Post-Brexit Britain: An Authoritarian State. Truth To Power

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The channel where we speak truth to power about British politics, and challenge the establishment narrative peddled by the overwhelmingly right wing press and BBC. In the words of Noam Chomsky, "power knows the truth already, and is busy concealing it". Let's make it hard for them to do so, on Brexit, Corruption, the Economy, the NHS, Electoral Reform, Taxation, Equality, and Climate Change.

As the Tories’ love affair with the union jack becomes ever more obsessive, is it just a distraction from Tory incompetence and Tory corruption? Or is authoritarianism all part and parcel of the government's post-Brexit agenda? We look at 4 indicators of authoritarianism and judge whether post-Brexit Britain is indeed an authoritarian state.

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00:00 Introduction
00:41 Restrictions On Individual Freedoms
03:10 The Use of Patriotism To Control The Electorate
03:50 Voter Suppression Tactics
05:25 Government Control Of The Media

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In short, J. Goebbels would have been proud of the Tories accomplishments!


First of all this is a very informative channel. Well done and keep it up.
I was (and still am) devestated by the Brexit vote result back in 2016. What I didn't appreciate at that time was the possible path to Authoritarianism; actually, it's only since Johnson became PM, when he surrounded himself with YES ministers, that it became blatently obvious that this is the absolute objective for this tory government because once they gain this control, they will have it forever. When the police bill gets forced through there is nothing the British public can do to stop them.


The Government and it's Union Jack-Boot! OMG what are we going to do? This is scary stuff!!


How long before every public building has a picture of Boris in every room.


Not only does the UK need a PR voting system, but also an elected upper house like we have in Germany.


As a German I just don't get the issue with voter IDs. To vote here in Germany you have to have a valid ID or passport. You get one when you are 16 and then you need to renew it every 10 years. When there is an election, you get a letter that tells you where to vote or to opt-in for mail voting. When you go to the poll you give the letter+your ID and you vote. What is the big deal?


If you read the signs on resent developing policies, Britain is marching into a fascist regime quickly. Doesn't anyone else see the signs here?


5:15 Mainlander here (Dutch). Are you telling me that you people don't have ID cards or passports up there ? Everybody and his wife has one here. Even pets have their pets passports. And yes: carrying an ID card, passport or drivers license on you at all times is MANDATORY.

We don't have to register to vote: you ARE already registered since you're registered in your municipality and they will send the relevant documents to your address. You just have to bring your voting card and your ID to the local polling station, you're striped off the list and you receive your ballot.


Very good analysis, Rob! However it will become worst, if we do nothing...


The species of libertarian currently festering in the tory party does not like to be subject to rules or restrictions of any kind, including not being restricted in imposing rules and restrictions on 3rd parties.


Combine alĺ that with more submarines (full of nukes), and thoughts wander back to another country in the 1930ies until 1945.
Scary stuff... 🙄


5:12 Not sure if that's really accurate, I think much of that demographic voted for brexit and the Tories.


I must have missed something ... What happened to your YouTube channel you appeared with that other guy? 🤔
Did you rename that channel to this one?


Brexit voter: I am a loser and my life is shit but I am too thick or lazy to do anything about it. But at least I can turn everyone else's life to shit so I can feel better about my own.



Every one is jumping on that band wagon.


Hi. Yes it's not good i agree. But look on the bright side - THIS IS AN EXCELLENT OPPERTUNITY TO CHANGE THE SCRIPT. In fact, it's obvious to me that if we are to go forward with any kind of freedom we simply MUST COME TOGETHER, STOP DISLIKING EACH OTHER AND CHANGE HOW THE COUNTRY IS RUN AND WHO RUNS IT - AND MOREOVER WAYS OF MAKING THEM FAR MORE ACCOUNTABLE THAT THEY ARE ALREADY. No i never said it would be easy. But things can't stay as they are, and it's up to the people to change it. Remember, all those powerful politicians (well most of them anyway) came from the same backgrounds and starting points as us.
