modern art itself, its a wider problem that deals with the monetization and capitalization of art in general. attach a piece to a famous name and you suddenly got yourself a masterpiece


If you considered its history and went back you'd find that abstract art had its purpose. Same with all movements of art that challenged the traditional standards of art during the turn of the century. It's just sad that the dictates of the art market took advantage of modern art making it loose its meaning and instead became an avenue for pretention.


I went to a gallery recently, and was frustrated by the amount of effortless, hollow, cash-grab type paintings that dominated the gallery. White canvases, lines and scribbles. It hurts me I could spend hours painting something with as much detail and skill and possible and achieve nothing, and these people could sell nothing for millions.

Edit: I don't mind modern art in how it looks, only how much it sells for. I don't mind some nice scribbles, they aren't eye-bleeding or anything, but the prices certainly are. Also, I'm not a good artist, but I try my best at it, I put time and I put effort into it, which is something that can't be said for some painting I see going for millions.


I make abstract art myself. However not for the sake of making something, it's almost always while I'm on the verge of a breakdown. Whether it's a PTSD, borderline personality, panic attack, or anxiety disorder meltdown just depends. My art is a form of release and sometimes it ends up looking really nice. Each of my paintings has a psychedelic quality, and sometimes no direct focus, just what looks like a dream. My most recent painting is full of vibrant colors, something not quite solid from watercolor oozing acrylic in harsh blended brightness, painted while struggling with drug cravings and hallucinations.

Expensive modern art irritates me for the same reason. It's just sort of pointless. Abstract itself can be really fun and really pretty, but GOD


In modern art the artist seems to be more important than the art itself

If a three year old splashes random colors on a canvas, no one cares

When a known artist does it, the "art" is sold for millions


It's a mistake to put Picasso in with the abstract expressionists. His work spanned the entire modern era.


calls the painting meaningless, immediately goes on to explain the meaning of the painting


i am a big fan of modern art and i really agree with you, modern art becomes super expensive for no reason that it just feels like its money laundering, a lot of modern art and other abstract pieces are looking for money and the painting is just lazy but they say it "has a lot of meaning" and is "abstract", and there are people like jean michel basquiat and piet mondrian making actual masterpieces through the means of modern and contemporary or just abstract art.


From someone who is currently in art school, there are many, many talented artists that ive had the pleasure of working with. There are also those snobby rich kids who attended art school, not because of their talent, but because of the money their parents had. They all resort to Abstract Expressionism due to their lack of talent. This isn't exactly related to this video, but I thought it was worth sharing.


A major art museum went to a woman's studio and gathered all the paintings for display. Critics praised each one as a masterpiece, each one showing off the artist's skill and style wonderfully.
The artist later had to admit that some of those paintings were done by her 8 year old daughter. The "experts" couldn't tell the difference.


The modern and abstract art I admire the most is done by artists who have been thoroughly trained in the traditional arts. Picasso is a good example of this. He could paint very realistic portraits for example Le Moulin de la Galette”, 1900. Having this artistic background makes his abstract painting extremely meaningful. Pollack's earlier work also exemplified an understanding of figurative art and thus his dripping style paintings also reflect that.


I used to feel this way until a roommate of mine decided to go to a party as a Jackson Pollack. He got a white suit coat used and splattered it with paint. He did the front one day and the back the next. They looked similar but gave me different feelings. The front seemed to be exuberant, the back a little pissed off.

Then he told me that he had gotten into a kerfuffle with his girlfriend after the front but before the back. I had to acknowledge there was something to this stuff.


I think good art evokes some kind of feeling or emotion upon looking at something where the more you look at it the more interesting it becomes, I don't think there needs to be any meaning, I think a lot of older abstract art shocked people because no one had done it before, abstract art today is worse because it's overdone everyone is trying to do it, the shock value is gone and it's just boring to look at after you've seen a few you've seen them all.


So what I got from this video is that you don't actually hate the art itself, you hate the art market... which many of the artists you mention themselves hated and wanted to mock with their artwork lol

Edit: damn I pissed more people off with my pfp than with my comment itself LMAO


I remember in 2008 I was in this modern art show and I said I didn't like any of the paintings. So this artist starts telling me why they're so amazing. To this day, I think modern art is made by someone who lacks talent, but still wants to call themselves artists.
