StarCraft 2: REAPER SURPRISES - Professional 2v2! (Maru & ByuN vs Solar & Ryung)

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Best-of-5 series of StarCraft 2 played in 2v2. Normally we don't see many pro games played in 2v2, but these games from the OlimoLeague are a lot of fun.

StarCraft 2 is a military science fiction real-time strategy video game developed and released by Blizzard Entertainment.

#StarCraft2 #SC2 #RTS

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Translation misses and corrections:
1:02 Ryung: Byun, mech vs mech?
Ryung: Byun must be afk
Solar: your elder is speaking
Byun: Oh;; I just started

4:08 Byun: wtf, where is ryung? There was no micro on the hellions
Ryung: oh I just started(he's trolling byun by copying what he said earlier)

8:00 Ryung: ah --
Maru: ??
Solar: GG
Ryung: Maru, let's keep quiet when playing
Maru: ok, thank you
Ryung: Byun, let's talk when broadcasting
Ryung: If you are going to play seriously, go play ladder instead
(cultural note: In korea, the oldest has the most authority in a group and Ryung is using that authority to kinda bully and verbally push the other players around. It's a fucked up part of korean culture and I quit my dream job in korea because of it and now I make youtube videos so I don't have to work with anyone. Ryung isn't being malicious tho. He's just talking shit for the giggles.)

9:28 Maru: *cries
Ryung: lol
Maru: thanks, bye

Maru: lol
Maru: These couldn't possibly die

12:09 Ryung: Shut up, but do reply.
Maru: I'm busy

12:24 byun: haha gg, you mech and lurker one trick ponies.
ryung: alt Q
byun: sigh tsk tsk
ryung: get out

17:47 Ryung: I'm staying alive thanks to Byun
24:29 Ryung: Byun tsk tsk tsk All you can do is 3 barracks reaper
Byun: lol (z and ㅋ are the same key on a korean keyboard)
Ryung: tsk tsk
Maru: lol
Byun: lol
Solar: 3 barracks one trick pony tsk tsk
24:45 ryung: ban reapers?
Byun: ok
Byun: ban on this round
Maru: what's the fine for getting a reaper?
Solar: if you make a reaper, you gotta forfeit your blizzcon trophy
Byun: no reapers allowed for real.
Ryung: it's really not allowed
Byun: I keep my promises
Maru: I already got a reaper, what should I do?
Ryung: Maru's not allowed
Maru: ok

Solar: Do I see 3 barracks?
Byun: I'm getting marines
Solar: Do you like money that much?? Let's play a paid match
Ryung: I just imagined you getting giddy making 3 barracks
Byun: I know you guys are smiling while chatting lol

27:11 Byun: Bye
Solar: At least tell us who you are going for
Byun: Should have trusted trustworthy people
Ryung: wow, what a switcharoo

30:23 Ryung: wait!
Ryung: gg

30:45 Solar: ??
Byun: cuz I see what you did, Solar lol
Ryung: as expected, you recognize a lazy trick right away
Byun: a 6 barracks build up is quite bothersome
Maru: lol you must have really hated reapers so much
Solar: If I played zerg, I will just lose
Ryung: If you didn't switch, you would have been screwed even if you knew the reapers were coming. Defend by switching race

33:06 Ryung: You must have been so excited to see that we are meeting already
Ryung: hold on, just one person

34:49 Ryung: Stop it already
Maru: Ait, I'm leaving
Ryung: Who told you to come here first? Maru, quit it already
Byun: Sweet potato (sweet potato in korean kinda sounds like stop)
Ryung: I said stop not sweet potato
Byun: Thanks (Thanks also kinda sounds like stop in korean)
Ryung: Solar, stop it with the oracles. I just noticed it's 3:1 already

35:59 Ryung: Byun, stop sending reapers
Solar: gg
Ryung: gg

Lowko I would love to be your translator for these kind of games. I'm fluent in both english and korean and understand the nuances in both languages. My internal monologue switches between korean and english so I can translate super fast. Please invite me! Tell me how to reach you!

If you guys appreciated my translation, I sculpt pokemon in my channel so please check it out <3


I love these 2v2 matches. Basically it is entirely a Just Chatting stream by the older Korean gentlemen doing some sort of SC challenges.


These 2v2s are just missed opportunities to make 800 zerglings at once


“No reapers okay? If you make reapers you gotta give me your blizzcon trophy.”
*both teams proceed to make reapers*


Credits to the Observer for making rough translations of the in-game chat!


I think It is hard for Solar to play against this two guys mentally, considering that they both managed to nuke his whole army in competitive matchups. This guy often is so unlucky)


28:35 That roach jumped above a building xD


Solar: I'll play a nice macro game, 3 hatch before pool. Byun+Maru: proxy 4 rax reaper


if both maru and byun reaper rushed me twice id be a bit salty too tbh


"You can always send resources to your opponent, that's fine"

- Lowko 2021


Oh dang this was awesome. Lost Temple is one of my favourite maps of all time. I still play A.I. games on it sometimes


I was wondering if nuking wouldn't be a fun thing in 2vs2. while you just need one player to nuke there are two players on the other side who have to check their bases.


fyi, "ㅡㅡ" is not Byun censoring himself. ㅡㅡ is a Korean emoji for a frowning face, and the line is supposed to be the shape of an eye when people frown (which might seem offensive to foreigners, but back when people first made this emoji, slant eyes pose wasn't really a thing. Or maybe it was, but as far as I know, Koreans have never associated it with slant eyes). Korean emojis, especially the old emojis (early 2000s), draw faces horizontally. Smiliing emoji used to be something like ^_^ or ^^ or ^.^ with "^" being an eye and "_" or "." being a mouth. ㅋㅋ is also a laughing emoji, but ㅋ signifies the sound of a person giggling, not a facial expression. Think of it as the difference between :) and lol. Frowning emoji can be -_- or ㅡㅡ or ㅡ.ㅡ or something in a similar variation. One or more semicolon can also signify a person sweating in awkwardness, embarrassment, frustration, or something similar because a semicolon looks like a sweat dropping from a person's face. So, for example, if someone makes a really cheesy dad joke, people used to type something like ㅡㅡ;;.
Btw, I said "used to" because these are indeed kinda old emojis (like long before facebook). I don't think young Koreans these days ever use something like ^_^ without being sarcastic. (Having said that, I am not a young Korean myself, and as an old man like Byun, I have no idea what emojis kids use these days.) The only emojis that maybe survived are ㅡㅡ and semicolons. But even then, semicolons are no longer used with a face emoji, but rather, they just appear at the end of the sentence. So if you want to use it, you would just end your sentence like this;; The whole face emoiji in general died out since like 10 years ago.

EDIT: I can't believve I forgot about a crying face. Crying emoji can be ㅜㅜ or ㅠㅠ or ㅜ_ㅜ or ㅠ_ㅠ or anything in these variations.

EDIT2: Just to comment on the translation, translating Byun's "아ㅡㅡ" as "what the" is a creative translation which isn't 100% faithful to the original, but weirdly enough, I think it is a much better translation than something like "Ah :(". ㅡㅡ is a frowning/sad face, but it is much more aggressive than :(. ㅡㅡ looks like you are actively annoyed at something, dumbfounded at what is happening around you, or you are upset but you are kinda holding it back.


28:36 Roaches can apparently fly to the other side of a Supply Depot, thus negating the building wall.


I miss those old maps, they had a lot of personality.


Imagine if someone makes a tournament where they pool all the 1v1 maps from all the seasons and all the expansions, and choose 5 or 3 maps at random for a Bo3/Bo5, that'd be really cool.


"And following the synchronized swimming we have a new event at the 2024 Summer games, Synchronized StarCraft 2 Cheese!Maru and Byun with a beautiful first showing here, ah just look at the gracefulness with which these SCVs build, such wonder."


2v2 is so much more fun to watch, great cast Lowko!


I know they were memeing a bit, but real talk: Maru + ByuN is such a scary opponent! Maru is such a great tactician, and ByuN can be overwhelmingly aggressive. I would love to see them team up again, omg <3


I wish they would adjust hydras too, they are too much glass and not enough cannon. I would keep their health the same, but reduce their resource cost a little and maybe drop damage by 1 or 2.
