What you need to know about cocaine

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This video informs young adolescents with a high school science education about how cocaine affects the body. The video also highlights new research about possible treatment options regarding cocaine addiction and overdose.

This video was made by McMaster University students Ava, Nour and Nadia in collaboration with the McMaster Demystifying Medicine Program.

This video is provided for general and educational information only. Please consult your health care provider for Information about your health.


Copyright McMaster University 2019.


Meyer, K. D., & Zhang, L. (2009). Short- and long-term adverse effects of cocaine abuse during pregnancy on the heart development. Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease, 3(1), 7–16. doi: 10.1177/1753944708099877

Nestler, E. (2005). The Neurobiology of Cocaine Addiction. Science & Practice Perspectives, 3(1), 4–10. doi: 10.1151/spp05314

Zheng, F., & Zhan, C.-G. (2012). Are pharmacokinetic approaches feasible for treatment of cocaine addiction and overdose? Future Medicinal Chemistry, 4(2), 125–128. doi: 10.4155/fmc.11.171
Рекомендации по теме

All jokes aside its one hell of a drug. Avoid at all costs because just when you think you have it under control, is when its already too late.


From a former user.. amazing high but very very short... very expensive not worth it unless you’re absolutely loaded and want to deal with death ❤️


I've been clean off cocaine for almost 7 years. I am very grateful for being away from this expensive and life changing drug. Thank you for sharing this important information with others


I love the honesty in this comments section. Every is saying it’s fun, but dangerous. That’s the best way to convince younger viewers to stay away. The fruit is forbidden, but they know exactly why. Much love you guys💪


Facts: Pablo Escobar spent 2, 500$ a month on rubber bands needed to hold the stacks of bills together.
And made 420 Million $ in one week
Let that sink in for a moment.


Former user. Tbh it was never worth it. Hella expensive and the comedowns made me want to die


I quit cocaine 3 hour's ago. Best decision of my life!


One year sober baby! No longer craving it, even when I drink. Best feeling ever.


Thank you for explaining how the addiction works. Very well explained.


Shits only good when it's free. I've tried it 4-5 times but never felt the need to buy any. One time it was really good tho.


I’m only 20 years old. I’m currently struggling with this coke addiction. I never thought I’d even have this problem. It’s not worth it trust me. Because once you want to quit it’ll be the hardest thing ever. Don’t touch coke.


Stay away from coke lmao, the comedown will have you awake at 4 in the morning staring at the ceiling by yourself, wondering when tf you’re gonna be able to fall asleep, then the next day you gotta recover from that shit. NO JOKE


I'm 24 and started doing it when I turn 18 worst mistake I've ever done now I am a failure to my parents eyes I hate it I wish I can just quit but it is not that simple every God Damm time I have money I spent it I just lost a great job and I've been having depression since I was 13 and everytime im comming down from it reality hits and in comes suicidal thoughts stay away from this drug


5-90 minutes of being high? GODDAMN those estimates are even vaguer than socialblade's revenue estimates.


*when cocaine is said in a video*
Youtube: Alright ima just demonitize you real quick.


I’ve feared this drug since seeing a good friend of mine fall into it heavy in hs and it was a catalyst for many, many problems for him. I’ve been around it a bunch and just never let myself succumb.


I had like 3 lines by now gonna hit another now cheers


Me and my friends used to only use it every now and then and now we can't go out without it and some of them are taking it the second they wake up. This helped me know whats going on biologically so I know what way to go about helping us cut back (I hope) like im watching this video rn high on it. To everyone who's curious about it, all these comments are right. Its a short high and yes it does feel great but it will drain your bank account, your sanity and one side affect we've all suffered is we've all gone from really empathetic people to really apathetic people. So please avoid this if you can but if you're going to then please weigh up the risks and consequences first.


You mean Coca-Cola in the late 1800s? 😅


It makes you think coke is all you need to be happy, by the time I realised it wasn't, I had 10 years of broken relationships to try and repair, still trying to figure that one out
