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Emma Mae is joined by Mary Kate Robertson on this week’s episode to talk about friendships, motherhood, and finding solitude with God while having a lot of roles and responsibilities in your everyday life. Mary Kate brings so much encouragement about the power of prayer, talks about what she hopes to be remembered for by her children and grandchildren, and gives wise advice regarding “mom guilt”. No matter what season of life you are in, this episode is sure to be a conversation that will bless you in your walk with the Lord.

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I have a CHRISTmas cactus someone gave me several months ago & it was like 99% dead! I revived it & it has 2 buds that are about to pop open any minute!!!! 🤗🤗


Thank you for your ministry Emma. I adore your channel. Xx


Love you ladies! Glad to hear some wisdom from Mary Kate and Emma! Especially as someone who is not married and without kids but expecting both in the future and trying to take note of some of the learning points.


In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. He created humans too to have a relationship with Him. That's our purpose as humans that have a relationship with God. Sin, however, messed that up because it made us imperfect and imperfect creatures cannot have a relationship with a perfect and holy God. That's why we so oftentimes feel empty, unsatisfied and unaccomplished because we're not in relationship with the God we were created to be in a relationship with. But that's where Jesus comes in. Jesus is God's son and He came down to earth in human form to live the same life we do yet unlike us He never sinned. Jesus is perfect. Yet despite the fact He is perfect He died on the cross for our sins and sacrifice Himself for us. The punishment for our sins is death but because Jesus took that punishment for us if we put our faith in Him and receive Him as Lord and savior we can be reconciled to God and be restored to that relationship we were created to have. And we can be sure that Jesus is the Son of God because on the 3rd day God raised Him from the dead and in that He defeated death and the grave, proving that He can do the same for us if we put our faith in trust in Him. That's how you get to Heaven. That's how you become full in your heart. That's how you become reconciled to the God who created you.


I love you guys! Thank you for much needed encouragement as Ik the enemy is trying to put me through spiritual warfare!


The book of origin says, those who seek the path to enlightment, must not be led astray
