How I Use Notion to Organize My Life, Work, and Studies (Full Note-Taking and Learning Setup)

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In this video, I'll give you an in-depth look at my complete learning system inside Notion. I'll show you how I use it for productivity, managing my life, and organizing my studies so you can build your own. Extended Brain is the ultimate system I wish I had. It can do so much more like track habits, projects, goals, and tasks.

🙏 Thanks for watching!
- Mike and Matty

0:00 The Lifelong Learning System
0:45 Using The GROW Method
5:08 Smart Scheduling
7:53 How to Learn Faster with AI
14:58 Organizing Notes and Resources
16:55 Note-Taking and Web Clipping
22:07 Building Your Own Learning System
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I'm so stoked to finally share the complete learning system I've been building in Notion. If you'd like the plug-and-play template, head to

In addition to the template, you'll get detailed video tutorials, an in-depth user manual, and join a community of lifelong learners for support and good vibes. Either way hope you enjoy the video, get inspired, and comment below what you're currently working on! I'd love to know


Pro tip!
As a user of this system, I wanted to share some thoughts!
This video covered a lot of details about the template, and there is even more to discover once you get into it.
However, especially at the start, all of these incredible features feel overwhelming.
So, if you are like me and thought, "Wow, that seems like a lot" while watching, here is my advice:
Start small and start slow!
Implement whatever feels comfortable and actionable initially, and don't worry about the rest!
Once you have become more comfortable with the workflow, you can start to utilize more of the features of the template!
Starting with this approach has enabled me to form a habit with Notion.
Instead of being overwhelmed and spending too much time just trying to organize things, the system became second nature and easy to implement during the middle of a college semester!
Last thing, if you are new to Notion, don't worry. Matty and a community of others will be there to help you on your journey to become more organized and productive!


I just want to say: FUCKING AMAZING Guys!

I remember when I joined this channel(which is now more than just a channel) back when it was still Mike & Matty and the evolution that the channel has gone through is just nuts.

It has always been a channel that always provides non-repetitive information about studying, productivity and self-improvement, but the evolution is maddd!

The confidence you guys speak with now, the creative ideas for study skills, the self-improvement and self-discovery content, productivity, even financial advice haha...I mean, this no longer is just a "Studying channel".

Cajun Koi Academy is more like a lifestyle now, and I can't say enough how much this channel has changed my life, from efficient study methods, notion templates for organization that give me peace of mind, community, focus training...

Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you Mike and Matty(old school haha)!
Keep going guys! You're forging something epic here.

Rookie out!


We appreciate how well you've articulated your insights. Keep up the good work.


You look really radiant through the video Matty. Good energy, nice frequency, well articulated and spoken ideas.

This is video is very well done, peak editing too.
Nice work🦾💯


I used to use all these second brain stuff with Roam, Obsidian, and Notion and the problem is that any benefits are outweighed by the setup and maintenance time for the system. A simple calendar for deadlines and to-do list will provide the same benefits without all the time investment.


Whoa! 🤯
Love to see you using the Arc browser! Lol
I recently switched and have been loving it


00:01 Using Notion for an organized learning system
01:49 Using Notion for visual tracking and managing review schedule.
05:42 Focus on the key 20% of material to be more efficient in studying.
07:32 Notion makes it simple to decide what to study and reduces test anxiety.
11:16 Identifying and understanding relationships between concepts is crucial for effective learning.
13:11 Using Notion AI for active studying and learning
17:05 Utilizing Save to Notion browser extension to organize and store notes and knowledge.
18:47 Save highlights from web articles and YouTube videos directly into Notion with personal commentary.
22:14 Extended Brain is helpful for anyone looking to manage their life in a streamlined way.


Thanks for sharing! I got a little confused about the relation between projects and sprints. Do projects mean to take a long time to complete while sprints suits for tasks requires for shorter time? What about the TASK?


It felt like a life time but as always, they're always on time.


Make a video about how to prevetn frequent gas.


hello just want to recommend that you should let other people know about your website that is about what brain type we have and many things that can help us students. I noticed that maybe most of your new subscribers didn't know.


Love your investment in the community!! Just curious if we have an existing Notion template of yours, can we integrate all the data into this new second brain template?


1st one here

Great Video and the best Collaboration ever!


This looks fantastic, but $97? Cmon guys, I ain’t got that kinda money lying around. 😢


Thy extended brain was supposed to be thy nearest humans, these videos are a window into yer methods and a chance to share.


Is the EB too much for a non student? Your Lite version is really baller, but I’d be down for more functionality.


1) Scheduling

2) Learning

3) Organizing


have you made a video about how to solve a question paper productively. what i mean to say is that so many students loss there marks just because they dont know how to represent there answer in the paper
your videos are amazing all the best for the future.


Please bring a video on this topic although it is really small but it triggers me a lot sometimes "whenever i meet a whole group of people like a group of friends or classroom those voices are stuck in my head ... they say random words and sentences in my head ... it's to this extend that sometimes i read anything or even think anything in their voice only " similar thing happens when some song gets stuck in the brain....also this song thing is so frequent with me...i can't figure out why exactly i have these issues
