2 days alone in the forest, gardening, cooking, animal care, building life,

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2 days alone in the forest, gardening, cooking, animal care, building life,
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In this video, I am determined to successfully build a garden, grow all kinds of vegetables, and take care of animals on the farm,

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#lythibin #lythibinh2024 #building #LoveLife #buildinglife #gardening #cooking #offgrid #pregnant
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Camera: Sony A7Cii
Lens: Tamron 35-150mm f/2-2.8 Di III VXD for Sony E
Sony FE 16-35mm F2.8 GM
Editing: Capcut PC Pro
Рекомендации по теме

Ly Thi Binh and Dough .I've been watching yall's life together since the beginning. May God continue to bless each other .Yall are a blessed couple...the hard work and determination you two have is remarkable from a Mother's heart I'm so proud of you two as if your mine .The beautiful little Heartbeat that will change yall's life forever is a blessing from God .Always remember to communicate with each other and hold each other tight in your arms ..I'm extremely excited and waiting patiently for the arrival of this beautiful little Soul to make his or hers voice heard ..Stay strong and remember you two will make awesome parents!! Sending lots of love and hugs your way !! From the state of Tennessee..


Homem Guerreiro eu te admiro muito Caprichoso trabalhador e amoroso com a esposa e os animais😢😢


Hermosa Pareja. Bendiciones para sus vidas ❤️🙏 desde Argentina


Eu admiro você porque é um homem bom e ama os animais.


Doung ademiro - te muito, parabéns por teres tudo sempre bem coidado 😘


Greetings Ly Thi Binh and Dough, I am feeling happy when I am opening my phone for the excitement I'm going to watch. My children I am wishing you all the best and Ly Thi Binh's mother she must understand and except you as her son in law. The baby to be is on the way and you must be involved. You can't be left out from your child, the Almighty He must give you and your family protection and the blessings.


Bom dia de luz e paz pra prá vcs dois aí viu Duong e Lýt ❤❤❤


Congratulation in advance couple .soon the baby will come out ..keep safe on dilivering the little angel may god provide ur needs and protect ur family always..god bless couple..


❤❤deus abençoe sempre vc sua família binh doung amor vcs cuidar bem


Hello Binh and Doung. Praying for your safe delivery soonest. It makes your family complete, the baby. God bless and love you both 🙏❤🇵🇭


Oboje jesteście atrakcyjni fizycznie, pracowici i bardzo kreatywni.Jednym słowem esteci.


Hello Ly Thi Binh and your very kind sweetheart. I'm happy to watch your nice and beautiful video. 💚💚💚🙏🙏🙏


Amo assistir seus vídeos parabéns, Bhin pelo homem que escolheu pra ser seu marido e pai do seu filho que Deus continue abençoando vocês uma abençoada semana 🙏💕😘


Parabéns vcs são muito caprichosos, que Deus abençoe vcs e seu bebê 🍼


Olá casal maravilhoso meu carinho especial a vcs 💋💋💋🎉


Just an idea 💡🤔 since I have a regular water source, maybe Duong could make a little pond with running water with fish and then send the water to irrigate the garden like aqua phonics 😮 that would be so awesome. They could have a little fish pond that would be an extra food source . Duong n Binh are strong resourceful and smart. I know they can do something like that. Blessings to both of you and your little family.


Binh is so blessed to have a wonderful husband like you, Your baby is going to be so awesome. It is good that you get the gardening and the farm going. You want to have all that ready by the time Binh get back with the baby. It is good she’s at the mom‘s house so the mom can help Binh give birth. Binh get ready when the baby comes you need to be healthy and strong cause Duong will still need to go to work to take his family.


Boa tarde meu casal grávido.Amo a simplicidade, o caráter, o amor e o carinho do Duong para com a Binh.Ele é um jovem inteligente, trabalhador, humilde e muito responsável. Vc om certeza cuidará de Binh e do bebê dentro de suas possibilidades.Admiro esse rapaz desde que o conheci.Deus abençoe sempre esse casal.🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷


Bonjour Duong , et Lyy tho binh j attend que vous vous retrouvez ensemble avec le bébé pour vivre des moments de bonheur prenez soin de vous 💓💖💕❤️🌟


Se ve tan hermosa la granja.
Es muy laborioso y duro pero muy hermoso.

Felicidades por el próximo nacimiento de vuestro bebé.
