Are you LIMITING yourself in Architecture?

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Architecture is not 'one' field, it is part of a vast web of fields + relationships. The brain is conditioned to compartmentalize and separate, but in reality, it's one big 'soup' where everything is interconnected. I wonder: What would happen if you saw Architecture this way? Would you still want to try and fit into a box, or would you rather see your studies as a creative foundation to leap, venture into + merge with the Whole?
Please enjoy! And know that I appreciate you. Thank you for who you are + everything you do in the world.
Hi, Rebel! I'm Inés, an Architecture graduate with a passion for human Potential and collective change. I create videos to inspire you to transform from the inside out through the (often not taught) soft skill of Self-Awareness. The planet is going through a seismic shift, and it's time to step up, share y/our gifts + transform. The world is hungry for change. Let's go!
Creating Change Starts From Within // Activism // Self-Awareness
#selfawareness #architectureislimitless #architectureisnotabox #everythingisarchitecture
Please enjoy! And know that I appreciate you. Thank you for who you are + everything you do in the world.
Hi, Rebel! I'm Inés, an Architecture graduate with a passion for human Potential and collective change. I create videos to inspire you to transform from the inside out through the (often not taught) soft skill of Self-Awareness. The planet is going through a seismic shift, and it's time to step up, share y/our gifts + transform. The world is hungry for change. Let's go!
Creating Change Starts From Within // Activism // Self-Awareness
#selfawareness #architectureislimitless #architectureisnotabox #everythingisarchitecture
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