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#Roblox​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #TussyGames #Gaming
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Dandy’s world is a game to buy character to get machines done and get incore if you’re at one or two hearts, you can pick up bands and meds to get hearts you need to get machines done. And get research to buy character you need to research on twisted to get their trinket. If you are doing a dandy run, you can’t buy cause if you don’t buy the point of the run is you don’t buy to get dandy upset and he gets twisted there is 24 characters you get incore by completing floors and picking up research capsules❤




Hey, I'm a decently skilled player at this game so I'll give you a few tips if you ever revisit it!

Tip 1:
If you are getting chased by a Twisted (the monsters), hide behind and object, if you manage to hide for long enough they will lose interest in you and wander around instead of following you. Some twisteds (Like Shrimpo, the fish) can see you from further away and will chase you for longer, while some are faster but won't chase you for as long as others would (Like Toodles, the baby).

Tip 2:
Repair machines furthest away from the elevator first and the ones near it last, this will make getting to the elevator intime a lot easier. This does not have to be applied if you have a Goob on your team. (He can pull players towards him, so he can pull players to the elevator)

Tip 3:
Some Toons (the characters you play as) are better at certain things. Some are better at distracting the twisteds(Distracters), while some are better at machines(Extractors). Some are decent (not amazing a all) at everything (Survivalist/wellrounded characters).

Tip 4:
I suggest using these new-player friendly toons, don't use any others as they either require skill or are way to valuable to the team, meaning that if you die, the whole server will be upset.
1. Poppy (Probably the best starter toon)
2. Boxten (Second best ^^)
3. Toodles (She's well rounded but relies on RNG)
4.Scraps (She's very easy to play and can easily escape encounters with Twisteds with her high stamina and ability to pull herself to teamates, definitely pick her up asap as she's very well rounded)
5. Razzle and Dazzle (Very well rounded but pretty expensive)

Tip 5:
Never ever buy or play Shrimpo (the fish). He should only be played if you want a challenge since all of his stats suck and twisteds will always chase you and prioritize you over any other player once they see you because of his passive ability: "Bully". (And no he doesn't easily get away since he moves just as fast as someones grandma and only has 100 stamina which is the lowest in the game)


"oh and that little evil baby oOo what is that is going after me im going to run out of stamina I wasted al my Stamina that thing is going To get me dude!" That had me dying


4:49 goob is good for baiting twisteds because of his low stealth and high speed
9:55 not if you get both the aimbot siblings (goob and scraps)…


play dandys world again with new toons


Toons are the good ones like poppy and boxten but twisteds are the evil version of the good ones


I am.I’ve heard about this game on roblox




1:23 just to tel you. It’s not really like doors. There’s more then 100 floors. It’s endless until you die. Also I’ll make more tips or… fun facts in my replies


it’s dandover they’re starting to take notice


Plss play Chateau Cosflop by TheAvastMan next🎉


The 1 that has Red and blue Hands his name is goob


Tussy im gonna show you what the name of the characters 1: rodger is the magnifying glass head i will show you later


I felt like I wanted to say this. Continued in replies

Here’s some tips, if you’re spotted by a twisted, find an object up you can loop around, wether it’s wide or not, as long as you can loop around it, if you do it enough times they’ll lose interest. If you’re spotted while working on a machine, they game will make you stop extracting so you have more time to run.

Now for toons and Twisteds: Toons are the characters you play as. They have requirements you can view, both to buy them. And for their mastery. Once you complete the mastery. You get a cool skin. Twisteds are their monster counterparts, capsules and twisted encounters give you twisted research, which you can view in the twisted icon in the lobby. Capsules give you 1% research while encounters give you 5%, 2% and 10% respectively of you’re playing as Rodger. Getting 50% research on a twisted gives you a twisted description. Getting 100% gives you a trinket.

First we’ll do side toons and Twisteds. Side toons are toons with 3 hearts and 1 ability. Side Twisteds are basically twisteds you don’t have to worry to much about, aside from 2. They have 3 subcategories

The normal sides: basically the toons who’s twisted counterparts have nothing too special

Boxten the Music Box: Has a passive ability called Wind-up. His extraction speed increases the more people you’re playing with. Maxes at 48%. His twisted form doesn’t have anything special. Do I recommend him: Only if you like playing with people and want machines to be done quick.
Poppy the Bubble: Has a passive ability called Panic Pop. If hit by a twisted, gains a speed boost to get away quick. Her Twisted form doesn’t have anything special. Do I recommend her: if you want to get a quick getaway.
Shrimpo the Shrimp: Has a passive ability called Bully. just makes him even worse than what his stats say. His twisted form has good eyesight, and fairly sized aggravation distance. But he’s easy to lose. Do I recommend him: If you have a death wish.
Toodles the 8-Ball: Has an active ability called Beginner’s Luck. She gains a boost to a random stat for a few secs. Has a 25 sec cooldown. Her twisted form is pretty fast, but easy to lose. Do I recommend her: Not really, but if ya wanna, go for it.
Brightney the Lamp: Has an active ability called Night Light. She can highlight Twisteds’ positions during blackouts for a few secs. Has a 45 sec cooldown. Her twisted form has a high Aggro distance. Do I recommend her: If you are cautious and have good reaction time then sure.
Tisha the Tissue Box: Has an active ability called Tidy Up!. She can increase others speed for few secs, but not her own. Has a 50 sec cooldown. Her twisted form can stop moving for a while and camp near machines and the elevator. Do I recommend her: Definitely.
Teagan the Teacup: Has an active ability called Tea Time. She can use 100 tapes to heal herself by 1 heart. Has a 100 sec cooldown. Her twisted form can steal quite a portion of your tapes if you’re attacked. Do I recommend her: Well rounded, good enough.
Flutter the Butterfly: Has an active ability called Floaty Dash. She can dash away at high speeds for less than a second. Has a 45 sec cooldown. Her twisted form is pretty fast, but with enough stamina, you can most likely lose her. Do I recommend her: If you like distracting.

Stationary sides: Toons who’s twisted counterparts are stationary unless triggered

Rodger the Spyglass: Has a passive ability called Detective. He gains Twice the amount of research of Twisteds from both encounters and capsules. His twisted form hides in a fake capsule, if clicked he’ll come out and stay for a few secs, if you’re seen by him you’ll lose a heart. Real capsules have film tape around them. A Rodger capsule doesn’t. If activated, he will apply Confused 3 and Slow 3 for 5 secs. Do I recommend him: Only if you want research faster.
Razzle and Dazzle the Twin Masks: Has a passive ability called Comedy and Tragedy: They gain a speed boost in odd number floors and an extraction speed boost in even number floors. They’re twisted form creates a red circle around them. It’s fine to walk in the circle, and you can survive doing a machine if it’s inside the circle. But running in the circle will trigger them and they will damage everyone in the circle, or at least the person ran. Do I recommend them: No, they’re not exactly worth it.

Distance sides: Toons who’s twisted counterparts can damage you from a distance, these 2 are the sides you need to worry about

Scraps the Paper Craft: Has an active ability called Crafty Grapple. Her tail can pull herself to a targeted toon’s position no matter how far. Needs direct line of sight. Has a 30 sec cooldown. Her Twisted form can also extend her tail and do damage from a big distance. But can’t pull herself towards you. Whether her tail manages to hit you or not. After extending her tail, she will chase you. Best to quickly get out of her sight. Do I recommend her: If you’re playing with a group of people then sure. Otherwise you’re good as gone.
Goob the Fluffy Craft: Has an active ability called Hug!. He can pull others to his position. Needs direct line of sight. Has a 30 sec cooldown. His twisted form is arguably the most dangerous side twisted. He basically just does what his Toon counterpart does. But unlike Scraps, He doesn’t damage you the moment he gets a grip of you. The moment he gets a grip of you he will pull you to him, so you have less distance from each other. Cuz of that, you use stamina to run away from him and get to an object, and use more stamina to loop around the object. Do I recommend him: Very underrated, can outrun basic twisted even if walking. If you’re playing in a group, he can distract twisteds while everyone else works. If you’re more focused on that then machines then yes. He’s even good if it’s just a solo.

Main Toons and Twisteds: Main toons have two abilities at the cost of having only 2 hearts. Their twisted counterparts are the ones you have to worry about, thankfully they don’t appear in floors under floor 5. They have no subcategories.

Astro the Moon: Has an active ability called Nap Time and a passive ability called Well Rested: His active ability makes everyone around him fully restore their stamina. Has a 75 sec cooldown. His passive ability makes him restore stamina 50% faster. His twisted form is arguably the least dangerous main twisted. If you miss a skill check he’ll come to the machine. If you’re not in his line of sight he’ll just regress your progress on it. Same goes of you leave a machine unfinished and he just randomly finds it. He will apply Tired 3 for 10 secs if you’re chased by him. Do I recommend him: If you don’t like playing alone and you like being support. Otherwise he’s not the best.
Vee the Television: Has an active ability called Mic Check and a passive ability called Camera Hijack. Her active ability highlights all Twisteds on the floor for a few secs regardless of a blackout. Has a 60 sec cooldown. Her passive ability highlights the nearest uncompleted machine. Her twisted form can summon pop ups on your screen, you can get rid of them by clicking the X button. Button, not key. And if you miss a skill check on a machine. No matter where they (I think Vee’s pronouns are she/they) are, she will come to the machine. She will apply Slow 2 for 5 secs if you’re chased by her. Do I recommend her: If you’re cautious, good at looping, and like playing in a group. Sure.
Shelly the Shell: Has an active ability called Inspiration and a passive ability called Problem Solver. Her active ability can boost the extraction speed of a targeted toon for a few secs. Has a 60 sec cooldown. Her twisted form will continuously apply the Confused 2 debuff. It’s a bit of a problem where you have a lot of machines to do as extracting would be very slow. She is also rather fast. Do I recommend her: Underrated, Yes.
Pebble the Stone Dog: Has an active ability called Fetch! and a passive ability called Survival Instincts. His active ability highlights all items in their vicinity. Has a 30 sec cooldown. Their passive ability gives them more stamina and stealth at 1 heart. Their Twisted form Has the highest aggro distance and speed than any other Twisted. If they see you. Just either pray to God you’ll lose it or use an eject button. Do I recommend them: basically the same as Goob but I don’t think they’re that good solo.
Dandy the Flower: Not a playable toon. His twisted form can be activated if ya don’t buy from dandy 3 times in a row. Even then he might not appear the next floor. You’ll know he’s in the floor if the music from Dandy’s shop is playing on the floor you’re in. If he spots you and manages to attack you, it’s insta kill, no matter what toon, what trinket, or what item ya have.


Can you please play pet simulator 90 or Skibbe to tower defence you used to play but you don’t play anymore and there’s so much updates


Go to morph

world. There's new updates


Go to morph world because there's a new update


Help, what happened to twisted pebble in the thumbnail 😭
